14 Bible Verses about God, Immutability Of

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 102:25-27

You founded the earth of old. The heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you endure. All of them will wear out like a garment; like clothing you will renew them and they will be renewed. But you are the same. Your years will not come to an end.

Isaiah 43:10

YOU ARE MY WITNESSES, DECLARES JEHOVAH! I have chosen you as my servant so that you can know and believe in me and understand that I am the one who did this. No god was formed before me, and there will be none after me.

Psalm 138:8

Jehovah will do everything for me. O Jehovah, your mercy endures forever. Do not let go of what your hands have made.

Exodus 3:14

God then said to Moses: [I exist and] I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE. You shall say to the sons of Israel: I WILL BE, has sent me to you.' (Hebrew: hayah, I was, I am, I will be gives evidence of God's eternal existence)

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