Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

showing their respect by many presents, and furnishing us with provisions upon our departure. Verse ConceptsPeople Providing

receive him then in the Lord with all alacrity, and let such be the objects of your esteem: Verse ConceptsHonorMinistry, In The ChurchReputationWelcoming BelieversRejoicing In ReliefRespect For Peoplewelcome

We entreat you, brethren, to respect those, who labour in the ministry, who by divine appointment preside over you, and instruct you. maintain an intire affection for them, upon account of their office, and don't form any brigues against them.

Aristarchus my companion in bonds salutes you. and so does Mark, nephew to Barnabas, for whom you have receiv'd recommendations. if he come to you, give him a kind reception. Verse ConceptsCousinsHospitality, A Duty Of God's PeoplePrisonersCompanionshipWelcoming Believers

We entreat you, brethren, to respect those, who labour in the ministry, who by divine appointment preside over you, and instruct you. maintain an intire affection for them, upon account of their office, and don't form any brigues against them.

Imitate herein my example as I do that of Christ. now I commend you, brethren, for remembring all my orders, and for keeping the rules I delivered to you.

You know brethren, that the family of Stephanas were the first converts of Achaia, and have made it their business to be serviceable to christian converts: to such, I beseech you be subservient, and to every one that helpeth us with his labours.

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Confide in your guides, and be respectful: that they who are vigilant, as being accountable for your souls, may discharge themselves with cheerfulness, and not with anxiety, which would be to your prejudice. Pray for us, for we trust we have a clear conscience, and desire our virtuous conduct may appear to all the world.

receive him then in the Lord with all alacrity, and let such be the objects of your esteem: Verse ConceptsHonorMinistry, In The ChurchReputationWelcoming BelieversRejoicing In ReliefRespect For Peoplewelcome

We entreat you, brethren, to respect those, who labour in the ministry, who by divine appointment preside over you, and instruct you. maintain an intire affection for them, upon account of their office, and don't form any brigues against them.

If Timothy visit you, take care he may be perfectly safe: for he labours in the cause of christianity, as well as I. let no man therefore despise him: but conduct him safe, that he may come to me: for I and the brethren expect him.

Now I joyfully thank the Lord, that your concern for me has at length reviv'd. not that you wanted the disposition, but only the opportunity. it is not my indigence that makes me say this: for I have learn'd, in whatevever state I am, therewith to be content: I know how to be in want, I know how to abound: every where, and in every circumstance, I have been prepar'd for fulness or famine, for plenty or penury: read more.
to these things I am equal, thro' Christ who strengthens me. however, you acted generously in assisting me in my necessity: and you yourselves know, O Philippians, that when I first preach'd the gospel, at my departure from Macedonia, I receiv'd no manner of assistance from any other church but yours; for you sent more than once to Thessalonica to supply my occasions. not that I desire a present; but what I desire is, that the fruits of your liberality may greatly redound to your own account. I have now receiv'd the whole, and have more than sufficient: I am loaded with the presents you sent by Epaphroditus, which I have receiv'd as grateful incense, as a sacrifice which God accepts and approves.

showing their respect by many presents, and furnishing us with provisions upon our departure. Verse ConceptsPeople Providing

receive him then in the Lord with all alacrity, and let such be the objects of your esteem: Verse ConceptsHonorMinistry, In The ChurchReputationWelcoming BelieversRejoicing In ReliefRespect For Peoplewelcome

We entreat you, brethren, to respect those, who labour in the ministry, who by divine appointment preside over you, and instruct you. maintain an intire affection for them, upon account of their office, and don't form any brigues against them.

showing their respect by many presents, and furnishing us with provisions upon our departure. Verse ConceptsPeople Providing

receive him then in the Lord with all alacrity, and let such be the objects of your esteem: Verse ConceptsHonorMinistry, In The ChurchReputationWelcoming BelieversRejoicing In ReliefRespect For Peoplewelcome

We entreat you, brethren, to respect those, who labour in the ministry, who by divine appointment preside over you, and instruct you. maintain an intire affection for them, upon account of their office, and don't form any brigues against them.

for they have quieted my mind as well as yours: therefore to such have a regard. Verse ConceptsAppreciationHonour The HonourablePeople RefreshedAppreciation For Pastorsrecognition