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Then he talk'd to them much in parables, and said, a sower went out to sow.

so that this saying of the prophet was fulfilled, "I will talk in parables, I will utter what has been kept secret from the foundation of the world."

but as soon as he was gone, he began freely to talk of it, and blazed it about every where, so that Jesus could not go publickly into the city any more, but stay'd in the out parts, which were not much frequented, where people came to him from every quarter.

but when ye shall hear the talk of wars, and the noise of wars, be not alarm'd; for that must happen; but the end is not yet.

which however appear'd to them such a delirious tale, they could not give credit to any of them.

Upon this, they said to one another, to what ardor did not our affections rise, while he talk'd with us by the way, and while he expounded to us the scriptures?

Upon this his disciples came, and were surpriz'd at his conversing with the woman: yet none of them said, what did you ask her? or, why do you talk with her?

Jesus talk'd to them in this figurative way: but they did not understand the meaning of his discourse.

Pilate therefore hearing them talk at this rate, order'd Jesus to be brought forth, and then sat down in a place of Mosaic work on his tribunal, in Syriac call'd Gabbatha.

there certain Epicurean and Stoick philosophers encountred him: "what does this mountebank mean?" said some: "he seems to proclaim some strange deitys," said others: because he talk'd to them of Jesus and the resurrection.

having talk'd with great freedom in the synagogue, Aquila and Priscilla, who had heard him, invited him home, and gave him a more distinct view of the gospel.

when they perceiv'd he talk'd Hebrew, they were the more silent.

for this reason I desir'd to see and talk with you; it being for the expectation of Israel that I am subject to this chain."

in like manner, if you express yourselves in words of obscure signification, you may as well talk to the wind, for how shall any comprehend you?