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And the day will be and the sons of God will come to stand before God, and also the adversary will come in the midst of them.

And the day will be and the sons of God will come to stand before Jehovah, and the adversary also will come in the midst of them to stand before Jehovah.

And the spirit will glide before my face; the hair of my flesh will stand erect:

It will stand, and I shall not recognize its appearance: a form before mine eyes; I shall hear stillness and a voice:

He shall lean upon his house and it shall not stand: he shall hold fast upon it, and it shall not rise up.

And as a flower he will come forth, and will be cut down: and he will flee as a shadow, and shall not stand.

If thou shalt be able to turn back to me, set in order before me, stand forth.

And saying, Even to this shalt thou come, and thou shalt not add: and here in the pride of thy waves, stand thou.

It shall be turned as clay to the seal; and they shall stand as clothing.

None fierce that he will rouse him up: and who is he will stand before me?