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"And why do you all call me 'Master, Master' and yet not do what I tell you?

Here the servant of a certain Captain, a man dear to his master, was ill and at the point of death;

When the disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Master, do you wish us to order fire to come down from Heaven and consume them?"

"Follow me," He said to another. "Master," the man replied, "allow me first to go and bury my father."

"Master," said yet another, "I will follow you; but allow me first to go and say good-bye to my friends at home."

Martha meanwhile was busy and distracted in waiting at table, and she came and said, "Master, do you not care that my sister is leaving me to do all the waiting? Tell her to assist me."

At one place where He was praying, when He rose from His knees one of His disciples said to Him, "Master, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."

Blessed are those servants, whom their Master when He comes shall find on the watch. I tell you in solemn truth, that He will tie an apron round Him, and will bid them recline at table while He comes and waits on them.

Of this be sure, that if the master of the house had known what time the robber was coming, he would have kept awake and not have allowed his house to be broken into.

"Master," said Peter, "are you addressing this parable to us, or to all alike?"

"Who, then," replied the Lord, "is the faithful and intelligent steward whom his Master will put in charge of His household to serve out their rations at the proper times?

Blessed is that servant whom his Master when He comes shall find so doing.

But if that servant should say in his heart, 'My Master is a long time in coming,' and should begin to beat the menservants and the maids, and to eat and drink, drinking even to excess;

that servant's Master will come on a day when he is not expecting Him and at an hour that he knows not of, and will punish him severely, and make him share the lot of the unfaithful.

And that servant who has been told his Master's will and yet made no preparation and did not obey His will, will receive many lashes.

As soon as the Master of the house shall have risen and shut the door, and you have begun to stand outside and knock at the door and say, "'Sir, open the door for us' --"'I do not know you,' He answers; 'you are no friends of mine.'

"So the servant came and brought these answers to his master, and they stirred his anger. "'Go out quickly,' he said, 'into the streets of the city--the wide ones and the narrow. You will see poor men, and crippled, blind, lame: fetch them all in here.'

"'Go out,' replied the master, 'to the high roads and hedge-rows, and compel the people to come in, so that my house may be filled.

"Then the steward said within himself, "'What am I to do? For my master is taking away the stewardship from me. I am not strong enough for field labour: to beg, I should be ashamed.

"So he called all his master's debtors, one by one, and asked the first, 'How much are you in debt to my master?'

"And the master praised the dishonest steward for his shrewdness; for, in relation to their own contemporaries, the men of this age are shrewder than the sons of Light.

"Where, Master?" they inquired. "Where the dead body is," He replied, "there also will the vultures flock together."

And if any one asks you, 'Why are you untying the colt?' simply say, 'The Master needs it.'"

and they replied, "The Master needs it."

and say to the master of the house, "'The Rabbi asks you, Where is the room where I can eat the Passover with my disciples?'

"Master, here are two swords," they exclaimed. "That is enough," He replied.

Those who were about Him, seeing what was likely to happen, asked Him, "Master, shall we strike with the sword?"

The Master turned and looked on Peter; and Peter recollected the Master's words, how He had said to him, "This very day, before the cock crows, you will disown me three times."

"Yes, it is true: the Master has come back to life. He has been seen by Simon."