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Now upon a time, when the servants of God came and stood before the LORD, Satan came also among them.

Verse ConceptsSpiritsSatan, Character OfSons Of GodAssociationsAngels As Sons Of GodSatanThe Devilrelaxation

It happened also upon a time, that when the servants of God came and stood before the LORD, Satan also came among them, and stood before him.

Verse ConceptsSpiritsSons Of GodAssociationsAngels As Sons Of God

He stood there, and I knew not his face. An image there was, before mine eyes, and in the stillness heard I a voice.

Verse ConceptsVoices

He cometh up and is cut down like a flower. He flyeth as it were a shadow, and never continueth in one state.

Verse ConceptsFlowersdrynessLife, HumanPhysical LifeShadowsLife, Brevity OfTime Passing

I could speak as ye do also. But would God, that your soul were in my soul's stead: then should I heap up words against you, and shake my head at you.

Verse ConceptsMere Talkcriticism

As it stood with me, when I was young, when God prospered my house;

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good Examples OfBest Friendsmanhood

When the Almighty was yet with me, when my children stood about me;

Verse ConceptsThe AlmightyGod With Specific People

When the young men, as soon as they saw me, hid themselves, and when the aged arose, and stood up unto me;

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attitudes ToYouthRespect For Old PeopleHiding From PeopleHabitual Getting Up

Meekly and lowly came I in, yea and without any displeasure; I stood up in the congregation, and communed with them.

Verse ConceptsBlackBeggarsThe SunBeggingBlack PeopleCrying For HelpSunshine

Who ruleth the earth in his stead? Or whom hath he set to govern the whole world?

Many a one, yea innumerable doth he punish, and setteth others in their stead.

Verse ConceptsExchanging Of LeadersDeposing

Prolong not thou the time, till there come a night for thee, to set other people in thy stead.

Verse ConceptsProvision Of NightRemoving People From Your Life

that he letteth himself be driven forth like a grasshopper, whereas the stout neighing that he maketh, is fearful?

Verse ConceptsNosesCreatures JumpingNeighing And Braying