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And, when ye may be praying, ye shall not be as the hypocrites, because they love, in the synagogues, and at the corners of the broad ways, to take their stand and pray, that they may shine before men; Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.

who had his dwelling among the tombs, and, not even with a chain, any longer, was anyone able to bind him, -

And, because they were hearing these things, he added and spake a parable, because of his being near Jerusalem, and their supposing that, instantly, was the kingdom of God to shine forth.

And lo! a messenger of the Lord stood over him, and a light shone in the cell; and, smiting the side of Peter, he roused him up, saying - Rise up quickly! And his chains fell off out of his hands.

For this cause, therefore, have I called for you, to see and to speak with you; for, on account of the hope of Israel, this chain, have I about me!

In noble works, being well-attested; - if she hath nourished children, if she hath shewn hospitality, if, saints feet, she hath washed, if, them who were in tribulation, she hath succoured, if, in every good, work she hath followed on:

The Lord grant mercy unto the house, of Onesiphorus, in that, ofttimes, hath he refreshed me, and, as regardeth my chain, hath not been put to shame,

And, the fourth messenger, sounded; and the third of the sun was smitten, and the third of the moon, and the third of the stars, - in order that the third of them might be darkened, and the day might not shine for the third of it, and the night, in like manner.

And light of lamp, - in nowise shine in thee any more; and voice of bridegroom and bride, - in nowise be heard in thee any more; because, thy merchants, were the great ones of the earth, because, with thy sorcery, were all the nations deceived:

And I saw a messenger, coming down out of heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain upon his hand;

And, the city, hath no need of the sun, nor of the moon, that they should shine therein; for, the glory of God, illumined it, and, the lamp thereof, was the Lamb.