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But I had not in mind the sinners who are outside the church, or those who have a desire for and take the property of others, or those who give worship to images; for it is not possible to keep away from such people without going out of the world completely:

If then there are questions to be judged in connection with the things of this life, why do you put them in the hands of those who have no position in the church?

For first of all, it has come to my ears that when you come together in the church, there are divisions among you, and I take the statement to be true in part.

What? have you not houses to take your meals in? or have you no respect for the church of God, putting the poor to shame? What am I to say to you? am I to give you praise? certainly not.

He who makes use of tongues may do good to himself; but he who gives the prophet's word does good to the church.

Now though it is my desire for you all to have the power of tongues, it would give me more pleasure to be hearing the prophet's word from you; for this is a greater thing than using tongues, if the sense is not given at the same time, for the good of the church.

But in the church it would be better for me to make use of five words of which the sense was clear, so that others might have profit, than ten thousand words in a strange tongue.

If, then, the church has come together, and all are using tongues, and there come in men without knowledge or faith, will they not say that you are unbalanced?

But if there is no one to give the sense, let him keep quiet in the church; and let his words be to himself and to God.

And if they have a desire for knowledge about anything, let them put questions to their husbands privately: for talking in the church puts shame on a woman.

The churches of Asia send their love to you. So do Aquila and Prisca, with the church which is in their house.