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And everyone became amazed and began saying to one another, "What is he saying? For he orders the evil spirits with authority and power to come out [of people], and they do."

Verse ConceptsExorcismsevil, victory overDemons, Delivered FromPower, God's SavingAmazement, Of Jesus Christ

And it came about that while he was in one of the towns, there was a leper there: and when he saw Jesus he went down on his face in prayer to him, saying, Lord, if it is your pleasure, you have power to make me clean.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsProstrationBowing Before MessiahChrist Willing

On one of those days while He was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and also from Jerusalem. And the Lord’s power to heal was in Him.

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfPower, God's SavingVillagesPower Of Christ, ShownThe Power Of GodChrist TeachingJesus HealingPharisees Concerned About ChristAtmosphereThe power of Christ

But that ye may know that the son of man hath power to forgive sins on earth," he said unto the sick of the palsy, "I say to thee, arise, take up thy bed and go home to thy house."

Verse ConceptsSon Of ManParalyticsBedsChrist ForgivingGet Up!Who Can Forgive Sins?

He may be compared to a man building a house, who dug, and went deep, and laid the foundation upon the rock. Then, when a flood came, the river swept down upon that house, but had no power to shake it, because it had been built well.

Verse ConceptsFoundations Of BuildingsStones For Protection

And at that hour He healed many of their diseases and ailments and evil spirits; and He conferred on many blind people the power to see.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsEvil SpiritsSpiritsJesus HealingThose DemonisedHealing Sickness

But when Jesus heard this, He said [to the man], "Do not be afraid. Just believe [i.e., in my power to restore your daughter] and she will be made well [i.e., restored to life]."

Verse ConceptsSalvation, Necessity And Basis OfFear, Of DeathHow Healing CameDo Not Fear For God Will HelpWorry And StressFear And WorryFaith And HealingTrusting God And Not Worrying

He told them: “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.

Verse ConceptsBinding cornHarvestMissionaries, Task OfOpportunities, And SalvationMissionary WorkFruitful LabourReapingReapersFew In The KingdomWorkers