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and on the eighth day were present at the circumcision of the child. but upon their proposing to call him by his father's name, Zacharias: his mother objected to it,

At length the time appointed by the law of Moses for the purification of women being accomplish'd, they carried the infant to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, according as his law directs,

and he charg'd him not to tell any man: but go, said he, present your self to the priest, and offer what the law requires for your purification, that it may be an evidence to them.

On another sabbath-day it happen'd, that he went into the synagogue to preach, where a man was present, who had the palsy in his right hand.

wo unto you that are full: for you shall be in want. wo unto you that indulge in present pleasure: for mourning and sorrow shall attend you.

all that were present were seized with dread, and glorified God, saying, a great prophet is risen up among us, and God has visited his people.

being inform'd by those that were present, by what means the demoniac had been cured.

I declare unto you, there are some here present, who shall not die, till they see the Messiah reign.

while Peter, and the others with him, were overwhelm'd with sleep: but when they wak'd, they observed his glory, and the two persons present with him,

At the same time, there were some present, who gave Jesus an account of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

As he was teaching in a synagogue on the sabbath-day, a woman was present,

There was likewise present a counsellor, named Joseph, a man of probity and justice, one who had never abetted the contrivances and proceedings of the Jews.

behold my hands, and my feet. for I am bodily present, touch me and consider me; for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have: