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As they were talking in this way to the people, the high priests, the commander of the Temple, and the Sadducees came up to them,

with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who belonged to the high priest's family.

After being released, the apostles went back to their friends, and told them what the high priests and members of the council had said to them.

And they obeyed, and about daybreak went into the Temple and began to teach. The high priest and his party came over and called together the council and indeed the whole senate of the Israelites, and sent to the prison to have the apostles brought in.

When the commander of the Temple and the high priests heard this report, they were very much at a loss as to what would come of it.

So they brought them before the council. The high priest called on them for an explanation.

Now Saul, still breathing murderous threats against the Lord's disciples, went to the high priest,

Everyone was astonished, and said, "Is not he the man who made such havoc of the people in Jerusalem who call upon that name, and who came here especially for the purpose of arresting such persons and taking them before the high priests?"

A Jewish high priest named Sceva had seven sons who were doing this.

as the high priest and the whole council will bear me witness. In fact, they gave me letters to the brothers in Damascus and I went there to bind those who were there and bring them back to Jerusalem to be punished.

The next day, as he wished to find out the real reason why the Jews denounced him, he had him unbound and ordered the high priests and the whole council to assemble, and took Paul down and brought him before them.

At this the high priest Ananias ordered the people who were standing nearest to him to strike him on the mouth.

But the people who stood near him said, "Do you mean to insult God's high priest?"

"I did not know, brothers," said Paul, "that he was high priest, for the Scripture says, 'You shall not say anything against any ruler of your people.' "

and they went to the high priests and elders and said to them, "We have taken a solemn oath not to touch anything to eat till we have killed Paul.

Five days later, the high priest Ananias came down with some of the elders and an attorney named Tertullus, and they presented their case against Paul before the governor.

and the high priests and Jewish leaders presented their charges against Paul,

and when I was at Jerusalem the Jewish high priests and elders presented their case against him, and asked for his conviction.

That was what I did at Jerusalem when on the authority of the high priests I put many of God's people in prison. When they were put to death, I cast my vote against them,

I was once going to Damascus on this business, authorized and commissioned by the high priests,