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Aram thy merchant from the multitude of thy works: they gave in thy markets with the gem, reddish purple, and variegation, and byssus, and red corals, and ruby.

For this, say to them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Ye will eat with the bloods, and ye will lift up your eyes to your blocks, and ye will pour out blood: and shall ye possess the land?

Ye stood upon your sword, ye did abomination, and ye defiled each his neighbor's wife: and shall ye possess the land?

Because of thy saying, The two nations and the two lands shall be to me, and we will possess it; and Jehovah was there:

And I caused man to go upon you, my people Israel; and they shall possess thee, and thou wert to them for an inheritance, and thou shalt no more add to bereave them.