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What if there are fifty godly people in the city? Will you really wipe it out and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty godly people who are in it?

Verse ConceptsFiftiesDestruction Of CitiesNot SparingNumbers Of Righteous People

So the Lord replied, "If I find in the city of Sodom fifty godly people, I will spare the whole place for their sake."

Verse ConceptsFiftiesNumbers Of Righteous PeopleA Good Man

But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off the foreskin of her son and touched it to Moses' feet, and said, "Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me."

Verse ConceptsFlintForeskinsKnivesSharpnessCovered With BloodSevering Body PartsCare Of FeetWood And Stone

Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, took Moses' wife Zipporah after he had sent her back,

Verse ConceptsLeaving Parents For Spouse

Balak son of Zippor saw all that the Israelites had done to the Amorites.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyKnowing Facts

So the Moabites said to the elders of Midian, "Now this mass of people will lick up everything around us, as the bull devours the grass of the field. Now Balak son of Zippor was king of the Moabites at this time.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyGrassTongueAnimals Eating

Balaam said to God, "Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab, has sent a message to me, saying,

And they came to Balaam and said to him, "Thus says Balak son of Zippor: 'Please do not let anything hinder you from coming to me.

Verse ConceptsAvoid Being Hindered

Balaam uttered his oracle, and said, "Rise up, Balak, and hear; Listen to me, son of Zippor:

Verse ConceptsPay Attention To People!Wise Proverbs

You must not give in to him or even listen to him; do not feel sympathy for him or spare him or cover up for him.

Verse ConceptsPeople Hiding PeopleDo Not Listen!Not Sparingpity

that you will spare the lives of my father, mother, brothers, sisters, and all who belong to them, and rescue us from death."

Verse ConceptsKept Alive By MenDeath Of A Family MemberDeath Of A MotherDeath Of A FatherFamily DeathProtecting Your Family

"El, God, the Lord! El, God, the Lord! He knows the truth! Israel must also know! If we have rebelled or disobeyed the Lord, don't spare us today!

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfGod, The LordMighty One

Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab, launched an attack against Israel. He summoned Balaam son of Beor to call down judgment on you.

Verse ConceptsCursing Israel

God chose new leaders, then fighters appeared in the city gates; but, I swear, not a shield or spear could be found, among forty military units in Israel.

Verse ConceptsForty Thousand And UpNo Help In Other GodsVolunteering

Are you really better than Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab? Did he dare to quarrel with Israel? Did he dare to fight with them?

Do this: exterminate every male, as well as every woman who has had sexual relations with a male. But spare the lives of any virgins." So they did as instructed.

So on the day of the battle no sword or spear was to be found in the hand of anyone in the army that was with Saul and Jonathan. No one but Saul and his son Jonathan had them.

Verse ConceptsSoldiers

So go now and strike down the Amalekites. Destroy everything that they have. Don't spare them. Put them to death -- man, woman, child, infant, ox, sheep, camel, and donkey alike.'"

Verse ConceptsBad ChildrenDeath penaltyResponsibility, Examples OfExterminationBoth Men And Animals KilledThe Death Of Babiesgenocide

The shaft of his spear was like a weaver's beam, and the iron point of his spear weighed six hundred shekels. His shield bearer was walking before him.

Verse ConceptsArmourCraftsmenIronShieldsSpearsSpinning And WeavingArmor ProtectionArmorbearerBeamsIron ObjectsWeights Of Other Things

But David replied to the Philistine, "You are coming against me with sword and spear and javelin. But I am coming against you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel's armies, whom you have defied!

Verse ConceptsConfrontationStrength, SpiritualStriving With GodUnreliabilityWeaponsBoldness Examples OfProtection, From GodArmies, GodJavelinsGod As A WarriorIn God's Namearmy

and all this assembly will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves! For the battle is the Lord's, and he will deliver you into our hand."

Verse ConceptsGod, Activity OfGod's Activity In IsraelSpearsTo Be Given Into One's Hands

The next day an evil spirit from God rushed upon Saul and he prophesied within his house. Now David was playing the lyre that day. There was a spear in Saul's hand,

Verse ConceptsDavid, Abilities Ofevil, victory overHarpsMedicineProphecy, Methods Of OtSpiritsInstrumentalistsMental Illness

and Saul threw the spear, thinking, "I'll nail David to the wall!" But David escaped from him on two different occasions.

Verse ConceptsThrowing SpearsEscaping From PeopleAttempting To Kill Specific People

Then an evil spirit from the Lord came upon Saul. He was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand, while David was playing the lyre.

Verse ConceptsAlertevil, victory overSpiritsInstrumentalistsMental Illness

Saul tried to nail David to the wall with the spear, but he escaped from Saul's presence and the spear drove into the wall. David escaped quickly that night.

Verse ConceptsEscaping, Physical ThingsExamples Of EscapingEscaping From PeopleAttempting To Kill Specific Peoplesaul

Then Saul threw his spear at Jonathan in order to strike him down. So Jonathan was convinced that his father had decided to kill David.

Verse ConceptsSpearsThrowing Spears

David said to Ahimelech, "Is there no sword or spear here at your disposal? I don't have my own sword or equipment in hand due to the urgency of the king's instructions."

Verse ConceptsUrgencyWeaponsHasteHasty Action

But Saul found out the whereabouts of David and the men who were with him. Now Saul was sitting at Gibeah under the tamarisk tree at an elevated location with his spear in hand and all his servants stationed around him.

Verse ConceptsTamarisk

Ask your own servants; they can tell you! May my servants find favor in your sight, for we have come at the time of a holiday. Please provide us -- your servants and your son David -- with whatever you can spare."

Verse ConceptsGrace, In Human Relationships

In the morning, when Nabal was sober, his wife told him about these matters. He had a stroke and was paralyzed.

Verse ConceptsHeart, HumanHuman EmotionSick Individuals

So David and Abishai approached the army at night and found Saul lying asleep in the entrenchment with his spear stuck in the ground by his head. Abner and the army were lying all around him.

Verse ConceptsSoldiers

Abishai said to David, "Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands. Now let me drive the spear right through him into the ground with one swift jab! A second jab won't be necessary!"

Verse ConceptsGiven Into One's Hands

But may the Lord prevent me from extending my hand against the Lord's chosen one! Now take the spear by Saul's head and the jug of water, and let's get out of here!"

Verse ConceptsOpposition, To Sin And EvilThe Lord's AnointedFar Be It!

So David took the spear and the jug of water by Saul's head, and they got out of there. No one saw them or was aware of their presence or woke up. All of them were asleep, for the Lord had caused a deep sleep to fall on them.

Verse ConceptsSleep, Physical

This failure on your part isn't good! As surely as the Lord lives, you people who have not protected your lord, the Lord's chosen one, are as good as dead! Now look where the king's spear and the jug of water that was by his head are!"

Verse ConceptsDrinking WaterThe Lord's Anointed

David replied, "Here is the king's spear! Let one of your servants cross over and get it.

The young man who was telling him this said, "I just happened to be on Mount Gilboa and came across Saul leaning on his spear for support. The chariots and leaders of the horsemen were in hot pursuit of him.

Verse ConceptsChariotsChanceAttacking With ChariotsOther Supporting

But Asahel refused to turn aside. So Abner struck him in the abdomen with the back end of his spear. The spear came out his back; Asahel collapsed on the spot and died there right before Abner. Everyone who now comes to the place where Asahel fell dead pauses in respect.

Verse ConceptsBackSpearsStomachsPiercingsMotionlessnessComing To RestStriking To Death

Now Ishbi-Benob, one of the descendants of Rapha, had a spear that weighed three hundred bronze shekels, and he was armed with a new weapon. He had said that he would kill David.

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalGiantsUnusedAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleWeights Of Other Things

Yet another battle occurred with the Philistines in Gob. On that occasion Elhanan the son of Jair the Bethlehemite killed the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenSpearsBeamsKilling Named Individuals

The one who touches them must use an iron instrument or the wooden shaft of a spear. They are completely burned up right where they lie!"

Verse ConceptsIronToolsTouching To HarmBurning People

These are the names of David's warriors: Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was head of the officers. He killed eight hundred men with his spear in one battle.

Verse ConceptsThe Mighty MenSeven To Nine HundredKilling Many People

Abishai son of Zeruiah, the brother of Joab, was head of the three. He killed three hundred men with his spear and gained fame among the three.

Verse ConceptsThree To Four HundredThree Hundred And AboveKilling Many People

He also killed an impressive-looking Egyptian. The Egyptian wielded a spear, while Benaiah attacked him with a club. He grabbed the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.

Verse ConceptsConfrontationSpears

When he became king and occupied the throne, he killed Baasha's entire family. He did not spare any male belonging to him; he killed his relatives and his friends.

Verse ConceptsThroneUrinatingDeath Of All MalesKilling Whole FamiliesFamily And Friends

His advisers said to him, "Look, we have heard that the kings of the Israelite dynasty are kind. Allow us to put sackcloth around our waists and ropes on our heads and surrender to the king of Israel. Maybe he will spare our lives."

Verse ConceptsRopesSackcloth And AshesPeople Showing Mercyhumor

If we go into the city, we'll die of starvation, and if we stay here we'll die! So come on, let's defect to the Syrian camp! If they spare us, we'll live; if they kill us -- well, we were going to die anyway."

Verse ConceptsPessimismResigned To DeathDyingSurrender

This is the list of David's warriors: Jashobeam, a Hacmonite, was head of the officers. He killed three hundred men with his spear in a single battle.

Verse ConceptsThirty

Abishai the brother of Joab was head of the three elite warriors. He killed three hundred men with his spear and gained fame along with the three elite warriors.

Verse ConceptsThirtyThree To Four Hundred

He even killed an Egyptian who was seven and a half feet tall. The Egyptian had a spear as big as the crossbeam of a weaver's loom; Benaiah attacked him with a club. He grabbed the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.

Verse ConceptsBeamsCraftsmenSpearsWeights And Measures, LinearGiants

There was another battle with the Philistines in which Elhanan son of Jair the Bethlehemite killed the brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear had a shaft as big as the crossbeam of a weaver's loom.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenSpearsGiants

He brought against them the king of the Babylonians, who slaughtered their young men in their temple. He did not spare young men or women, or even the old and aging. God handed everyone over to him.

Verse ConceptsKingsProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtArmies, Against IsraelBrutality

Only in two things spare me, O God, and then I will not hide from your face:

Verse ConceptsHiding From God

and if God is gracious to him and says, 'Spare him from going down to the place of corruption, I have found a ransom for him,'

Verse ConceptsRansomGoing Down To The PitSaved From The Pit

Whoever strikes it with a sword will have no effect, nor with the spear, arrow, or dart.

Use your spear and lance against those who chase me! Assure me with these words: "I am your deliverer!"

Verse ConceptsAxesPursuing ViolenceThrowing SpearsWeapons Of GodGod My Salvationdeliverance

I have told the great assembly about your justice. Look! I spare no words! O Lord, you know this is true.

Verse ConceptsThe Lips Of The RighteousLipsSealsIn The CongregationGod's Deed Revealed

He brings an end to wars throughout the earth; he shatters the bow and breaks the spear; he burns the shields with fire.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Symbol Of StrengthSpearsWarfare, Nature OfWeaponsDisarmamentBreaking WeaponsDestroying ChariotsI Am GodGod Makes Peace

He sent his anger in full force; he did not spare them from death; he handed their lives over to destruction.

Verse ConceptsPestilenceHow Death Is InevitableNot SparingDeath Of The Wicked

Spare me shame and humiliation, for I observe your rules.

Verse ConceptsI Keep The Commandments

Men bow down to them in homage, they lie flat on the ground in worship. Don't spare them!

Verse ConceptsUnforgivenessGod Not Forgiving

Make your tent larger, stretch your tent curtains farther out! Spare no effort, lengthen your ropes, and pound your stakes deep.

Verse ConceptsDevelopmentStretching OutRopesCordsEnlargementSpiritual ProgressPegsspacecredibility

Do not give her archers time to string their bows or to put on their coats of armor. Do not spare any of her young men. Completely destroy her whole army.

Verse ConceptsBreastplatesDisarmamentRopes

"Therefore, as surely as I live, says the sovereign Lord, because you defiled my sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominable practices, I will withdraw; my eye will not pity you, nor will I spare you.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Judgments OfGod Without MercyNot SparingPolluting Holy PlacesDefilement

"'But I will spare some of you. Some will escape the sword when you are scattered in foreign lands.

Verse ConceptsEscaping EvilSurvivors Of Israel

My eye will not pity you; I will not spare you. For I will hold you responsible for your behavior, and you will suffer the consequences of your abominable practices. Then you will know that I am the Lord!

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of GodReward, DivineThe Recompense Of The WickedGod Without MercyNot Sparingpity

My eye will not pity you; I will not spare you. For your behavior I will hold you accountable, and you will suffer the consequences of your abominable practices. Then you will know that it is I, the Lord, who is striking you.

Verse ConceptsGod Beating PeopleGod Without MercyNot SparingRepaying Evil For Evilpity

Therefore I will act with fury! My eye will not pity them nor will I spare them. When they have shouted in my ears, I will not listen to them."

Verse ConceptsHearingCries Of Distress To GodGod Without MercyNot SparingAnger And Forgivenesspity

While I listened, he said to the others, "Go through the city after him and strike people down; do no let your eye pity nor spare anyone!

Verse ConceptsGod Will Kill His PeopleNot SparingPeople Following PeopleShow No Mercypity

But as for me, my eye will not pity them nor will I spare them; I hereby repay them for what they have done."

Verse ConceptsHeadsReward, DivineThe Recompense Of The WickedGod Makes Evil ReboundGod Without MercyNot Sparingpity

No eye took pity on you to do even one of these things for you to spare you; you were thrown out into the open field because you were detested on the day you were born.

Verse ConceptsHating IndividualsPeople Without Mercy

Will he then continue to fill and empty his throw net? Will he always destroy nations and spare none?

Verse ConceptsContinual SinEmptyingPeople Without Mercyrelentless

The sun and moon stand still in their courses; the flash of your arrows drives them away, the bright light of your lightning-quick spear.

Verse ConceptsLight, NaturalLightningTheophanyThe SunSparklingWeapons Of GodControlling Sun Moon And StarsArrowsThe Moon

You pierce the heads of his warriors with a spear. They storm forward to scatter us; they shout with joy as if they were plundering the poor with no opposition.

Verse ConceptsPoor, The Wicked Response ToActing In SecretNot Helping The PoorRejoicing In Evil

"They will belong to me," says the Lord who rules over all, "in the day when I prepare my own special property. I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him.

Verse ConceptsGrace, In OtPeople Of God, In OtTreasureUnity, Of God's PeopleChildren Blessedjewelrymakeup