32 occurrences in 13 translations

'Present' in the Bible

So I got up and went out to the plain. The Lord’s glory was present there, like the glory I had seen by the Chebar Canal, and I fell facedown.

Verse ConceptsGlory, Revelation Ofequipping, spiritualGod's Glory In Israel

“Son of man, your brothers, your relatives, your fellow exiles and the whole house of Israel, all of them, are those to whom the [present] inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, ‘Go far away from the Lord; this land has been given to us as a possession.’

“My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and speak lying divinations. They will not be present in the fellowship of My people or be recorded in the register of the house of Israel, and they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsDeceit Leading to JudgmentGod's HandEntering The KingdomFalse VisionsGod OpposingGod's Hands In Opposition

When you present your gifts and make your sons pass through the fire, you continue to defile yourselves with your idols to this day. Should I be inquired of by you, you house of Israel? As I live," declares the LORD, "I certainly won't be inquired of by you."

Verse ConceptsChild sacrificeSacrifice, In OtInfanticideDegradationNot Enquiring Of GodPeople Polluting ThemselvesIdol WorshipFalse Religion To This DayKilling Sons And Daughters

The men of Dedan were thy merchants; many isles were the merchandise of thine hand: they brought thee for a present horns of ivory and ebony.

Verse ConceptsIvoryCommerce

And he saith unto me, 'The north chambers, the south chambers, that are at the front of the separate place, they are holy chambers, where the priests (who are near to Jehovah) eat the most holy things, there they place the most holy things, and the present, and the sin-offering, and the guilt-offering, for the place is holy.

Verse Conceptsdrawing near to GodGuilt OfferingSin OfferingAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingAccommodationsFood For Priests DefinedRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin Offering

You are to present to the Levitical priests, Zadok's descendants, who will approach me to serve me, a young bull for a sin offering,' declares the Lord GOD.

Verse Conceptsdrawing near to GodSin OfferingSacrificing Cattle

You are also to present a bull for a sin offering, incinerating it in the appointed place at the Temple, outside the sanctuary.

Verse ConceptsBurning SacrificesSacrificing CattleHoly LandOutside The House

“On the second day you are to present an unblemished male goat as a sin offering. They will purify the altar just as they did with the bull.

Verse ConceptsGoatsThe Second Day Of The WeekPerfect SacrificesSetting Up The Bronze AltarDay 2Sacrificing Goats

When you have finished the purification, you are to present a young, unblemished bull and an unblemished ram from the flock.

Verse ConceptsPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Cattle Sheep And Goats

You must present them before the Lord; the priests will throw salt on them and sacrifice them as a burnt offering to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsSourness

But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall approach unto me to minister unto me, and they shall stand before me to present unto me the fat and the blood, saith the Lord Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To Goddrawing near to GodBlood Of SacrificesServanthood, And Worship Of GodPeople Going AstrayFat Of The Sacrifices

On the day he goes into the sanctuary, into the inner court to minister in the sanctuary, he must present his sin offering.” This is the declaration of the Lord God.

Verse ConceptsCourts Of The Temple

The present, and the sin-offering, and the guilt-offering, they do eat, and every devoted thing in Israel is theirs.

Verse ConceptsGuilt OfferingGiving To GodFood For Priests DefinedRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin Offering

"When you divide the land for an inheritance, you are to present a Terumah to the LORD, a consecrated portion of the land 25,000 cubits long and 20,000 cubits wide. Everything within this area is to be treated as holy.

Verse ConceptsHoly Land

This [is] the contribution [offering] which you shall present: a sixth of the ephah from a homer of wheat, and a sixth of the ephah from a homer of barley.

Verse ConceptsGrainWheat

The sheep quota is to be one from each flock of 200 taken from the pastures of Israel. From all of these you are to present grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings, to make atonement for them," declares the Lord GOD.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingAtoning By SacrificesRegulations For Cereal Offerings

"The entire nation living in the land is to present this offering to the Regent Prince in Israel.

Verse ConceptsParticipation, In Christ

And on the prince are the burnt-offerings, and the present, and the libation, in feasts, and in new moons, and in sabbaths, in all appointed times of the house of Israel: he doth make the sin-offering, and the present, and the burnt-offering, and the peace-offerings, to make atonement for the house of Israel.

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringNew Moon FestivalAtoning By SacrificesMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin OfferingSabbath ObservedFestivals ObservedGiving SacrificesMeat offerings

"This is what the Lord GOD says, "On the first day of the first month, you are to present a young bull without defect in order to cleanse the sanctuary.

Verse ConceptsPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Cattle

""The Regent Prince is also to present a grain offering consisting of an ephah with each bull and an ephah with each ram, along with a hin of olive oil mixed with an ephah of grain.

Verse ConceptsOil On SacrificesEphah [Ten Omers]Regulations For Cereal Offerings

On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, during a seven day festival, the Regent Prince is to present these as daily sin offerings, burnt offerings, and grain offerings mixed with oil.'"

Verse ConceptsThe Number FifteenMonth 7Seven DaysOil On SacrificesRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin Offering

The Regent Prince is to enter through the portico of the gate from outside and is to stand at the doorframe of the gate where the priests are to present the Regent Prince's burnt offerings and peace offerings. Then the Regent Prince is to worship at the threshold of the gate and go out. The gate is not to be closed until evening.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingGatesGates Of The TempleShutting GatesEntering The TempleGoing OutsideAction Until Evening

""The burnt offering that the Regent Prince is to present to the LORD on the Sabbath day is to consist of six lambs without defect, a ram without defect,

Verse ConceptsLambsRamsSabbath, In OtSix ThingsPerfect SacrificesOn The Sabbath

And the present is an ephah for a ram, and for the lambs a present, the gift of his hand, and of oil a hin for an ephah.

Verse ConceptsOil On SacrificesEphah [Ten Omers]Poor Or RichRegulations For Cereal Offerings

The Regent Prince is to present an ephah of grain along with the bull, an ephah of grain along with the ram, a grain offering consisting of as much as he is able to give and a hin of olive oil with each ephah of grain.

Verse ConceptsOil On SacrificesEphah [Ten Omers]Poor Or RichRegulations For Cereal Offerings

'And in feasts, and in appointed times, the present is an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, and for lambs the gift of his hand, and of oil a hin for an ephah.

Verse ConceptsEphah [Ten Omers]Poor Or RichRegulations For Cereal OfferingsFestivals Observed

Whenever the Regent Prince presents a voluntary offering, burnt offering, or peace offering, he is to present it voluntarily to the LORD, and the east-facing gate is to be opened for him. He is to provide his burnt offering and peace offering as he does on the Sabbath. When he leaves, the gate is to be shut behind him.

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningOpening GatesShutting GatesFacing EastOn The SabbathFree Will

He is to present a one year old lamb without defect for a burnt offering to the LORD in the morning every day.

Verse ConceptsMorning WorshipPerfect SacrificesOnce A DayAnimals At Specific Ages

In addition, he is to present a grain offering with it every morning, consisting of a sixth of an ephah mixed with one third of a hin of oil. This grain offering is to be offered to the LORD as a permanent ordinance.

Verse ConceptsFoodMorning WorshipOrdinancesBreakfastMoist ThingsOil On SacrificesEphah [Ten Omers]Regulations For Cereal OfferingsMeat offerings

They are to present the lamb offering, the grain offering, and the oil every morning as an ongoing burnt offering.'"

Verse ConceptsMorning WorshipMeat offerings

And he saith unto me, 'This is the place where the priests do boil the guilt-offering and the sin-offering, where they bake the present, so as not to bring it out unto the outer court, to sanctify the people.'

Verse ConceptsCooking, MethodsBakingGuilt OfferingRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin OfferingCourts Of The TempleMaking People Holy

Bible Theasaurus

Acquaint (1 instance)
Actual (12 instances)
Award (4 instances)
Confront (41 instances)
Current (12 instances)
Deliver (542 instances)
Demonstrate (37 instances)
Dispense (5 instances)
Exhibit (13 instances)
Existing (9 instances)
Inhabiting (32 instances)
Instant (25 instances)
Introduce (4 instances)
Nowadays (1 instance)
Portray (3 instances)
Pose (1 instance)
Present (721 instances)
Represent (28 instances)
Stage (9 instances)
Submit (66 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 22

be at home , be present , present
Usage: 3

Usage: 7

Usage: 2

Usage: 69

Usage: 48

Usage: 16

Usage: 4

Usage: 211

Usage: 455

Usage: 434

Usage: 521

Usage: 280

Usage: 23

Usage: 3

שׁלּח שׁלּוּח 
Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 21

Usage: 6

Usage: 102

come , be present , go
Usage: 33

be present
Usage: 2

Usage: 19

παρίστημι παριστάνω 
stand by , present , yield , show , stand ,
Usage: 38

be here present with
Usage: 1

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain