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And Adonijah will, be afraid of the face of Solomon, and he will rise and go, and lay hold upon the horns of the altar.

And it will be announced to Solomon, saving, Behold, Adonijah was afraid of king Solomon, and behold, he seized upon the horns of the altar, saying, Will king Solomon swear to me according to the day if he will kill his servant with the sword?

And king Solomon will send and they will bring him down from the altar. And he will come and worship to king Solomon: and Solomon will say to him, Go to thy house.

And the report came even to Joab: (for Joab turned after Adonijah, and after Absalom he turned not;) and Joab will flee to the tent of Jehovah and will lay hold upon the horns of the altar.

And it will be announced to king Solomon that Joab fled to the tent of Jehovah; and behold, by the altar. And Solomon will send Benaiah son of Jehoida, saying, Go strike upon him.

And the king will go to the hill to sacrifice there; for it was the great height: a thousand burnt-offerings will Solomon bring up upon that altar.

And to the face of the oracle twenty cubits the length, and twenty cubits the breadth, and twenty cubits its height: and he will overlay it with gold shut up, and he will overlay the altar with cedar.

And all the house he overlaid with gold even till he completed all the house: and all the altar which was to the oracle he overlaid with gold.

And Solomon will make all the vessels which are for the house of Jehovah: the altar of gold, and the table which was upon it the bread of the face, of gold.

And Solomon will stand at the face of the altar of Jehovah before all the convocation of Israel, and he will spread forth his hands to the heavens:

Whatever man shall sin against his neighbor, and an oath lifted up upon him to cause him to swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house,

And it will be as Solomon finished praying to Jehovah all this supplication and prayer, he rose from the face of the altar of Jehovah, from bending upon his knees and his hands spread forth to the heavens.

In that day the king consecrated the middle of the enclosure which was before the house of Jehovah: for he did there the burnt-offering and the gifts and the fat of the peace: for the altar of brass which was before Jehovah was little for containing the burnt-offering and the gifts and the fat of the peace

And Solomon brought up three times in a year burnt-offerings and peace upon the altar which he built to Jehovah, and he burnt incense upon it that was before Jehovah: and he completed the house.

And Jeroboam will make a festival in the eighth month, in the fifteenth day of the month, according to the festival that is in Judah, and he will go up upon the altar. Thus he did in the house of God to sacrifice to the calves which he made: and he placed in the house of God priests of the heights which he made.

And he brought up upon the altar which he made m the house of God, in the fifteenth day, in the eighth month, in the month which he devised of himself; and he will make a festival to the sons of Israel: and he will go up upon the altar to burn incense.

And behold a man of God came out of Judah in the word of Jehovah to the house of God; and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense.

And be will call upon the altar in the word of Jehovah, and he will say, O altar, altar! thus said Jehovah, Behold, a son was born to the house of David, Josiah his name; and he sacrificed upon thee, the priests of the heights burning incense upon thee, and men's bones shall be burnt upon thee.

And, he will give in that day a sign, saying, This the sign which Jehovah spake: Behold, the altar rent and the fat which was upon it, poured out

And it will be when the king heard the word of the man of God which he called upon the altar in the house of God; and Jeroboam will stretch forth his hand from above the altar, saving, Seize him. And his hand which he stretched forth upon him will be dried up, and he will not be able to turn it back to him.

And the altar was rent, and the fat will be poured out from the altar according to the sign that the man of God gave by the word of Jehovah.

For being, the word shall be which he cried by the word of Jehovah upon the altar which is in the house of God, and upon all the houses of the heights which are in the cities of Shomeron.

And he will raise up an altar to Baal in the house of Baal which he built in Shomeron.

And they will take the bullock which was given to them, and do, and they will call upon the name of Baal, from morning even to noon, saying, O Baal, answer us. And no voice, and none answered. And they will leap upon the altar which was made.

And Elijah will say to all the people, Draw near to me. And all the people will draw near to him. And he will repair the altar of Jehovah, having been torn down.

And he will build with the stones an altar in the name of Jehovah: and he will make a channel, rolling up two measures of seed, round about the altar.

And the waters will go round about the altar; and he also filled the channel with water.