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They therefore, when they had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the Good News to many villages of the Samaritans.

But Philip was found at Azotus. Passing through, he preached the Good News to all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.

We bring you good news of the promise made to the fathers,

When they had preached the Good News to that city, and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,

When there had been much discussion, Peter rose up and said to them, "Brothers, you know that a good while ago God made a choice among you, that by my mouth the nations should hear the word of the Good News, and believe.

When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go out to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the Good News to them.

As they were trying to kill him, news came up to the commanding officer of the regiment that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.