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And this [is] the manner of the remission of debt: every {creditor} shall remit his claim that he holds against his neighbor, and he shall not exact payment [from] his brother because there remission of debt has been proclaimed unto Yahweh.

A man of another nation may be forced to make payment of his debt, but if your brother has anything of yours, let it go;

{Take care} so that there will not be {a thought of wickedness} in your heart, {saying}, 'The seventh year, the year of the remission of debt is near,' {and you view your needy neighbor with hostility}, and [so] you [do] not give to him, and he might cry [out] against you to Yahweh, and {you would incur guilt against yourself}.

If word of this comes to your ears, then let this thing be looked into with care, and if there is no doubt that it is true, and such evil has been done in Israel;

When you take an oath to the Lord, do not be slow to give effect to it: for without doubt the Lord your God will make you responsible, and will put it to your account as sin

“Do not take a pair of millstones or an upper millstone as security for a debt, because that is like taking a life as security.

'When thou liftest up on thy brother a debt of anything, thou dost not go in unto his house to obtain his pledge;

And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life:

Moses commanded them, “At the end of every seven years, at the appointed time in the year of debt cancellation, during the Festival of Booths,