Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Corruption » Who is corrupt
Of this number are they, who insinuate themselves into families, to make a prey of the weaker sex, who are inveigled by their vitious suggestions, abetted by their own subtle passions, and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth. Moses did not meet with greater opposition from Jannes and Jambres, than truth does from men so corrupted in their mind, and so adulterated in their faith.
so it was with Sodom, Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, who abandoning themselves to the same licentiousness and abominable passions, were made examples by suffering the punishment of eternal fire. yet these visionary debauchees despise princes, and traduce dignitys. whereas Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, did not take the liberty to inveigh against him, but said, "the Lord rebuke thee." read more.
As for these, they inveigh against what they do not understand: and abuse those natural instincts which regulate brute animals.
As for these, they inveigh against what they do not understand: and abuse those natural instincts which regulate brute animals.
Dullness » General examples of
fidelity, and natural affection; implacable, and unmerciful:
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therefore speak I to them in parables: because they over-look what they see: and are inattentive to what they hear, neither will they comprehend.
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for the heart of this people is become gross, their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted and I should heal them."
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and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth.
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Fleeting impressions » The truth fails to grip
and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth.
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Folly » Whose folly shall be made manifest
Of this number are they, who insinuate themselves into families, to make a prey of the weaker sex, who are inveigled by their vitious suggestions, abetted by their own subtle passions, and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth. Moses did not meet with greater opposition from Jannes and Jambres, than truth does from men so corrupted in their mind, and so adulterated in their faith. read more.
but they will be stop'd in their career; for they shall be expos'd to the world for impostors, as those magicians were.
but they will be stop'd in their career; for they shall be expos'd to the world for impostors, as those magicians were.
Ignorance » Man's » Of God
but all these things will they do unto you, out of hatred to my name, because they know not him that sent me.
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for considering, as I pass'd along, the deitys, which you adore, I met with an altar that had this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. now that GOD whom you worship without knowing him, is the same that I denounce to you.
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and thus will they treat you, because they have not known the father, nor me.
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and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth.
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Knowledge » Who has no knowledge
If any one deviate from this doctrine, not adhering to the wholesome instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ, the true doctrine of piety, he is full of pride and ignorance, touch'd with a spirit of chicanery and wrangling, productive of envy, contention, calumny, mischievous opinions, and a familiarity with pernicious ignorant impostors, who consider religion only as it makes for their gain.
Take notice that in the latter days difficult incidents will arise; for men will be selfish, avaricious, vain, proud, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, villainous, unnatural, perfidious, defamers, debauchees, read more.
cruel, enemies to virtue, traitors, insolent, conceited, and more devoted to pleasure than to piety: of which they wear the appearance, but disclaim its influence. have no intercourse with such. Of this number are they, who insinuate themselves into families, to make a prey of the weaker sex, who are inveigled by their vitious suggestions, abetted by their own subtle passions, and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth.
cruel, enemies to virtue, traitors, insolent, conceited, and more devoted to pleasure than to piety: of which they wear the appearance, but disclaim its influence. have no intercourse with such. Of this number are they, who insinuate themselves into families, to make a prey of the weaker sex, who are inveigled by their vitious suggestions, abetted by their own subtle passions, and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth.
Manifestation » What shall be manifested
therefore suspend your judgment till the Lord comes, who will bring to light the secrets of darkness, and expose the counsels of mens hearts: and then shall every man have his due reward from God.
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on the contrary, rejoice at the share you have of sufferings, as well as Christ: that you may likewise triumph, when he shall appear in his glory.
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Of this number are they, who insinuate themselves into families, to make a prey of the weaker sex, who are inveigled by their vitious suggestions, abetted by their own subtle passions, and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth. Moses did not meet with greater opposition from Jannes and Jambres, than truth does from men so corrupted in their mind, and so adulterated in their faith. read more.
but they will be stop'd in their career; for they shall be expos'd to the world for impostors, as those magicians were.
but they will be stop'd in their career; for they shall be expos'd to the world for impostors, as those magicians were.
Again he said, is a lamp ever brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? or to be set on a stand? for there is nothing conceal'd but what shall be made manifest: nor was any thing kept secret, but in order to be divulged.
fear them not therefore: for there is nothing hid that shall not be revealed; or secret that shall not be made known. what I tell you in private, declare it in publick: and what is whisper'd in the ear, proclaim from the battlements of the house.
Now, no one lights a lamp to hide it under a vessel, or under a bed: but sets it on a stand, to give light to all the company. whatever is now obscure, shall hereafter be made clear; whatever is now conceal'd, shall then be publickly known. improve therefore what you hear: for he that improves what he has, shall have more; but he that does not, shall lose even that, which he thinks he possesses.
for there is nothing conceal'd, which shall not be disclos'd; nothing secret, which shall not be made publick. whatever you have utter'd in the dark, shall be brought to light: and what you have whisper'd in a closet, shall be proclaim'd upon the house top.
according to the free gift of God bestowed upon me, I, as a skilful architect, have laid the foundation, and another builds thereon. but let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. for no one can lay any other foundation, than what is laid, which is, that Jesus is the Messias. now if upon this foundation somebody builds gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: he that builds such work, read more.
will be expos'd. for the time of tryal will show it: it shall be discovered by the fire, which will put each sort of work to the test.
will be expos'd. for the time of tryal will show it: it shall be discovered by the fire, which will put each sort of work to the test.
Resistance » Who resists the truth
Of this number are they, who insinuate themselves into families, to make a prey of the weaker sex, who are inveigled by their vitious suggestions, abetted by their own subtle passions, and by lending an assiduous ear to such lessons, render it impossible they should ever be acquainted with the truth. Moses did not meet with greater opposition from Jannes and Jambres, than truth does from men so corrupted in their mind, and so adulterated in their faith.