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in the upper land, and nether land, in plains, and springs of water, in the wilderness, and south country the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perezites, the Hivites and the Jebusites:

Verse ConceptsHillsThe Shephelah

When Joshua was waxen old, and stricken in years, the LORD said unto him, "Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet exceeding much land to be possessed.

Verse ConceptsLand, As A Divine GiftInfirmitiesGradual Conquest Of The Land

This is the land that remaineth: all the coasts of the Philistines: and all the Geshurites:

Verse Conceptsborders

from Shihor in Egypt unto the borders of Ekron northward, which land was counted to pertain unto the Cananites, even to the five lords of the Philistines: the Gazathites, Ashdothites, Eshkalonites, Gittites, Ekronites, with the Avites,

Verse ConceptsRulersFive People

from the south. All the land of the Cananites, and Mearah that pertaineth to the Sidonians, even unto Aphek, and to the borders of the Amorites.

Verse Conceptscrusades

And the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon toward the sun rising, from Baalgad under mount Hermon until thou come to Hamath,

Now therefore divide this land to inherit, unto the nine tribes and the half tribe of Manasseh."

And their coasts were Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the children of Ammon, unto Aroer that lieth before Rabbah;

Verse ConceptsHalf Of Districts

And these are the countries which the children inherited in the land of Canaan, unto which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun and the ancient heads of the tribes of the children of Israel,

Verse ConceptsLand, As A Divine ResponsibilityRank

For the children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. And therefore they gave no part unto the Levites in the land, save cities to dwell in and the suburbs of the same, for their beasts and cattle.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of Israel

As the LORD commanded Moses, even so the children of Israel did when they divided the land.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land. And I brought them word again even as I thought in mine heart.

Verse ConceptsSpying

And Moses sware the same season saying, 'The land whereon thy feet have trodden, shall be thine inheritance and thy children forever because thou hast followed the LORD my God continually.'

Verse ConceptsFeetReliabilityEternal PossessionFollowing GodFeet In Action

And the name of Hebron was called in old time, Kiriatharba, which was a huge man among the Anakims. And the land ceased from war.

Verse ConceptsRest, PhysicalGiantsTime Of Peace

And she said, "Give me a blessing: for thou hast given me a southward and dry land: give me also springs of water." Then he gave her springs of water, both above and beneath.

because the daughters of Manasseh did inherit among his sons. And Manasseh's other sons had the land of Gilead.

and the land of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh, which Tappuah lay in the borders between Manasseh and the children of Ephraim.

yet the children of Manasseh could not overcome those cities, but the Cananites began to dwell in the same land.

Verse ConceptsNot Driving Them OutUnable To Expel

And Joshua answered them, "If ye be much people, then get you up to the wood country, and prepare for yourselves there in the land of the Perezites and of the Rephaim, if mount Ephraim be too narrow for you."

Verse ConceptsSmallnessGiants

And the whole congregation of the children of Israel came together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of witness there, and the land was in subjection before them.

Verse ConceptsCongregationPriesthood, In OtShrinesTent Of MeetingArk Of The Covenant, EventsSacred PlacesThe House Of God At Shiloh

And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, "How long are ye so slack to go and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?

Verse ConceptsGod Of The FathersBefore People Act

Bring of every tribe three men that I may send them. And that they may rise and walk through the land and distribute it by their inheritances and come again to me.

Verse ConceptsWritingThree Men

Describe ye the land therefore into seven parts, and bring the description to me hither, that I may cast lots for you here before the LORD our God.

Verse ConceptsSeven Things

And the men arose and went their way. And Joshua charged them that went to describe the land saying, "Hence, and go through the land and describe it, and come again to me hither: and I will cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh."

Verse Conceptsexploring

And the men departed, and walked through the land and described it by cities into seven parts in a book, and returned to Joshua unto the host at Shiloh.

Verse ConceptsBooksLiteracySeven ThingsHistorical Books

And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD, and there he divided the land unto the children of Israel, to each their portion.

Verse ConceptsCasting Lots

When they had made an end of dividing the land by her coasts then the children of Israel gave an inheritance unto Joshua the son of Nun among them:

and spake unto them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan saying, "The LORD commanded by Moses, to give us cities to dwell in and the fields about them, for our cattle."

And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers. And they conquered it, and dwelt therein.

Verse ConceptsYear Of JubileeGod Gave The Land

And now the LORD hath given rest unto your brethren as he promised them. Wherefore, return and go unto your tents and unto the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave you on the other side Jordan.

Verse ConceptsRest, EternalBeyond JordanTime Of Peace

And the children of Ruben, the children of Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh, returned and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto the country of Gilead, and to the land of their possession, wherein they were possessed at the mouth of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

And when they came unto the coasts of Jordan that lie in the land of Canaan: there the children of Ruben, the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh, built an altar fast by Jordan, and that a great altar to see to.

Verse ConceptsAltars, Built ByFractions, One HalfBuilding AltarsThe Region Of Jordan

And when the children of Israel heard say, "Behold the children of Reuben, the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have built an altar in the forefront of the land of Canaan in the borders of Jordan on the side of the children of Israel":

Verse ConceptsBuilding AltarsThe Region Of Jordan

And the children of Israel sent unto the children of Ruben, to the children of Gad and unto the half tribe of Manasseh into the land of Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,

And they went unto the children of Reuben, of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh, unto the land of Gilead and spake with them, saying,

Verse ConceptsReuben Gad And Half Manasseh

Notwithstanding, if the land of your possession be unclean, then come over unto the land of the possession of the LORD, where the LORD's tabernacle dwelleth, and be possessed among us. But rebel not against the LORD nor against us, to build you any other altar save the altar of the LORD our God.

Verse ConceptsFellowship, In The GospelRebellion Against God, Nature OfThe Altar Of The LordBuilding AltarsGod Living In The TabernacleUnclean Things

And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest and the lords returned from the children of Reuben and of Gad out of the land of Gilead unto the land of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and brought them word again.

And the answer pleased the children of Israel well, and they praised God, and did not intend to go against them in battle, to destroy the land which the children of Ruben and Gad dwelt in.

be sure that the LORD your God will not cast out all these nations before you. But they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges for your sides, and pricks in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.

Verse ConceptsWorldly SnaresNot Driving Them OutEyes HarmedMan TrappingTroubling Groups Of People

And as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD your God promised you: so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil until he have destroyed you from off this good land, which the LORD your God hath given you

Verse ConceptsReliabilityThreateningsGod Will Kill His People

when ye have transgressed the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you: and have gone and served strange gods, and bowed yourselves to them. Then shall the wrath of the LORD wax hot upon you, and ye shall perish quickly, from off the good land which he hath given you."

Verse ConceptsServanthood, And Worship Of GodSyncretismBowing To False GodsDifferent GodsBreaking The CovenantGod Will Be AngryGod Will Kill His PeopleHinduism

But I took your father Abraham from the other side of the water, and brought him into the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

Verse ConceptsChildren, attitudes towardsChildren, A Gift From GodGod Multipling PeopleBeyond The Euphrates

And I brought you into the land of the Amorites which dwelt on the other side Jordan. And they fought with you: and I gave them into your hands. And ye conquered their country. And I destroyed them in your sight.

Verse ConceptsThose God Gave Into Their Hands

And I gave you a land in which ye did not labor, and cities which you built not, and ye dwelt in them. And vines, and olive trees which ye planted not, and ye ate of them.

Verse ConceptsOlivesPlanting VineyardsOrchardsCities In IsraelGardens

But if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, then choose you this day, whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served, that were on the other side of the water, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land, ye dwelt. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Of The WillAge, Glories OfFamily, Worship InChoicesdoubt, results ofFamilies, Examples OfGood Decision Making ExamplesIntentionsHeads Of The FamilyChoosingFaithful, Choose To RemainZeal, ReligiousLife's PurposeEmployers, Good ExamplesChoosing God's WayBehold Me!Encouraged To Serve Foreign godsServing One's Own GodsBeyond The EuphratesServingServing God

For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage, and which did those miracles in our sight, and preserved us in all the way we went and among all the nations which we came through.

Verse ConceptsCaptivity, Of IsraelJourneySigns From GodSustaining ProvidenceGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And the LORD did cast out before us all the nations with the Amorites which dwelt in the land, wherefore we will serve the LORD - for he is our God."

Verse ConceptsHe Is Our GodThe Lord Drove Them Out

And the LORD said, "Judah shall go up: behold I have delivered the land into his hands."

Verse ConceptsPeople Of JudahThose God Gave Into Their Hands

She said unto him, "Give me a blessing, for thou hast given me a southward and a dry land. Give me also springs of water." And Caleb gave her springs both above and beneath.

And the man went into the land of the Hittites, and built a city and called the name thereof Luz, which is the name thereof unto this day.

Verse ConceptsBuildingGiven Names To This Day

Neither did Manasseh expel Bethshean with her towns, neither Taanach with her towns, neither the inhabiters of Dor with her towns, neither the inhabiters of Ibleam with her towns, neither the inhabiters of Megiddo with her towns, and so the Cananites went to and dwelt in the said land.

but the Asherites dwelt among the Cananites the inhabiters of the land, and drave them not out.

Verse ConceptsLiving Together

Neither did Naphtali drive out the inhabiters of Bethshemesh, nor the inhabiters of Bethanath, but dwelt amongst the Cananites the inhabiters of the land. Nevertheless the inhabiters of Bethshemesh, and of Bethanath became tributaries unto them.

Verse ConceptsLiving TogetherForced Labour

And the angel of the LORD came up from Gilgal to Bochim and said, "I brought you out of Egypt and have brought you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers. And I said that I would never break my covenant with you,

Verse ConceptsCovenant breakersGuardiansProperty, LandThe Promised LandGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptGod Keeps CovenantAngelic Guardianship

but ye should have made no covenant with the inhabiters of this land, ye should have broken down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice. Why have ye this done?

Verse ConceptsForbidden AlliancesAllegiancesDestruction Of Satan's WorksWhat Do You Do?

And when Joshua had sent the people away, the children of Israel went every man into his inheritance to possess the land.

and forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed strange gods, even of the gods of the nations that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and angered the LORD.

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentRenunciationBowing To False GodsDifferent GodsGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And the land had rest forty years. And Othniel the son of Kenaz died.

Verse ConceptsForty YearsThe Number Forty40 To 50 YearsTime Of Peace

and so the Moabites were subdued that day, under the hands of Israel: and the land had rest eighty years.

Verse ConceptsConquest80 To 100 YearsTime Of Peace

So, perish all thine enemies LORD: but they that love thee, let them be as the sun rising in his might!" And the land had rest forty years.

Verse ConceptsDawnDeborahNoonThe Number Forty40 To 50 YearsEnemies Of GodTime Of PeaceLove And StrengthSunPeace And Strengthcrusades

for they came with their cattle and households even as grasshoppers in multitude: so that both they and also their camels were without number. And they entered the land to destroy it.

Verse ConceptsInsectsMany CombatantsLocustsTentsGrasshoppersUncountable

And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God, and therefore fear not the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But you have not obeyed my voice."

Verse ConceptsAmoritesCommitment, to GodClaimsThe Lord Is God

And Gaal answered again and said, "See, there come folk down by the middle of the land and another company come along by the charmer's oak."

Verse ConceptsOaks

And he had thirty sons that rode on thirty ass colts, and had thirty cities for them, which are called the towns of Jair unto this day, and are in the land of Gilead.

Verse ConceptsBackThirtyGiven Names To This DayMultitudes Of Donkeys

which pilled and oppressed the children of Israel in those days eighteen years, all that were on the other side Jordan in the land of the Amorites in Gilead.

Verse Conceptseast15 To 20 YearsBeyond Jordanharassment

Then Jephthah fled from his brethren and dwelt in the land of Tob. And there gathered idle people to Jephthah, and went out with him.

Verse ConceptsHalf brothers

Then the elders of Gilead went and fetched Jephthah out of the land of Tob,

Then Jephthah sent messengers unto the king of the children of Ammon, saying, "What aileth thee with me that thou comest upon me to fight against my land?"

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent OutWhat Have We In Common?

And the king of the children of Ammon answered unto the messengers of Jephthah, "Because Israel took away my land, when they came out of Egypt, even from Arnon unto Jabbok and from thence unto Jordan, now therefore restore those lands again with fair means."

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsArnon

and said unto him, "Thus sayeth Jephthah: Israel took not away the land of Moab, nor the land of the children of Ammon.

and sent messengers unto the king of Edom saying, 'Let us, we pray thee, go through thy land.' But the king of Edom would not agree thereto. And in like manner they sent unto the king of Moab, but he would not consent. And so Israel abode still in Kadesh.

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent OutPassing Through

And then they went along through the wilderness, and compassed the land of Edom, and the land of Moab, and came along by the east side of the land of Moab, and pitched on the other side of the river of Arnon, and came not within the coasts of the Moabites: for Arnon was their utmost border.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesRivers And StreamsArnonRiver ArnonFalling

And then Israel sent messengers unto Sihon, king of the Amorites, and king of Heshbon, and said unto him, 'Let us pass through thy land unto our own country.'

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent OutPassing Through

But the LORD God of Israel delivered Sihon and all his folk into the hands of Israel. And so Israel smote them and conquered all the land of the Amorites, the inhabiters of the said country.

Verse ConceptsThose God Gave Into Their Hands

So now seeing the LORD God of Israel hath cast out the Amorites before his people, shouldest thou possess the land?

Verse ConceptsThe Lord Drove Them Out

Nay, but what people Chemosh thy god driveth out, that land possess thou. But whatsoever nations the LORD our God expelleth, that land ought we to enjoy.

Verse ConceptsPagan Gods

And when Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite had judged Israel eight years, he died and was buried in Pirathon, the land of Ephraim in the mount of the Amalekites.

And the children of Dan sent of their kindreds five men of activity, out of their coasts, even out of Zorah and Eshtaol, to view the land and search it out, and said unto them, "Go and search out the land." And they came to mount Ephraim, even to the house of Micah and lodged there.

Verse ConceptsSpiesFive PeopleSpying

Then the five men departed and came to Laish, and saw the people that were therein, how they dwelt careless, and after the manner of the Sidonians: still, and without casting of perils, and that no man made any trouble in the land or usurped any dominion, and how they were far from the Sidonians and had no business with any nation.

Verse ConceptsSearchingSecurityMannersMagistratesQuietnessFar From HereMen Of PeaceRelationships And Dating

And they said, "Up, and let us go unto them, for we have seen the land, that it is very good. Haste therefore and be not slothful to depart and go and conquer the land.

And the five men that went to spy out the land, went in thither and took the carved image and the ephod, the graven image, and the image of metal. And the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were armed unto battle,

Verse ConceptsDishonesty, Examples OfFive PeopleSix To Seven HundredStanding In The GatewaySix Hundred And Above

And the children of Dan set them up the graven image. And Jonathan the son of Gershon, the son of Manasseh and his sons were the priests unto the tribe of the Danites, until they were carried away out of the land captive.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesExile In Prospect

Then all the children of Israel went out: and there gathered a congregation together as it had been but one man, even from Dan to Beersheba and out of the land of Gilead, unto the land to Mizpeh.

Verse ConceptsCongregationShrinesAssembling IsraelUnified PeopleAll Peoplecrusades

And they found among the inhabiters of Jabeshgilead four hundred damsels; virgins that had known no man by lying with any male. And they brought them unto the host to Shiloh which is in the land of Canaan.

Verse ConceptsFour To Five HundredFour And Five Hundred

And when ye see that the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in a row, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man a wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and get you unto the land of Benjamin."

Verse ConceptsWives For Benjamin

In the time when the judges judged, there fell a dearth in the land. Wherefore a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went for to sojourn in the country of Moab with his wife and two sons.

Verse ConceptsFamine, Examples OfJudgesRefugeesSojourningJudging IsraelTimes Of People

The name of the man was Elimelech, and his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion and they were Ephraimites, out of Bethlehem Judah. And when they came into the land of Moab, they continued there.

Verse ConceptsNamed Wives

Wherefore she departed out of the place where she was, and her two daughters with her. And as they went by the way returning unto the land of Judah,

Verse ConceptsDaughters In Law

And Boaz answered and said unto her, "All is told me that thou hast done unto thy mother-in-law since the death of thine husband; how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land where thou wast born, and art come unto a nation which thou knewest not in time past.

Verse ConceptsMothers, Responsibilities OfRuthSelf DenialSelf SacrificeMother In LawsNot Knowing PeopleTelling What People DidDeath Of A Mother

Then he said unto the kinsman, "Naomi, that is come again out of the country of Moab, will sell a parcel of land which was our brother Elimelech's.

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingReal EstateCommerce

and therefore I also lend him the LORD, as long as he may be lent the LORD." And so they prayed there unto the LORD.

Verse ConceptsDedicationBeing Devoted to GodGiving Backlent

And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, "The LORD give thee seed of this woman, for that she hath lent the LORD." And they went unto their own home.

Verse ConceptsBenedictionsIndividuals going homeExchange Of IndividualsPeople Who Blessed Otherslent

Wherefore ye shall make images like to your arses with hemorrhoids and images like to your mice that destroyed your land, and shall give glory unto the God of Israel: that he may take his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.

Verse ConceptsLike Creatures

And they went through mount Ephraim and through the land of Shalishah, and found them not. Then they went through the land of Shaalim, and there they were not. Then they went also through the land of Benjamin, and they found them not.

Then when they were come to the land of Zuph, Saul said to the young man that was with him, "Come, let us return, lest my father leave caring for the asses, and take thought for us." And he answered him,

Verse ConceptsLet Them Go Home

"Tomorrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin: him shalt thou anoint to be captain over my people Israel, that he may save my people out of the hand of the Philistines, for I have looked upon my people and their cry is come unto me."

Verse ConceptsDeliverersGod's Action TomorrowAnointing KingsCries Of Distress To GodMaking KingsIndividuals Saving Others

And Jonathan slew the Philistines in a hold they had in Gibeah, and it came to the Philistines' ears. And Saul caused the trumpet to be blown throughout all the land, saying, "Let the Hebrews hear."

Verse ConceptsTrumpetGarrisonsTrumpets For Signalling

And the Hebrews went over Jordan unto the land of Gad and Gilead. But Saul was yet in Gilgal, and all the people that followed him were astonished.

Verse ConceptsFear Of Enemies

And there came out of the host of the Philistines three companies, to destroy: one company turned unto the way that leadeth to Ophrah unto the land of Shual;

Verse ConceptsThree GroupsNations Attacking Israel

But there was no smith throughout the land of Israel. For the Philistines thought that then the Hebrews might make them swords or spears.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofMetalworkersBlacksmiths