49 occurrences

'Bore' in the Bible

And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city; and he called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch.

Verse ConceptsBuild, LiterallyCityBuildingPregnancyCitiesCivilizationBuildersMarital SexMarital Sex BetweenPeople Naming ThingsSame Sex MarriageBuilding Relationships

And Adah bore Jabal: he was the father of those who dwell in tents, and breed cattle.

Verse ConceptsNomadsTentsSpiritual FathersThose Who Kept Stock

And Zillah, she also bore Tubal-Cain, the forger of every kind of tool of brass and iron. And the sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofAbel and CainBronzeequipping, physicalIronMetalsToolsInventionsBlacksmithsBrassNamed SistersBronze Shacklesmakeup

And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: ... For God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, because Cain has slain him.

Verse ConceptsAdam, After The FallAbelAbel and CainMarital SexMarital Sex BetweenExchange Of IndividualsKilling Named IndividualsPeople With Apt NamesAdam and evepremarital

And the flood was forty days on the earth. And the waters increased, and bore up the ark; and it was lifted up above the earth.

Verse ConceptsNoah's ArkForty DaysShipsMore Than One MonthThings Lifted UpThings On HighFloods

And Hagar bore Abram a son; and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore, Ishmael.

Verse ConceptsGod Pays AttentionPeople With Apt Names

And Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.

Verse ConceptsThe Age At Fatherhood

And the first-born bore a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites to this day.

Verse ConceptsFirstborn DaughtersRelationships To This DayFathers And Daughters

And the younger, she also bore a son, and called his name Ben-ammi; the same is the father of the children of Ammon to this day.

Verse ConceptsRelationships To This DayFathers And Daughters

And Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, and his wife and his handmaids, and they bore children.

Verse ConceptsdiseasesAnswered PrayerPraying For SinnersPraying For Others

And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming Peoplesarah

(And Bethuel begot Rebecca.) These eight Milcah bore to Nahor, Abraham's brother.

Verse ConceptsEight People

And his concubine, named Reumah, she also bore Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Maacah.

And she said to him, I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor.

Verse ConceptsThis Is Me

And Sarah, my master's wife, bore a son to my master after she had grown old; and unto him has he given all that he has.

Verse ConceptsGiving To OthersHope For Old People

And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bore to him. And I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her hands.

Verse ConceptsJewelleryWho Is This?This Is Me

And she bore him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.

And these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's bondwoman, bore to Abraham.

Verse Conceptssarah

And Leah conceived, and bore a son, and called his name Reuben; for she said, Because Jehovah has looked upon my affliction; for now my husband will love me.

Verse ConceptsPregnancyGod Seeing Their AfflictionGod Sending His SonI Am SufferingMen And Women Who LovedPeople With Apt Names

And she again conceived, and bore a son, and said, Because Jehovah has heard that I am hated, he has therefore given me this one also; and she called his name Simeon.

Verse ConceptsGod Paid Attention To MeHating IndividualsPeople With Apt Names

And she again conceived, and bore a son, and said, Now this time will my husband be united to me, for I have borne him three sons; therefore was his name called Levi.

Verse ConceptsThree ChildrenPeople With Apt Names

And she again conceived, and bore a son, and said, This time will I praise Jehovah; therefore she called his name Judah. And she ceased to bear.

Verse ConceptsCessationShowing Forth His PraisePeople With Apt Nameschildbearing

And when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenJealousyPolygamySistersSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfAnger Of Man, CausePossibility Of DeathThose Jealous Of People

And Bilhah conceived, and bore Jacob a son.

And Bilhah Rachel's maidservant again conceived, and bore Jacob a second son.

And Zilpah Leah's maidservant bore Jacob a son.

And Zilpah Leah's maidservant bore Jacob a second son.

And God hearkened to Leah, and she conceived, and bore Jacob a fifth son.

Verse ConceptsPrayer, As Asking GodFractions, One FifthFifth

And Leah again conceived, and bore Jacob a sixth son;

Verse ConceptsFractions, One SixthSixth

And afterwards she bore a daughter, and called her name Dinah.

And she conceived, and bore a son, and said, God has taken away my reproach.

Verse ConceptsConception

If he said thus; The speckled shall be thy hire, then all the flocks bore speckled; and if he said thus: The ringstraked shall be thy hire, then all the flocks bore ringstraked.

Verse ConceptsBlemished CreaturesBlack And White

And Adah bore to Esau Eliphaz; and Basmath bore Reuel.

And Oholibamah bore Jeush and Jaalam and Korah. These are the sons of Esau that were born to him in the land of Canaan.

And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esau's son, and she bore Amalek to Eliphaz. These are the sons of Adah Esau's wife.

Verse ConceptsConcubines

And these are the sons of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, daughter of Zibeon, Esau's wife: and she bore to Esau Jeush and Jaalam and Korah.

Verse ConceptsGrandchildren

And they sat down to eat bread; and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites came from Gilead; and their camels bore tragacanth, and balsam, and ladanum going to carry it down to Egypt.

Verse ConceptsBalmsCaravansHerbs And SpicesMoney, Uses OfMyrrhPerfumeTradeTravelCamelsCommercePeople EatingSitting In Fellowship

And she conceived and bore a son; and he called his name Er.

And she again conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Onan.

And again she bore a son, and she called his name Shelah; and he was at Chezib when she bore him.

And to Joseph were born two sons before the year of famine came, whom Asnath the daughter of Potipherah the priest in On bore to him.

Verse ConceptsTwo Sons

And thy servant my father said to us, Ye know that my wife bore me two sons;

Verse ConceptsTwo Sons

These are the sons of Leah, whom she bore to Jacob in Padan-Aram; and his daughter, Dinah. All the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty-three.

Verse ConceptsThirty Some

These are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter; and she bore these to Jacob: sixteen souls.

Verse ConceptsSixteen

And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asnath bore to him, the daughter of Potipherah the priest in On.

Verse ConceptsOccupations

These are the sons of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter; and she bore these to Jacob: all the souls were seven.

Verse ConceptsSeven People

Bible Theasaurus

Conduct (150 instances)
Contain (24 instances)
Deliver (542 instances)
Deport (7 instances)
Digest (1 instance)
Displease (9 instances)
Eager (70 instances)
Endure (180 instances)
Expect (43 instances)
Gauge (1 instance)
Stomach (57 instances)
Suffer (240 instances)
Tolerate (15 instances)
Weary (96 instances)
Yield (94 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 17

Usage: 72

גּבל גּבוּל 
Usage: 240

גּבלה גּבוּלה 
Usage: 10

Usage: 5

Usage: 6

Usage: 497

Usage: 5

Usage: 13

Usage: 28

Usage: 109

Usage: 26

Usage: 22

Usage: 17

Usage: 4

Usage: 22

נסה נשׂא 
Usage: 653

Usage: 48

Usage: 6

עמשׂ עמס 
Usage: 9

Usage: 67

קצה קצה 
Usage: 97

Usage: 1

שׁאל שׁאל 
Usage: 172

שׂפת שׂפה 
Usage: 176

תּצאה תּוצאה 
Usage: 23

תּר תּור 
Usage: 4

Usage: 2

Usage: 2

begat , be born , bear , gender , bring forth , be delivered ,
Usage: 84

that is born
Usage: 0

Usage: 17

Usage: 0

grievous to be borne
Usage: 0

Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 11

Usage: 1

bring forth , be delivered , be born , be in travail , bear
Usage: 18