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“Then I will give her her vineyards from there,
And make the Valley of Achor a door of hope and expectation [anticipating the time when I will restore My favor on her].
And she will sing there and respond as in the days of her youth
As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.

“It will come about in that day that I will respond,” says the Lord.
“I will respond to the heavens [which ask for rain to pour on the earth], and they will respond to the earth [which begs for the rain],

And the earth shall respond to the grain and the new wine and the oil [which beg it to bring them forth],
And they will respond to Jezreel [My Israel, who will now be restored].

One's relative will pick up the corpse to carry them from the house for burning, saying to whomever remains inside the house, "Is there anyone still with you?' And he will say, "No.' He will respond, "Be quiet, because we do not mention the name "LORD".'

Indeed, the stone will cry out from the wall and the rafter will respond from the woodwork."

It will also come about that if any man would dare to prophesy, then his father and his mother who bore him will respond to him, "You will not live, because you are speaking lies in the name of the LORD.' Then his father and mother who bore him will stab him for prophesying.

For my reins [on your life] are easy [to respond to] and the burden I place [on you] is light."

And no one was able to respond a word to Him, neither did any one from that day dare to ask Him anything more.

Then the righteous will respond to Him, saying; Lord, when saw we thee then hungry, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

Then will they also respond, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and ministered not unto thee?

Then will He respond to them, saying, Truly I say unto you, Inasmuch as you did not these things to one of the least of these, you did them not unto me.

And the high priest rising, said to Him, Do you respond nothing? what are they witnessing against you?

(Peter didn't know how to respond, because they were terrified.)

And Jesus said to them, I will ask you one word, and you respond to me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things:

And turning, He found them again sleeping, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what they might respond to Him.

And the high priest rising up in their midst, asked Jesus, saying, Do you respond nothing? what are they witnessing against you?

If therefore your whole body [i.e., your entire life] is full of light [i.e., sees and responds to things correctly], with no blind spots [i.e., areas where you do not see and act correctly], your body [i.e., your life] will be fully illuminated [i.e., directed into proper conduct] just like a bright, shining lamp illuminating you [i.e., enabling you to see and respond to things properly]."

and they were not able to respond to these things.

But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the prophets; they must respond to them.'

He replied to him, 'If they do not respond to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'"

and if indeed I will ask you, you will not respond to me, or release me.

"Just as the Father has loved me, [so] I have also loved you. You should continue to receive [or, respond to] my love. [Note: The next verse tells how this can be done].

Then Jesus says to them; Little children, whether have you any meat? They respond to Him, No.

For the promise [of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit] is being given to you [Jews] and to your descendants and [also] to all those who are far away [i.e., Gentiles. See Eph. 2:17]. [This promise is] to as many as [respond to] the Lord, our God's call [through the Gospel, See II Thess. 2:14]."

But the large crowd in the city [who heard them] became divided [over how to respond to it]; some sided with the [unbelieving] Jews and some with the apostles.

A woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, a God-fearing woman, listened to us. The Lord opened her heart to respond to what Paul was saying.

When Paul was about to respond [to this charge], Gallio said to the Jews, "[My] Jewish [constituents], if it were a simple case of wrongdoing or some serious crime, there would be good reason for me to consider your charge [against this man].

Notice therefore God's kindness and God's severity. On those who have fallen His severity has descended, but upon you His kindness has come, provided that you do not cease to respond to that kindness. Otherwise you will be cut off also.