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nor do they light a lamp, and put it under the measure, but on the lamp-stand, and it shineth to all those in the house;

And Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said to them, 'Every kingdom having been divided against itself is desolated, and no city or house having been divided against itself, doth stand,

and if the Adversary doth cast out the Adversary, against himself he was divided, how then doth his kingdom stand?

'Men of Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, for they reformed at the proclamation of Jonah, and lo, a greater than Jonah here!

and one said to him, 'Lo, thy mother and thy brethren do stand without, seeking to speak to thee.'

and gathered together unto him were many multitudes, so that he having gone into the boat did sit down, and all the multitude on the beach did stand,

and if a kingdom against itself be divided, that kingdom cannot be made to stand;

and if the Adversary did rise against himself, and hath been divided, he cannot be made to stand, but hath an end.

And he said to them, 'Doth the lamp come that under the measure it may be put, or under the couch -- not that it may be put on the lamp-stand?

And he himself had known their reasonings, and said to the man having the withered hand, 'Rise, and stand in the midst;' and he having risen, stood.

And no one having lighted a lamp doth cover it with a vessel, or under a couch doth put it; but upon a lamp-stand he doth put it, that those coming in may see the light,

and it was told him, saying, 'Thy mother and thy brethren do stand without, wishing to see thee;'

and if also the Adversary against himself was divided, how shall his kingdom be made to stand? for ye say, by Beelzeboul is my casting forth the demons.

'Men of Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, because they reformed at the proclamation of Jonah; and lo, greater than Jonah here!

And no one having lighted a lamp, doth put it in a secret place, nor under the measure, but on the lamp-stand, that those coming in may behold the light.

from the time the master of the house may have risen up, and may have shut the door, and ye may begin without to stand, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, lord, open to us, and he answering shall say to you, I have not known you whence ye are,

who also said, 'Men, Galileans, why do ye stand gazing into the heaven? this Jesus who was received up from you into the heaven, shall so come in what manner ye saw him going on to the heaven.'

and he commanded the chariot to stand still, and they both went down to the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him;

and Peter raised him, saying, 'Stand up; I also myself am a man;'

said with a loud voice, 'Stand up on thy feet upright;' and he was springing and walking,

but rise, and stand upon thy feet, for for this I appeared to thee, to appoint thee an officer and a witness both of the things thou didst see, and of the things in which I will appear to thee,

saying, Be not afraid Paul; before Caesar it behoveth thee to stand; and, lo, God hath granted to thee all those sailing with thee;

Thou -- who art thou that art judging another's domestic? to his own master he doth stand or fall; and he shall be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

And thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? or again, thou, why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand at the tribunal of the Christ;

why also do we stand in peril every hour?

not that we are lords over your faith, but we are workers together with your joy, for by the faith ye stand.

because now we live, if ye may stand fast in the Lord;

and, even as Jannes and Jambres stood against Moses, so also these do stand against the truth, men corrupted in mind, disapproved concerning the faith;

for a tabernacle was prepared, the first, in which was both the lamp-stand, and the table, and the bread of the presence -- which is called 'Holy;'

and ye may look upon him bearing the gay raiment, and may say to him, 'Thou -- sit thou here well,' and to the poor man may say, 'Thou -- stand thou there, or, Sit thou here under my footstool,' --

these are the two olive trees, and the two lamp-stands that before the God of the earth do stand;

and his tail doth draw the third of the stars of the heaven, and he did cast them to the earth; and the dragon did stand before the woman who is about to bring forth, that when she may bring forth, her child he may devour;

The merchants of these things, who were made rich by her, far off shall stand because of the fear of her torment, weeping, and sorrowing,