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‘I will make My arrows drunk with blood,
And My sword will devour flesh,
With the blood of the slain and the captives,
From the heads of the leaders of the enemy.’

Verse ConceptsArrows, Described AsLong HairCovered With BloodGod KillingGod Making DrunkGod Will Kill The PeoplesGod's SwordArrows

So the bramble said to the trees, ‘If in truth you are anointing me king over you, then come and take refuge in my shade; but if not, let fire come out of the bramble and devour the cedars of Lebanon.’

Verse ConceptsCedarShadowsBramblesBurning PlantsPerforming The Truth

But if not, may fire come out from Abimelech and devour the people of Shechem and Beth-millo; and may fire come out from the people of Shechem and Beth-millo, and devour Abimelech.”

Verse ConceptsBurning People

Then Abner called to Joab, “Must the sword devour forever? Do you not know that it will be bitter in the end? How long [will it be] before you tell the people to stop pursuing their brothers?”

Verse ConceptsPursuing PeopleEternal Judgement

If I shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or if I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence and plague among My people,

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTClosing Up

“There is nothing left of what he devoured;
Therefore his prosperity does not endure.

Verse ConceptsNot Prospering

Complete darkness (misfortune) is held in reserve for his treasures.
An unfanned fire will devour him;
It will consume the survivor in his tent.

Verse ConceptsBurning PeopleThe Outer DarknessOuter Darkness

“With fierceness and rage he races to devour the ground,
And he does not stand still at the sound of the [war] trumpet.

Verse ConceptsNot Being StillNot Stilldistance

Be gracious to me, O God, for man has trampled on me;
All day long the adversary oppresses and torments me.

Verse ConceptsMusicThose OppressedAll Day

There is a generation (class of people) whose teeth are like swords
And whose jaw teeth are like knives,
To devour the afflicted from the earth
And the needy from among men.

Verse ConceptsKnifesKnivesTeethOppressorsRace

Your land lies desolate [because of your disobedience],
Your cities are burned with fire,
Your fields—strangers are devouring them in your very presence;
It is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Verse ConceptsForeignersPeace, Human Destruction OfPoverty, Causes OfDestruction Of CountriesBurning CitiesSuffering From ForeignersStrangers in israelAliens

The Arameans on the east and the Philistines on the west;
And they devour Israel with gaping jaws.
In spite of all this, God’s anger does not turn away
But His hand is still stretched out [in judgment].

Verse ConceptseastHand Of GodGod's HandEast And WestGod's Hands Stretched Outsyria

They slice off [in discord] what is on the right hand but are still hungry,
And they eat what is on the left hand but they are not satisfied;
Each eats the flesh of his own arm.

Verse ConceptsStomachs

And the Light of Israel will become a fire and His Holy One a flame,
And it will burn and devour Assyria’s thorns and briars in a single day.

Verse ConceptsBriersLight, SpiritualThornsShort Time For Action

And the fading flower of its glorious beauty,
Which is at the head of the rich valley,
Will be like the early fig before the summer,
Which one sees,
And as soon as it is in his hand
He [greedily] swallows it [and so will the Assyrians rapidly devour Samaria, Israel’s capital].

Verse ConceptsFig treeHarvestNo BeautyWorse

Then the Assyrian will fall by a sword not of man,
And a sword not of man will devour him.
And he will flee from the sword [of God],
And his young men will become forced labor.

Verse ConceptsSwordsGod KillingGod Will Kill The PeoplesForced Labour

“For the sake of My Name I refrain from My wrath,
And for My praise I restrain Myself from you,
So that I do not cut you off.

Verse ConceptsGod, Patience OfRestraintPunishment, DelayedForbearanceDivine DelaysRestraints From Killing

All you beasts of the field,
All you beasts (hostile nations) in the forest,
Come to eat.

Verse ConceptsForestsAnimals Eating PeopleAnimals Eating

Therefore, thus says the Lord God of hosts,
“Because you [people] have spoken this word,
Behold, I am making My words a fire in your mouth [Jeremiah]
And this people wood, and My words will consume them.

Verse ConceptsSoldiersFire Of God's WordSpeaking The Word God GivesspeakingThe Power Of Wordspeople

The snorting of [Nebuchadnezzar’s] horses is heard from Dan [on Palestine’s northern border].
At the sound of the neighing of his strong stallions
The whole land quakes;
For they come and devour the land and all that is in it,
The city and those who live in it.

Verse ConceptsNosesNeighing And Braying

“Is My inheritance like a speckled bird of prey to Me [unlike the others]?
Are the birds of prey (enemies) surrounding her on every side?
Go, gather all the [wild] beasts of the field;
Bring them to devour [her]!

Verse ConceptsBirds, Figurative UseBirds, Types Of BirdsAnimals Eating PeopleBirds Of PreyBlemished CreaturesBirds

I will appoint four kinds of destroyers over them,” says the Lord, “the sword to slay, the dogs to tear and drag away, and the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth to devour and to destroy.

Verse ConceptsdogsWild Animals DevouringBirds EatingFour Other ThingsPets

But if you will not listen to Me and keep the Sabbath day holy by not carrying a load as you come in the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, then I will kindle a fire in her gates that cannot be extinguished, and it will devour the palaces of Jerusalem.”’”

Verse ConceptsSabbath, In OtBurning JerusalemSabbath Observed

“But I will punish you in accordance with the [appropriate] consequences of your decisions and your actions,” says the Lord.
“I will kindle a fire in your forest,
And it will devour all that is around you.”’”

Verse ConceptsForestsSin, God's Judgment OnWarningFruits Of SinBurning PlantsHarming TreesRepaid For DeedsPunishment

‘Therefore all who devour you will be devoured;
And all your adversaries, every one of them, will go into captivity.
And they who plunder you will become plunder,
And all who prey upon you I will give for prey.

Verse ConceptsPlundering

For that day belongs to the Lord God of hosts,
A day of vengeance, that He may avenge Himself on His adversaries.
And the sword will devour and be satiated
And drink its fill of their blood;
For the Lord God of hosts has a sacrifice [like that of a great sin offering]
In the north country by the river Euphrates.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDSatisfactionGod Executes VengeanceAll Things Belong To God

“The arrogant (proud) one will stumble and fall
With no one to raise him up;
And I will set fire to his cities
And it will devour all who are around him.”

Verse ConceptsStumblingAbaseAbasement Of The ProudDownfallBurning CitiesThe Proud Will Be Abaseduncertaintyarrogance

The sword is outside and virulent disease and famine are within. He who is in the field will die by the sword, and famine and disease will devour those in the city.

Verse ConceptsPestilenceInside And OutFamine ComingFamine KillingFamine Will ComeOutside The House

and I set My face against them. Though they have come out of the fire, yet the fire will consume them. Then you will know [without any doubt] that I am the Lord, when I set My face against them.

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodBurning JerusalemGod Opposing

and say to the forest of the Negev, ‘Hear the word of the Lord: thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am about to kindle a fire in you, and it will devour every one of your green trees, as well as every one of your dry trees. The blazing flame will not be quenched and the whole surface from the south to the north will be burned by it.

Verse ConceptsNorthSouthNorth And SouthHarming Trees

“And you, son of man, prophesy and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God concerning the sons of Ammon and concerning their reproach (disgrace),’ and say: ‘A sword, a sword is drawn for the slaughter; it is sharpened and polished to put an end [to everything], and to flash like lightning,

Verse ConceptsSparklingGod's Sword

They will no longer be prey to the nations, and the predators of the earth will not devour them; but they will live safely, and no one will make them afraid [in the day of the Messiah’s reign].

Verse ConceptsAnimals Eating PeopleFreed From FearGod Will Keep Safe

Then you will know [without any doubt] that I am the Lord, and that I have heard all your scornful speeches which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, ‘They have been made a wasteland; they have been given to us as food.’

Verse ConceptsBlasphemy, At GodIrreverenceAnimals Eating PeopleGod Hearing

therefore you will no longer devour people, and no longer bereave your nation of children,’ says the Lord God.

Verse ConceptsBereavementNot Destroyed

And behold, another beast, a second one (the Medo-Persian Empire), was like a bear, and it was raised up on one side (domain), and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, ‘Arise, devour much meat.’

Verse ConceptsTeethBearsAnimals Eating PeopleBonesThree Other ThingsFour Beasts Of Daniel

“Thus the angel said, ‘The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which will be different from all other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down, and crush it.

Verse ConceptsFractions, One FourthGrinding PeopleDifferent ThingsFourthThe Kingdom Of OthersTrampling PlacesBeing Different

They have dealt treacherously against the Lord,
For they have borne illegitimate (pagan) children.
Now the New Moon will devour them along with their land [bringing judgment and captivity].

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, To GodNew Moon FestivalBeginning Of PeriodsUnfaithful

They are all hot like an oven
And they consume their judges (rulers);
All their kings have fallen.
There is no one among them who calls to Me.

Verse ConceptsComplacencyHeatHot ThingsAttitudes Towards KingsNot Praying

For Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces [and pagan temples],
And Judah has built many fortified cities;
But I will send a fire upon their cities so that it may consume their palaces and fortresses.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsForgettingFortified CitiesBuildingGrowth Of EvilDestruction Of HousesBurning CitiesCreation Of All Mankind

I will encounter them like a bear robbed of her cubs,
And I will tear open their chests;
There I will also devour them like a lioness,
As a wild beast would tear them.

Verse ConceptsPeople Torn To PiecesThe Act Of OpeningWild Animals DevouringGod Like A LionLike CreaturesBereavement

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] upon the house of Hazael,
And it shall devour the palaces and strongholds of Ben-hadad (Hazael’s son).

Verse ConceptsFortressesDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] on the wall of Gaza
And it shall consume her citadels.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] on the wall of Tyre,
And it shall consume her citadels.”

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] upon Teman,
And it shall consume the citadels of Bozrah [in Edom].”

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

“So I will kindle a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] on the wall of Rabbah [in Ammon]
And it shall devour its strongholds
Amid war cries and shouts of alarm on the day of battle,
And a tempest on the day of the whirlwind [when the enemy captures the city].

Verse ConceptsWindDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of JudgementBattle CriesHurricanes

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] upon Moab
And it shall devour the strongholds of Kerioth;
And Moab shall die amid tumult and uproar,
With war cries and shouts of alarm and the sound of the trumpet.

Verse ConceptsFortressesTrumpetDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of JudgementBattle CriesTrumpets For BattleDisorder Among The NationsDeath Of Other Groups

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction by the Babylonians] upon Judah
And it will devour the strongholds of Jerusalem.”

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

“Seek the Lord [search diligently for Him and long for Him as your most essential need] so that you may live,
Or He will rush down like a [devouring] fire, O house of Joseph,
And there will be no one to quench the flame for [idolatrous] Bethel,

Verse ConceptsSeeking LifeNot Extinguishing

“Behold, I am against you [Nineveh],” declares the Lord of hosts, “and I will burn your chariots in the smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. I will cut off your prey from the land, and the voice of your messengers will no longer be heard.”

Verse ConceptsChariotsSmokeCessationDestroying ChariotsKilling Wild AnimalsDeliverance From Lions

But there [in the very midst of these preparations] the fire will devour you;
The sword will cut you down;
It will devour you as the locust does.
Multiply yourself like the creeping locusts;
Multiply yourself like the swarming locusts.

Verse ConceptsInsectsBurning People

“Their horses are swifter than leopards
And keener than [hungry] wolves in the evening,
Their horsemen come galloping,
Their horsemen come from far away;
They fly like an eagle swooping down to devour.

Verse ConceptsHorsesLeopardWingsBirds, Types Of BirdsRiding HorsesSpeedEaglesWolvesPeople From Far AwayThose Flying

With the enemy’s own spears, You pierced
The head of his hordes.
They stormed out to scatter us,
Rejoicing like those
Who secretly devour the oppressed [of Israel].

Verse ConceptsPoor, The Wicked Response ToActing In SecretNot Helping The PoorRejoicing In Evil

The Lord of hosts shall defend and protect them;
And they will devour [the enemy] and trample down the slingstones [that have missed their mark],
And they will drink [of victory] and be boisterous as with wine;
And they shall be filled like sacrificial bowls [used to catch the blood],
Drenched like the corners of the [sacrificial] altar.

Verse ConceptsdefeatSlingsGod Being Our DefenceCornersMoist ThingsSoundFilling PeopleSacrifice On The Bronze AltarFear Of StoningGod DefendingTemple Utensils In Use

So I said, “I will not pasture you. What is to die, let it die, and what is to be destroyed, let it be destroyed; and let the survivors devour one another’s flesh.”

Verse ConceptsInadequate ShepherdingRepulsive FoodHow Death Is Inevitablelosing a loved oneDyingLoss Of A Loved One

“In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, and like a flaming torch among sheaves [of grain]. They will devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left; and the people of Jerusalem will again live [securely] in their own place, in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsWoodFire Of JudgementBurning Plants