Thematic Bible: Similitudes

Thematic Bible

For the kingdom of the heavens is like to a man, master of a house, who went out as soon as morning to hire workmen for his vineyard.

Another parable spake he to them; The kingdom of the heavens is like to leaven, which a woman having taken, hid in three measures of wheaten flour, till the whole was leavened.

Then shall the kingdom of the heavens be likened to ten virgins, who having taken their lanterns, went forth to the meeting of the bridegroom.

Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like to a treasure hid in the field; which a man finding, concealed, and from his joy, he retires, and all things which he has he sells, and he purchases that field.

Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens was made like a man sowing good seed in his field:

Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is like a kernel of mustard, which a man taking, sowed in his field:

Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like to a large sweep-net, cast into the sea, and having gathered of every kind:

And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed upon the earth;

And he said, To what is the kingdom of God like? and to what shall I liken it?

Wherefore then are ye no more foreigners and sojourners, but fellow-citizens of the holy, and the household of God; Built upon the foundation of the sent, and of the prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the corner stone;

And they were to me, said Jehovah of armies, for the day which I make wealth; and I spared for them as a man will spare for the son serving him.