37 Bible Verses about Pregnancy

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And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and bare Enoch, - Now it happened that he was building a city, so he called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

And he went in unto Hagar anti she conceived, - and when she saw that she had conceived, lightly esteemed, was her lady, in her eyes.

And Abraham prayed unto God, - and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maid-servants, so that they bare children, For Yahweh, had restrained from bearing, every female a of the house of Abimelech, - because of Sarah, wife of Abraham.

So Leah conceived, and hare a son, and called his name Reuben, - for she said, Because, Yahweh hath looked upon my humiliation, For, now, will my husband love me.

And Rachel saw she had borne no children unto Jacob, so Rachel became envious of her sister, - and said unto Jacob, Come! give me children, or else, I die. Then kindled the anger of Jacob with Rachel, - and he said, Am I, in the place of God, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?

So then Isaac made entreaty unto Yahweh in behalf of his wife, for she was, barren, - and Yahweh suffered himself to be entreated by him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

Then God remembered Rachel, - and God hearkened unto her, and granted her to bear. So she conceived and bare a son, - and said, God hath taken away my reproach;

And there was a certain man, of Ramathaim-zuphi, of the hill country of Ephraim, - whose name, was Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite; and, he, had two wives, the name of the one, Hannah, and, the name of the other, Peninnah, - and Peninnah had children, but, Hannah, had no children. So then that man went up, out of his city, from time to time, to worship and to sacrifice unto Yahweh of hosts, in Shiloh, - and, there, were the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, priests unto Yahweh.read more.
And, when the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he used to give, to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions; and, unto Hannah, used he to give one portion, - howbeit, Hannah, he loved, although, Yahweh, had restrained her from having children. And her rival used even to cause her great vexation, for the sake of provoking her, - because Yahweh had restrained her from having children. And, thus, used she to do, year by year, whenever she went up to the house of Yahweh, thus, used she to vex her, - and she wept, and would not eat. So Elkanah her husband said to her - Hannah! wherefore shouldst thou weep? and wherefore wilt thou not eat? and wherefore should thy heart be sad? Am, I, not better to thee, than ten sons? And Hannah rose up, after she had eaten in Shiloh, and after she had drunk, - and, Eli the priest, was sitting upon his chair, by the door-post of the temple of Yahweh; and, she being in bitterness of soul, prayed unto Yahweh, and, wept sore. And she vowed a vow, and said - Yahweh of hosts! If thou wilt, look, upon the humiliation of thy handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thy handmaid, but wilt give unto thy handmaid a man-child, then will I give him unto Yahweh, all the days of his life, and no, razor, shall come upon his head. And so it was, as she continued praying before Yahweh, that Eli was watching her mouth. But as for, Hannah, she, was speaking in her heart, only her lips, were moving, but, her voice, could not be heard, - so Eli thought she had been drunken. And Eli said unto her, How long, wilt thou be, drunken? Put away thy wine from thee. And Hannah responded and said - Nay! my lord; A woman depressed in spirit, am I: neither wine nor strong drink, have I drunk, - but I poured out my soul, before Yahweh. Do not count thy handmaid for an abandoned woman, - for, out of the abundance of my grief and my vexation, have I spoken, hitherto. Then responded Eli, and said - Go and prosper! And the, God of Israel, grant thy petition which thou hast asked of him! And she said: Let thy serving-woman find favour, in thine eyes. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and, her countenance, was sad no longer. And they rose up early in the morning, and worshipped before Yahweh, and returned, and entered their own house, in Ramah, - and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and Yahweh remembered her. And so it was, when the days had come round during which Hannah was with child, that she bare a son, - and called his name Samuel, Because, of Yahweh, I asked him.

And it came to pass, on a day, that he came thither, - so he turned aside into the upper chamber, and slept there. Then said he unto Gehazi, his young man, Call this Shunammitess. And he called her, and she stood before him. And he said to him - I pray thee, say unto her - Lo! thou hast cared for us with all this anxious care, what can be done for thee? Is it, that we should speak for thee, unto the king, or unto the general of the army? But she said, In the midst of mine own people, do, I, dwell.read more.
So he said, What then can be done for thee? And Gehazi said, Verily, she hath no, son, and, her husband, is, old. And he said - Call her. So he called her, and she stood in the doorway. Then said he - At this season, about the time of spring, thou, shalt be embracing a son. And she said - Nay! my lord, thou man of God, do not delude thy maid-servant. And the woman conceived, and bare a son, at this season, about the time of spring, when Elisha, had spoken unto her.

And, after these days, Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she disguised herself five months, saying - Thus, for me, hath the Lord wrought, - in the days in which he looked upon me, to take away my reproach among men.

And lo! Elizabeth thy kinswoman, even she, hath conceived a son in, her old-age; - and, this month, is, the sixth, to her, the so-called barren one; Because no declaration from God, shall be void of power.

And they said unto him, As to Sarah thy wife -- And he said Lo! she is in the tent. And he said, I will, surely return, unto thee at the quickening season, - and lo! a son for Sarah thy wife. Now Sarah, was hearkening at the opening of the tent, it, being behind him. But Abraham and Sarah, were old, far gone in days, - it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.read more.
So then Sarah laughed within herself, saying: After I am past age, hath there come to me pleasure, my lord, also being old? And Yahweh said unto Abraham, - Wherefore now did Sarah laugh saying. Can it really and truly be that I should bear, seeing that have become old? Is anything, too wonderful for Yahweh? At the appointed time, I will return unto thee, at the quickening season and Sarah, shall have a son. And Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not, For she was afraid. And he said - Nay! but thou didst laugh!

Now, Yahweh, visited Sarah, as he had said, - And Yahweh did for Sarah as he had spoken. So, Sarah, conceived and bare, to Abraham, a son, for his old age, at the set time, of which God had spoken with him. And Abraham called the name of his son that was born to him, whom, Sarah, bare to him, Isaac.read more.
And Abraham circumcised Isaac his son, when eight days old, - as God commanded him. Now Abraham was a hundred years old, - when Isaac his son was born to him. And Sarah said, A laughing, hath God made for me, - Everyone that heareth will laugh with me. And she said - Who would have announced to Abraham, Sarah hath suckled children? yet have I borne a son, for his old age!

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, A woman when she conceiveth seed and giveth birth to a male child, then shall she be unclean seven days, according to the days of her removal in her sickness shall she be unclean. And, on the eighth day, shall the flesh of his foreskin be circumcised. And, for thirty-three days, shall she continue in the blood of purification, - no hallowed thing, shall she touch, and, into the sanctuary, shall she not enter, until her days of purification are fulfilled.read more.
But if, a female child, she bear, then shall she be unclean two weeks as in her removal, - and, for sixty-six days, shall she continue in the blood of purification. And, when the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring in a lamb, the choice of its year, as an ascending-sacrifice, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove, as a sin-bearer, unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, unto the priest; and he shall bring it near before Yahweh so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall be clean from her fountain of blood. This, is the law for her that hath given birth, to a male child or to a female.

And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain and his two daughters with him. for he feared to dwell in Zoar, so he dwelt in a cave, he, and his two daughters. And the firstborn said unto the younger. Our father is old, - and, a man, there is not in the earth to come in unto us, after the way of all the earth. Come on! let us cause our father to drink wine and let us lie with him, that we may keep alive from our father, a seed.read more.
So they caused their father to drink wine that night, - and the firstborn went in. and lay with her father, but he noticed not her lying down nor her rising up. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Lo! I lay, last night with my father, let us cause him to drink wine this night also, and go thou in - lie with him, that we may keep alive from our father, a seed. So they caused their father, on that night also to drink wine, and the younger arose, and lay with him, but he noticed not her lying down, nor her rising up. Thus did, the two daughters of Lot conceive from their father. And the firstborn bare a son, and called his name Moab, - the same, is the father of Moab, unto this day. And the younger she also bare a son, and called his name Ben-ammi, - the same, is the father of the sons of Ammon - unto this day.

And it came to pass that about three months after, it was told Judah, saying - Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath been guilty of unchastity, moreover also lo! she hath conceived by unchastity. Then said Judah, Bring her forth and let her be burnt. When, she, was about to be brought forth, then, she herself, sent unto her father-in-law saying, By the man to whom these belong, have I, conceived! And she said - Examine, I pray thee, to whom belong the signet-ring, and the guard, and the staff - these!

And it was told Tamar saying, - Lo! thy father-in-law is going up towards Timnah, to the shearing of his sheep. So she put off from her the garments of her widowhood and covered herself with a veil and wrapped herself up, and sat down in the entrance of, Enaim, which is by the way towards Timnah, - for she saw that Shelah had grown up, and she, had not been given him to wife. And Judah, seeing her, reckoned her to be an unchaste woman, - for she had covered her face.read more.
So he turned aside unto her. by the way, and said Grant it! I pray thee, let me come in unto thee! For he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, What wilt thou give me, if thou shouldst come in unto me? And he said, I, will send a kid of the goats from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give a pledge until thou send it? And he said - What is the pledge that I shall give thee? And She said - Thy signet-ring, and thy guard, and thy staff that is in thy hand. So he gave them to her and came in unto her and she conceived by him. Then she arose and went her way, and put off her veil from her, - and put on the garments of her widowhood.

And it came to pass that, at eventide, David arose from his couch, and walked to and fro on the roof of the king's house, when, from the roof, he saw a woman bathing herself, - the woman being exceeding beautiful to look upon. And David sent and enquired after the woman, - and one said - Is not, this, Bath-sheba, daughter of Eliam, wife of Uriah the Hittite? And David sent messengers, and fetched her, and she came in unto him, and he lay with her, she having purified herself from her uncleanness, - and she returned unto her own house.read more.
And the woman, having conceived, sent and told David, and said, I am with child.

Then, Menahem smote Tiphsah, and all that were therein, and the boundaries thereof, from Tirzah, because they opened not, therefore he smote them, - all the women therein that were with child, he ripped up.

Then said Hazael, Why, is my lord, weeping? And he said - Because I know what thou wilt do to the sons of Israel, by way of harm - Their fortresses, thou wilt set on fire, and, their choice young men, with the sword, thou wilt slay, and, their children, thou wilt dash in pieces, and, their women with child, thou wilt rip up.

Samaria, shall be held guilty, for she hath rebelled against her God, By the sword, shall they fall, their infants, shall be dashed to the ground, and, his women with child, shall be ripped up.

Thus, saith Yahweh, Because of three transgressions of the sons of Ammon, and because of four, will I not turn it back, - Because of their ripping up the pregnant women of Gilead, that they might enlarge their own boundary,

Whensoever, therefore, ye shall see the abomination desolation, that was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, - he that readeth, let him think, Then, they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains; And, he that is on the house-top, let him not come down, to take away the things out of his house;read more.
And, he that is in the field, let him not turn back, to take away his mantle. But alas! for the women with child, and for them that are giving suck, in those days; But be praying that your flight, may not happen in winter, nor on sabbath; For there will be then, Great tribulation, such as hath not happened, from the beginning of the world, until the present time, neither in any wise shall happen.

But, when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not, he that readeth, let him, think, then, they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains; He that is on the house-top, let him not come down, neither let him enter, to take away anything out of his louse; And, he that hath gone into the field, let him not turn back unto the things behind, to take away his mantle.read more.
But alas for the women with child, and for them who are giving suck, - in those days. But be praying, that it may not happen in winter. For in those days shall be a tribulation - such, that there hath not happened, the like, from the beginning of creation which God created, until the present time, and shall in nowise happen.

But whensoever ye shall see Jerusalem, encompassed by armies, then, know, that her desolation hath drawn near. Then they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains, and they who are in her midst, let them go forth, - and they who are in the fields, let them not enter into her; For, days of avenging, are, these, for all the things written to be fulfilled.read more.
Alas! for the women with child, and for them who are giving suck, in those days; for there will be great distress upon the land, and anger against this people. And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be carried away captive into all the nations, and, Jerusalem, shall be trodden down by the nations, until the seasons of the nations shall be fulfilled and shall be.

And when men strive together and push against a woman with child, and she miscarry, hut there is no other mischief, he shall, surely be fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him, but he shall give it through judges. But, if mischief follow, then shalt thou give life for life; eye for eye, tooth for tooth, - hand for hand, foot for foot,read more.
brand for brand, wound for wound, - stripe for stripe.

Now, his daughter-in-law, wife of Phinehas, was with child, ready to give birth, and, when she heard the tidings, as to the taking of the ark of God, and the death of her father-in-law, and her husband, she bowed herself and gave birth, for her pains had seized her.

As soon as they begin to say - Peace! and safety! then, suddenly, upon them, cometh destruction, - just as the birth-throe unto her that is with child, - and in nowise shall they escape.

and she was with child, and crieth out, being in pangs and in anguish to bring forth?

So shall ye serve Yahweh your God, and he will bless thy bread and thy water, - and I will take away sickness out of thy midst. There shall be nothing casting its young or barren in thy land, - the number of thy days, will I make full.

This twenty years' time, have, I, been with thee - Thy ewes and thy she-goats, have not cast their young, - And the rams of thy flock, have I not eaten,

His bull, covereth, and causeth not aversion, His cow safely calveth, and casteth not her young;

Give them, O Yahweh - what wilt thou give? Give them, a miscarrying womb, and breasts dried up.

Lo! he gendereth trouble, and conceiveth mischief, but giveth birth to a disappointment:

As for Ephraim! like a bird, did their glory, fly away, - no birth, and none with child, no conception.

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