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"When you are invited by anyone to a wedding supper, never take the best place, for someone of greater distinction than you may have been invited,

but will not rather say to him, 'Get my supper ready, and dress yourself and wait on me until I eat and drink, and you yourself can eat and drink afterward'?

and say to the owner of the house, 'Our Teacher says to you, "Where is the room in which I am to eat the Passover supper with my disciples?"'

So they went off and found it just as He had said, and they prepared the Passover supper.

And He said to them, "I have heartily desired to eat this Passover supper with you before I suffer.

In like manner after supper He took a cup of wine, and said, "This cup of wine is the new covenant to be ratified by my blood, which is to be poured out for you.