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And he dieth, according to the word of Jehovah that Elijah spake, and Jehoram reigneth in his stead, in the second year of Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, for he had no son.
-- and fifty men of the sons of the prophets have gone on, and stand over-against afar off -- and both of them have stood by the Jordan.
And Elisha saith, 'Jehovah of Hosts liveth, before whom I have stood; for unless the face of Jehoshaphat king of Judah I am lifting up, I do not look unto thee, nor see thee;
and he taketh his son, the first-born who reigneth in his stead, and causeth him to ascend -- a burnt-offering on the wall, and there is great wrath against Israel, and they journey from off him, and turn back to the land.
And Naaman is wroth, and goeth on, and saith, 'Lo, I said, Unto me he doth certainly come out, and hath stood and called in the name of Jehovah his God, and waved his hand over the place, and recovered the leper.
And he saith, 'Jehovah liveth, before whom I have stood -- if I take it;' and he presseth on him to take, and he refuseth.
And it cometh to pass on the morrow, that he taketh the coarse cloth, and dippeth in water, and spreadeth on his face, and he dieth, and Hazael reigneth in his stead.
And Joram lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David, and reign doth Ahaziah his son in his stead.
And they fear very greatly, and say, 'Lo, the two kings have not stood before him, and how do we stand -- we?'
And Jehu lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in Samaria, and reign doth Jehoahaz his son in his stead.
yea, Jozachar son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad son of Shemer, his servants, have smitten him, and he dieth, and they bury him with his fathers in the city of David, and reign doth Amaziah his son, in his stead.
And Jehoahaz lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in Samaria, and reign doth Joash his son in his stead.
And Hazael king of Aram dieth, and reign doth Ben-Hadad his son in his stead,
And Jehoash lieth with his fathers, and is buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel, and reign doth Jeroboam his son in his stead.
And Jeroboam lieth with his fathers, with the kings of Israel, and reign doth Zechariah his son in his stead.
And Azariah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him with his fathers, in the city of David, and reign doth Jotham his son in his stead.
And Shallum son of Jabesh conspireth against him, and smiteth him before the people, and putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.
and go up doth Menahem son of Gadi from Tirzah and cometh in to Samaria, and smiteth Shallum son of Jabesh in Samaria, and putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.
And Menahem lieth with his fathers, and reign doth Pekahiah his son in his stead.
And Pekah son of Remaliah, his captain, doth conspire against him, and smiteth him in Samaria, in the high place of the house of the king with Argob and Arieh, and with him fifty men of the sons of the Gileadites, and he putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.
And make a conspiracy doth Hoshea son of Elah against Pekah son of Remaliah, and smiteth him, and putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham son of Uzziah.
And Jotham lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers, in the city of David his father, and reign doth Ahaz his son in his stead.
And Ahaz lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers, in the city of David, and reign doth Hezekiah his son in his stead.
and it cometh to pass, he is bowing himself in the house of Nisroch his god, and Adramelech and Sharezar his sons have smitten him with the sword, and they have escaped to the land of Ararat, and Esar-Haddon his son reigneth in his stead.
And Hezekiah lieth with his fathers, and reign doth Manasseh his son in his stead.
And Manasseh lieth with his fathers, and is buried in the garden of his house, in the garden of Uzza, and reign doth Amon his son in his stead.
and the people of the land smite all those conspiring against king Amon, and the people of the land cause Josiah his son to reign in his stead.
and one burieth him in his burying-place in the garden of Uzza, and reign doth Josiah his son in his stead.
And Jehoiakim lieth with his fathers, and Jehoiachin his son reigneth in his stead.
And the king of Babylon causeth Mattaniah his father's brother to reign in his stead, and turneth his name to Zedekiah.
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- Hour
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- Spirit Of Christ
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- Citizens
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- The Effect Of Christ's Death
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- Spiritual Life, Described By
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- Names And Titles For The Holy Spirit
- Spiritual life
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- Life Purpose
- Loss Of A Loved One
- Free
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- Decay
- Principalities
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- Respecting Authority
- Unity, Of God's People
- Peace Of Mind
- Peace And Comfort
- Spiritually Dead
- Significance Of Christ's Crucifixion
- Being Saved
- Consider Your Call To Salvation
- Being Content
- Christianity
- Things Passing Away
- Self Image
- Evangelism, motivation for
- Working Together
- Unselfishness
- Being Dead In Sin
- Death Of Loved One
- Losing a loved one
- Faults
- Ambassadors
- Resurrection, Spiritual
- Grace
- Spiritual Immaturity
- Slaves
- Maturity
- Restored In Jesus Christ
- Perfection, Human
- The Faith
- Sportsmanship
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Heaven
- Peace
- Legacy
- Slaves Of God
- Gentiles, In Nt
- Satan, As Tempter
- Spiritual Vitality
- Hope For Unbelievers
- Knowing God's Truth
- Race
- Finishing Strong
- Serving Individuals
- Death, Of Believers
- Abolishing Death
- Entering Life
- God Swearing Harm
- Rest, Eternal
- Judgement Day
- Revelation
- Repaid For Deeds
- Angels Doing God's Work
- Altars, In Heaven