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And much people shall go and say: come, and let us go up to the hill of the LORD and unto the house of the God of Jacob: that he may teach us his ways, and that we may walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall come the law, and the word of God out of Jerusalem.

O house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

But thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they go far beyond the east countries in Sorcerers - who they have as the Philistines had - and in calkers of men's births, whereof they have too many.

The Lord sent a word into Jacob, the same is come into Israel.

After that day shall the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped out of the house of Jacob, seek no more comfort at him that smote them, but shall comfort themselves with faithfulness and truth in the LORD, the holy one of Israel.

The remnant, yea and the Posterity of Jacob, shall convert unto God the mighty one.

At that time also shall the glory of Jacob be very poor, and his fatness lean.

It will come to this point, that Jacob shall be rooted again, and Israel shall be green, and bear flowers, and they shall fill the whole world with their fruit.

And therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be thus reconciled. And so shall he take away all the fruit of his sins. As for altar stones, he shall make them all as stones beaten to powder: the groves and Idols shall not stand.

And therefore the LORD, even the defender of Abraham, sayeth thus unto the house of Jacob: "Now shall not Jacob be ashamed, nor his face confounded,

when he seeth among his children - whom my hands have made - such as hallow my name among them: that they may sanctify the holy one of Jacob, and fear the God of Israel.

Be not afraid, thou little worm Jacob, and thou despised Israel: for I will help thee, sayeth the LORD, and the holy one of Israel thine avenger.

Stand at your cause, sayeth the LORD, and bring forth your strongest ground, counseleth the King of Jacob.

Who suffered Jacob to be trodden under foot, and Israel to be spoiled? Did not the LORD? Now have we sinned against him, and have had no delight to walk in his ways, neither been obedient unto his law.

But now, the LORD that made thee O Jacob, and he that fashioned thee O Israel, sayeth thus, "Fear not, for I will defend thee. I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine own.

"For thou, Jacob, wouldest not call upon me, but thou hadst an un-lust toward me, O Israel.

Therefore I either suspended, or slew the chiefest princes: I did curse Jacob, and gave Israel into reproof."

So hear now, O Jacob my servant, and Israel whom I have chosen.

For thus sayeth the LORD, that made thee, fashioned thee, and helped thee, even from thy mother's womb: Be not afraid, O Jacob my servant, thou righteous, whom I have chosen.

One will say, "I am the LORD's." Another will call under the name of Jacob. The third shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and give himself under the name of Israel.

Consider this, O Jacob and Israel, for thou art my servant. I have made thee, that thou mightest serve me. O Israel, forget me not.

Be glad ye heavens, whom the LORD hath made, let all that is here beneath upon the earth, be joyful. Rejoice ye mountains and woods, with all the trees that are in you: for the LORD shall redeem Jacob, and show his glory upon Israel.

and that for Jacob my servant's sake, and for Israel my chosen. For I called thee by name, and ordained thee before thou knewest me.

I have not spoken secretly, neither in dark places of the earth. It is not for naught, that I said unto the seed of Jacob, "Seek me." I am the LORD which, when I speak, declareth the thing that is righteous and true.

Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all ye that remain yet of the household of Israel, whom I have borne from your mother's womb, and brought you up from your birth, till ye were grown:

Hear this, O thou house of Jacob; ye that are called by the name of Israel, and are come out of one stock with Judah; which swear by the name of the LORD, and bear witness by the God of Israel - but not with truth and right.

Hearken unto me O Jacob, and Israel whom I have called. I am even he that is, I am the first and the last.

Ye shall go away from Babylon, and escape the Chaldeans with a merry voice. This shall be spoken of, declared abroad, and go forth unto the end of the world: so that it shall be said, "The LORD hath defended his servant Jacob,

And now saith the LORD that formed me in the womb, to be his servant and to turn Jacob unto him,

And will feed thine enemies with their own flesh, and make them drink of their own blood, as of sweet wine. And all flesh shall know, O Jacob, that I am the LORD - thy Saviour and strong avenger.

Cry with the throat and spare not. Lift up thy voice as a trumpet, and tell my people their offences and the house of Jacob their sins.

Then shalt thou have thy pleasure in the LORD, which shall carry thee high above the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the LORD's own mouth hath so promised.

Thou shalt suck the milk of the Gentiles, and kings' breasts shall feed thee. And thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and defender, the mighty one of Jacob.

But I will take a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah, one to take possession of my hill. My chosen shall possess these things, and my servants shall dwell there.