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Soon after this Mary set out and hastened unto the hill-country to a town in Judah;

And there came a great fear upon all in the neighborhood; and throughout the hill country of Judea all these sayings were much talked about.

Every ravine shall be filled up, Every hill and mountain shall be laid low, The crooked shall be made straight, And the rough roads smooth;

And Jesus himself when he began to teach was about thirty years of age. He was the son (as it was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli,

Jesus answered. "Doubtless you will quote the proverb to me, 'Physician, heal thyself!' Do also here in your own country all that we hear that you have done in Capernaum."

they rose, hurried him outside the town, and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, intending to cast him down headlong.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Push out into deep water, and let down your nets for a haul."

(For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the haul of fish which they had made;

One day he was teaching, and near to him were seated Pharisees and teachers of the Law, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.

So Jesus questioned the lawyers and the Pharisees, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath Day or not?"

"It is fit neither for the land nor the dung-hill; men cast it out. He who has ears to hear let him listen to this!"