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whilst Jesus was at the stern, asleep on a pillow: upon which they awak'd him, crying out, master, have you so little concern to let us sink? then he rose,

immediately he rose up, left all his affairs, and became his disciple.

then they came to wake him, crying, master, master, we are sinking. then he rose up, and rebuked the wind, and the waves: and both subside to a calm.

immediately she came to life, and rose up: and he order'd, that something should be given her to eat.

Abraham replied, if they disregard Moses and the prophets, they will not believe any one, though he rose from the dead.

the Jews then who were with Mary in the house to comfort her, when they saw that she rose in such haste, and went out, followed her, saying, she is going to the grave to weep there.

rose from supper, laid aside his garment, and took a towel to wrap about him.

At that time the disciples being assembled, to the number of about an hundred and twenty, Peter rose up in the midst of them,

when a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of law, who was respected by all the people, rose up in the council, and moved the apostles might withdraw for some time.

at length Saul rose from the ground; and when he opened his eyes, he could not see: so that they led him by the hand, and brought him to Damascus,

Peter said to him, Eneas, Jesus, who is the Messiah, gives thee health: rise, and make your bed your self: upon which he immediately rose.

not to all the people, but to those witnesses, which God had before chosen: to us, I say, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.

but the disciples being gather'd about him, he rose up and went into the city, from whence he departed the next day with Barnabas to go to Derbe.

and after the question had been much canvass'd, Peter rose up, and said, my brethren, you know that a considerable time since God chose me from among you to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, and bring them to the faith.

upon this the populace rose upon them, and the Officers order'd them to be stript and scourg'd.

When he had said this, the king, the governour, Bernice, and all that were seated near them, rose up: and being retired,

Now if it has been declared, that Christ rose from the dead, how comes it, that some among you assert, "there is no resurrection of the dead?"