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And a man of God will come to Eli and say to him, Thus said Jehovah, Revealing myself, I was revealed to the house of thy father in their being in Egypt to the house of Pharaoh.

Wo to us! who shall deliver us from the hand of these mighty gods? these those gods smiting Egypt with every blow in the desert

And why shall ye make your hearts heavy, as Egypt and Pharaoh made their heart heavy? Did he not then do wonders among them, and they will send them away, and they will go?

According to all the works which they did from the day I brought them up out of Egypt, and even to this day, and they will forsake me and serve other gods, so they do also to thee.

And he will say to the sons of Israel, Thus spake Jehovah the God of Israel, I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and I will deliver you out of the hand of Egypt, and out of the hand of all kingdoms pressing you.

And Samuel will say to the people, Jehovah who made Moses and Aaron, and who brought up your fathers from the land of Egypt

When Jacob came into Egypt, and your fathers will cry to Jehovah, and Jehovah will send Moses and Aaron, and they will bring forth your fathers from Egypt, and they will turn them back into this place.

Thus said Jehovah of armies, I reviewed what Amalek did to Israel, how he set for him in the way in his going up out of Egypt

And Saul will say to the Kenite, Go, remove, go down from the midst of the Amalekites, lest I shall add thee with him; for ye did mercy with all the sons of Israel in their coming up out of Egypt And the Kenite will remove from the midst of Amalek.

And Saul will strike Amalek from Havilah thy coming to Shur, which is upon the face of Egypt

And David will go up, and his men, and will plunder against the Geshurites and the Gezrites, and the Amalekites: and behold, the inhabitants of the land which were of old thy going to Shur, and even to the land of Egypt.