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"Again, you have heard that it was said to the ancients, 'Thou shalt not swear falsely, but shalt perform thy vows to the Lord.'

Again, how can any one enter the house of a strong man and carry off his goods, unless first of all he masters and secures the strong man: then he will ransack his house.

"The Kingdom of the Heavens is like treasure buried in the open country, which a man finds, but buries again, and, in his joy about it, goes and sells all he has and buys that piece of ground.

"Again the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a jewel merchant who is in quest of choice pearls.

"Again the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a draw-net let down into the sea, which encloses fish of all sorts.

Again, moving thence, Jesus went along by the Lake of Galilee; and ascending the hill, He sat down there.

"But you, who do you say that I am?" He asked again.

they will put Him to death, but on the third day He will be raised to life again." And they were exceedingly distressed.

"So they went. Again about twelve, and about three o'clock, he went out and did the same.

and seeing a fig-tree on the road-side He went up to it, but found nothing on it but leaves. "On you," He said, "no fruit shall ever again grow." And immediately the fig-tree withered away.

Again he sent another party of servants more numerous than the first; and these they treated in the same manner.

Again Jesus spoke to them in figurative language.

"Again he sent other servants with a message to those who were invited. "'My breakfast is now ready," he said, 'my bullocks and fat cattle are killed, and every preparation is made: come to the wedding.'

No one could say a word in reply, nor from that day did any one venture again to put a question to Him.

For I tell you that you will never see me again until you say, 'Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord.'"

I tell you that I will never again take the produce of the vine till that day when I shall drink the new wine with you in my Father's Kingdom."

But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee."

He came and again found them asleep, for they were very tired.

So He left them, and went away once more and prayed a third time, again using the same words.

"Put back your sword again," said Jesus, "for all who draw the sword shall perish by the sword.

Jesus however remained silent. Again the High Priest addressed Him. "In the name of the ever-living God," he said, "I now put you on your oath. Tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God."

At last, having finished their sport, they took off the cloak, clothed Him again in His own garments, and led Him away for crucifixion.

"Sir," they said, "we recollect that during his lifetime that impostor pretended that after two days he was to rise to life again.

After some days He entered Capernaum again, and it soon became known that He was at home;

Again He went out to the shore of the Lake, and the whole multitude kept coming to Him, and He taught them.

And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal.

Some, again, falls among the thorns; and the thorns spring up and stifle it, so that it yields no crop.

Others asserted that He was Elijah. Others again said, "He is a Prophet, like one of the great Prophets."

Then Jesus called the people to Him again. "Listen to me, all of you," He said, "and understand.

She was a Gentile woman, a Syro-phoenician by nation: and again and again she begged Him to expel the demon from her daughter.

About that time there was again an immense crowd, and they found themselves with nothing to eat. So He called His disciples to Him.

So He left them, went on board again, and came away to the other side.

Then Jesus, seeing that an increasing crowd was running towards Him, rebuked the foul spirit, and said to it, "Dumb and deaf spirit, *I* command you, come out of him and never enter into him again."

for He was teaching His disciples, and telling them, "The Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will put Him to death; and after being put to death, in three days He will rise to life again."

Soon on His feet once more, He enters the district of Judaea and crosses the Jordan: again the people flock to Him, and ere long, as was usual with Him, He was teaching them once more.

Indoors the disciples began questioning Jesus again on the same subject.

The disciples were amazed at His words. Jesus, however, said again, "Children, how hard a struggle is it for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God!

they will insult Him in cruel sport, spit on Him, scourge Him, and put Him to death; but on the third day He will rise to life again."

and He said to the tree, "Let no one ever again eat fruit from thee!" And His disciples heard this.

They came again to Jerusalem; and as He was walking in the Temple, the High Priests, Scribes and Elders came to Him

Again he sent to them another servant: and as for him, they wounded him in the head and treated him shamefully.

For those will be times of suffering the like of which has never been from the first creation of God's world until now, and assuredly never will be again;

I solemnly tell you that never again will I taste the produce of the vine till I shall drink the new wine in the Kingdom of God."

But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee."

"Even if I must die with you," declared Peter again and again, "I will never disown you." In like manner protested also all the disciples.

He again went away and prayed, using the very same words.

When He returned He again found them asleep, for they were very tired; and they knew not how to answer Him.

Again the maidservant saw him, and again began to say to the people standing by, "He is one of them."

A second time he repeatedly denied it. Soon afterwards the bystanders again accused Peter, saying, "You are surely one of them, for you too are a Galilaean."

Pilate again and again asked Him, "Do you make no reply? Listen to the many charges they are bringing against you."

and when Pilate again asked them, "What then shall I do to the man you call King of the Jews?"

These, again, went and told the news to the rest; but not even them did they believe.

The soldiers also once and again inquired of him, "And we, what are we to do?" His answer was, "Neither intimidate any one nor lay false charges; and be content with your pay."

"There is no good tree that yields unsound fruit, nor again any unsound tree that yields good fruit.

and, standing behind close to His feet, weeping, began to wet His feet with her tears; and with her hair she wiped the tears away again, while she lovingly kissed His feet and poured the perfume over them.

Now when the time drew near for Him to be received up again into Heaven, He proceeded with fixed purpose towards Jerusalem, and sent messengers before Him.

And again He said, "To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God?

See, your house is left to you. But I tell you that you will never see me again until you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'"

for my son here was dead and has come to life again: he was lost and has been found.' "And they began to be merry.

They will scourge Him and put Him to death, and on the third day He will rise to life again."

Then again he sent a third; and this one also they wounded and drove away.

for I tell you that I certainly shall not eat one again till its full meaning has been brought out in the Kingdom of God."

And on that very day Herod and Pilate became friends again, for they had been for some time at enmity.

when He told you that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again."

and He said, "Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise again from among the dead;

Again they questioned him. "Why then do you baptize," they said, "if you are neither the Christ nor Elijah nor the Prophet?"

Again the next day John was standing with two of his disciples,

"Every one," replied Jesus, "who drinks any of this water will be thirsty again;

Perceiving, however, that they were about to come and carry Him off by force to make Him a king, Jesus withdrew again up the hill alone by Himself.

"Does this seem incredible to you? What then if you were to see the Son of Man ascending again where He was before?

Others said, "He is the Christ." But others again, "Not so, for is the Christ to come from Galilee?

Then He leant forward again, and again began to write on the ground.

Again He said to them, "I am going away. Then you will try to find me, but you will die in your sins. Where I am going, it is impossible for you to come."

And there was a division among them. So again they asked the once blind man, "What is your account of him? --for he opened your eyes." "He is a Prophet," he replied.

"I have told you already," he replied, "and you did not listen to me. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also mean to be disciples of his?"

Again there arose a division among the Jews because of these words.

Again the Jews brought stones with which to stone Him.

Then He went away again to the other side of the Jordan, to the place where John had been baptizing at first; and there He stayed.

"Rabbi," exclaimed the disciples, "the Jews have just been trying to stone you, and do you think of going back there again?"

Jesus, however, again restraining His strong feeling, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone had been laid against the mouth of it.

Father, glorify Thy name." Thereupon there came a voice from the sky, "I have glorified it and will also glorify it again."

For this reason they were unable to believe--because Isaiah said again,

So after He had washed their feet, put on His garments again, and returned to the table, He said to them, "Do you understand what I have done to you?