34 Bible Verses about trails
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Rejoice over this, although just now perhaps distressed by various trials;
I have told you all this, so that through me you may find peace. In the world you have trouble; but take courage! I have conquered the world."
Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he stands the test, he will be given the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
and steadfastness must have full play, so that you may be fully and perfectly developed without any defects.
You must find the greatest joy, my brothers, in being involved in various trials,
Dear friends, do not be surprised that a test of fire is being applied to you, as though a strange thing were happening to you,
they are to show that your faith when tested is found to be more precious than gold, which though it is perishable is tested with fire, and they will bring you praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Resist him and be strong in the faith, for you know that your brotherhood all over the world is having the same experience of suffering.
For because he has himself been tempted in what he has suffered he is able to help others who are in trial.
Be happy in your hope, steadfast in time of trouble, persistent in prayer.
Because you have kept in mind the message of what I endured, I also will keep you safe in the time of testing that is going to come upon the whole world, to test the inhabitants of the earth.
It is no superhuman temptation that you have had. And God can be depended on, not to let you be tried beyond your strength, but when temptation comes, to give you a way out of it, so that you can withstand it.
He comforts me in all my trouble, so that I can comfort people who are in any trouble with the comfort with which I myself am comforted by God.

and encourage you not to be led astray, any of you, in all these troubles. You know yourselves that this is what we must expect,
More than that, we ought to glory in our troubles, for we know that trouble produces endurance,
and how I served the Lord most humbly and with tears, through all the trials that I encountered because of the plots of the Jews.
Still others had to endure taunts and blows, and even fetters and prison.
No one should think when he is tempted that his temptation comes from God, for God is incapable of being tempted by what is evil, and he does not tempt anyone.
And besides everything else, the thing that burdens me every day is my anxiety about all the churches.
But Paul said to them, "They had us beaten in public without giving us a trial, and put us in jail, although we are Roman citizens! And now are they going to dismiss us secretly? By no means! Have them come here themselves and take us out!"
for in spite of a severe ordeal of trouble, their extraordinary gladness, combined with their extreme poverty, has overflowed in a wealth of generosity.
but one who is rich ought to rejoice at being reduced in circumstances, for the rich will disappear like the wild flowers.
reassuring the disciples and encouraging them to stand by the faith and reminding them that we have to undergo many hardships to get into the Kingdom of God.
For I consider what we suffer now not to be compared with the glory that is to burst upon us.
and yet what must have tried you in my physical condition, you did not scorn and despise, but you welcomed me like an angel of God, like Christ Jesus himself.
But when they give you up, you must have no anxiety about how to speak or what to say, for you will be told at the very moment what you ought to say,
Now I want to assure you, brothers, that what has happened to me has actually resulted in furthering the preaching of the good news.
You must submit to it as discipline. God is dealing with you as his sons. For where is there a son whom his father does not discipline?
The night before Herod was going to bring him out, Peter was asleep between two soldiers, and fastened with two chains, and watchmen were at the door, guarding the jail,
The ones on the rock are those who receive the message joyfully when they first hear it, but it takes no real root. They believe for a little while, and then in the time of trial they draw back.
Who can separate us from Christ's love? Can trouble or misfortune or persecution or hunger or destitution or danger or the sword?
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