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And they will remove from mount Hor, and encamp in Zalmonah.

And they will remove from Zalmonah, and encamp in Punon.

And he will say to the men of Succoth, Ye shall give now rounds of bread to the people who are at my feet: for they are faint, and I am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian.

And the chiefs of Succoth will say, Is the hand of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thy hand that bread was given to thine army?

And Gideon will say, For this in Jehovah's giving Zebah and Zalmunna into my band, and I threshed your flesh with thorns of the desert and threshing-sledges.

And Zebah and Zalmunna are in Karkor, and their camps with them, about fifteen thousand, all those remaining from all the camp of the sons of the east: and there fell a hundred and twenty thousand men drawing the sword.

And Zebah and Zalmunna will flee, and he will pursue after them and he will take the two kings of Midian Zebah and Zalmunna, and he terrified all the camp.

And he will come to the men of Succoth, and he will say, Behold Zebah and Zalmunna with whom ye reproached me, saying, Is the hand of Zebah and. Zalmunna now in thine hand to give bread to thy men being weary?

And he will say to Zebah and Zalmunna, Whose the men which ye killed in Tabor? and they will say, As thou, so they; one according to the form of the sons of the king.

And Zebah will say, and Zalmunna, Arise, and fall upon us: for as a man, his strength. And Gideon will rise and kill Zebah and Zalmunna, and he will take the little moons upon their camels' necks.

And Abimelech will go up to mount Zalmon, he and all the people that with him; and Abimelech will take axes in his hand, and he will cut boughs of the trees, and will lift up and will put upon his shoulder, and he will say to the people which are with him, What ye saw I did, hasten, do like me.

And Aminadab begat Nashon, and Nashon begat Salmon

And Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed,

And these the names of those born to him in Jerusalem: Shammuah, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon,

And David will comfort Bath-Sheba his wife, and will go in to her and lie with her, and she will bear a son, and he will call his name Solomon: and Jehovah loved him.

Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai the Netophathite,

And Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty, and Solomon his brother, he called not

Come now, advising, I will now advise thee, and save thou thy soul and the soul of thy son Solomon.

Come, go in to king David, and say to him, My lord the king, didst thou not swear to thy servant, saying, That Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? and wherefore did Adonijah reign?

And she will say to him, My lord, thou didst swear by Jehovah thy God to thy servant that Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne.

And he will sacrifice oxen and the fatling, and sheep for multitude, and he will call to all the sons of the king, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab, chief of the army: and Solomon thy servant he called not

And being when my lord the king lies down with his fathers, I and my son Solomon being the sinful.

And for me, me thy servant, and for Zadok the priest., and for Benaiah son of Jehoida, and for Solomon thy servant, he called not

For us I swear to thee by Jehovah the God of Israel, saying that Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne instead of me; for so I will do this day.

And the king will say to them, Take with you the servants of your lord and cause Solomon my son to ride upon the mule which is to me, and bring down to Gihon:

And Zadok the priest anointed him there, and Nathan the prophet, for king over Israel: and strike ye upon the trumpet and say, King Solomon shall live.

As Jehovah was with my lord the king, so will he be with Solomon, and he will magnify his throne above the throne of my lord, king David.

And Zadok the priest will go down, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoida, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and they will cause Solomon to ride upon king David's mule, and they will cause him to go to Gihon.

And Zadok the priest will take a horn of oil from the tent and will anoint Solomon; and they will strike upon the trumpet, and all the people will say, King Solomon shall live.

And Jonathan will answer and say to Adonijah, Truly our lord king David made Solomon king.

And also Solomon will sit upon the throne of the kingdom.

And also the king's servants came to bless our lord king David, saying. Thy God will do good to the name of Solomon above thy name, and he will magnify his throne above thy throne. And the king will worship upon the bed.

And Adonijah will, be afraid of the face of Solomon, and he will rise and go, and lay hold upon the horns of the altar.

And it will be announced to Solomon, saving, Behold, Adonijah was afraid of king Solomon, and behold, he seized upon the horns of the altar, saying, Will king Solomon swear to me according to the day if he will kill his servant with the sword?

And Solomon will say, If he will be for a son of strength there shall not fall of his hairs to the earth: and if evil shall be found in him and he shall die.

And king Solomon will send and they will bring him down from the altar. And he will come and worship to king Solomon: and Solomon will say to him, Go to thy house.

And the days of David will draw near to die; and he will command Solomon his son, saying,

And Solomon will sit upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom will be protected greatly.

And Adonijah son of Haggith, will come to Bath-sheba, Solomon's mother: and she will say, Thy coming peace? And he will say, Peace.

And he will say, Speak now to Solomon the king, for he will not turn away thy face, and he will give to me Abishag the Shunamite for wife.

And Bathsheba will go to king Solomon to speak to him for Adonijah. And the king will rise up to her meeting, and worship to her, and he sat upon his throne, and a throne will be set for the king's mother; and she will sit at his right hand.

And king Solomon will answer, and say to his mother, And wherefore didst thou ask Abishag the Shunamite for Adonijah? And ask for him the kingdom, for he my brother, the great above me; and for him Abiathar the priest., and Joab son of Zeruiah.

And king Solomon will swear by Jehovah, saying, Thus will God do to me, and thus will he add, for Adonijah spoke this word against his soul.

And king Solomon will send by the hand of Benaiah, son of Jehoida, and he will strike upon him and he will die.

And Solomon will drive out Abiathar from being priest to Jehovah, to complete the word of Jehovah which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

And it will be announced to king Solomon that Joab fled to the tent of Jehovah; and behold, by the altar. And Solomon will send Benaiah son of Jehoida, saying, Go strike upon him.

And it will be announced to Solomon that Shimei went from Jerusalem to Gath, and he will turn back

And the king will command Benaiah son of Jehoida, and he will go forth and will strike upon him, and he will die. And the kingdom was prepared in the hand of Solomon.

And Solomon will contract marriage with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he will take Pharaoh's daughter and bring her to the city of David till he finished building his house, and the house of Jehovah and the wall of Jerusalem round about

And Solomon will love Jehovah, going in the laws of David. his father: only he was sacrificing and burning incense upon the heights.

And the king will go to the hill to sacrifice there; for it was the great height: a thousand burnt-offerings will Solomon bring up upon that altar.

In the hill Jehovah was seen to Solomon in a dream at night: and God will say, Ask what I shall give to thee.

And Solomon will say, Thou didst with thy servant David, my father, great mercy, according as he went before thee in the truth and in justice and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou wilt watch for him this great mercy, and thou wilt give to him a son sitting upon his throne as this day.

And the word will be good in the eyes of God that Solomon asked this word.

And Solomon will awake; and behold, a dream. And he will go to Jerusalem and stand before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and bring up burnt-offerings, and he will do peace, and make a drinking to all his servants.

And Solomon will be reigning, king over all Israel.

And to Solomon, twelve, set over all Israel, and they furnished the king and his house: a month in the year will be for one to furnish.

The son of Abinadab, all the height of Dor: Taphath the daughter of Solomon was to him for wife.

Ahimaaz in Naphtali; also he took Basmath daughter of Solomon for wife.

And Solomon was ruling over all kingdoms from the river to the land of the rovers, and even to the bound of Egypt: they were bringing a gift and serving Solomon all the days of his life.

And the bread of Solomon for one day will be thirty cors of fine flour, and sixty cors of meal,

And Judah dwelt, and Israel, with confidence, a man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan and even to the Well of the Oath, all the days of Solomon.

And there will be to Solomon forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.

And these being set, furnished king Solomon, and all coming near king Solomon's table, each his month: a word will not be wanting.

And God will give wisdom to Solomon, and understanding exceeding much, and breadth of heart as the sand which is upon the lip of the sea.

And the wisdom of Solomon will be multiplied above the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and above all the wisdom of Egypt

And there will come from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth who heard his wisdom.

And Hiram king of Tyre will send his servants to Solomon for he heard that they anointed him for king instead of his father: for Hiram was loving to David all the days.

And it will be when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, and he will rejoice greatly, and say, Blessed Jehovah this day who gave to David a wise son over this great people.

And Hiram will send to Solomon, saying, I heard what thou sentest to me: I will do all thy pleasure in woods of cedars and in woods of cypress.

And Hiram will be giving to Solomon woods of cedar and woods of cypress, all his desire.

And Solomon gave to Hiram twenty thousand cons of wheat food for his house, and twenty cors of beaten oil: thus Solomon will give to Hiram year by year.

And Jehovah gave wisdom to Solomon, as he spake to him: and peace will be between Hiram and between Solomon; and they two will cut out a covenant

And king Solomon will bring up a tribute from all Israel; and the tribute will be thirty thousand men.

And there will be to Solomon seventy thousand lifting up a burden, and eighty thousand hewing in the mountain.

Besides from the chiefs set to Solomon which were over the work, three thousand and three hundred ruling over the people doing in the work.

And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders, and those setting, will cut: and they will prepare the woods and stones to build the house.

And it will be in the eightieth year and four hundredth year after the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the fourth year, in the month of brightness, it the second month to king Solomon over Israel, and he will build the house to Jehovah.

And the house which king Solomon built to Jehovah, sixty cubits its length, and twenty its breadth, and thirty cubits its height

And the word of Jehovah will be to Solomon, saying,

And Solomon will overlay the house from the inside with gold shut up: and he will close up with chains of gold to the face of the oracle; and he will overlay it with gold.

And Solomon built his house thirteen years, and he will finish his house.

And his house where he dwelt there, another enclosure, from the house to the porch was according to this work And he will make a house for Pharaoh's daughter which Solomon took, according to this porch.

And king Solomon will send and take Hiram out of Tyre.

Son of a widow woman from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father a Tyrian man, an artificer of brass; and he will be filled with wisdom and understanding, and knowledge to do all the work in brass. And he will come to king Solomon and do all his works.

And Hiram will make the washbasins and the shovels and the vases: and Hiram will finish doing all the work which he made for king Solomon in the house of Jehovah.

And the pots and the shovels and the vases: and all these vessels which Hiram made for king Solomon of the house of Jehovah, of polished brass.

And Solomon will leave all the vessels, an exceeding great multitude: and the weight of the brass was not searched out

And Solomon will make all the vessels which are for the house of Jehovah: the altar of gold, and the table which was upon it the bread of the face, of gold.

And all the work will be completed which king Solomon made for the house of Jehovah. And Solomon will bring in the holy things of David his father: the silver and the gold and the vessels he gave into the treasures of the house of Jehovah.

Then Solomon will convoke together the old men of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, chiefs of the fathers to the sons of Israel, to king Solomon at Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah from the city of David: this is Zion.

And every man of Israel will be convoked to king Solomon in the month Ethanim in the festival: this the seventh month.

And king Solomon and all the assembly of Israel assembled together to him, with him before the ark sacrificing sheep and oxen which shall not be counted and shall not be numbered for multitude.

Then said Solomon, Jehovah spake to dwell in thick clouds.

And Solomon will stand at the face of the altar of Jehovah before all the convocation of Israel, and he will spread forth his hands to the heavens:

And it will be as Solomon finished praying to Jehovah all this supplication and prayer, he rose from the face of the altar of Jehovah, from bending upon his knees and his hands spread forth to the heavens.

And Solomon will sacrifice a sacrifice of peace which he sacrificed to Jehovah, twenty and two thousand oxen, and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep. And the king and all the sons of Israel will consecrate the house of Jehovah.