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and they journey from the wilderness of Sinai, and encamp in Kibroth-Hattaavah.

and they journey from Ezion-Gaber, and encamp in the wilderness of Zin, which is Kadesh.

And they journey from Kadesh, and encamp in mount Hor, in the extremity of the land of Edom.

And Aaron the priest goeth up unto mount Hor, by the command of Jehovah, and dieth there, in the fortieth year of the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first of the month;

and Aaron is a son of a hundred and twenty and three years in his dying in mount Hor.

And the Canaanite -- king Arad -- who is dwelling in the south, in the land of Canaan, heareth of the coming of the sons of Israel.

and they journey from Oboth, and encamp in Ije-Abarim, in the border of Moab.

And they journey from Almon-Diblathaim, and encamp in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo;

and they journey from the mountains of Abarim, and encamp in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho.

And they encamp by the Jordan from Beth-Jeshimoth, unto Abel-Shittim, in the plains of Moab.

And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho, saying,

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye are passing over the Jordan unto the land of Canaan,

then ye have dispossessed all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and have destroyed all their imagery, yea, all their molten images ye destroy, and all their high places ye lay waste,

'And ye have inherited the land by lot, by your families; to the many ye increase their inheritance, and to the few ye diminish their inheritance; whither the lot goeth out to him, it is his; by the tribes of your fathers ye inherit.

And if ye do not dispossess the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it hath been, those whom ye let remain of them, are for pricks in your eyes, and for thorns in your sides, and they have distressed you on the land in which ye are dwelling,

Command the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye are coming in unto the land of Canaan -- this is the land which falleth to you by inheritance, the land of Canaan, by its borders --

then hath the south quarter been to you from the wilderness of Zin, by the sides of Edom, yea, the south border hath been to you from the extremity of the Salt Sea, eastward;

and the border hath turned round to you from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and hath passed on to Zin, and its outgoings have been from the south to Kadesh-Barnea, and it hath gone out at Hazar-Addar, and hath passed on to Azmon;

and the border hath turned round from Azmon to the brook of Egypt, and its outgoings have been at the sea.

from mount Hor ye mark out to go in to Hamath, and the outgoings of the border have been to Zedad;

and the border hath gone down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east of Ain, and the border hath gone down, and hath smitten against the shoulder of the sea of Chinnereth eastward;

And Moses commandeth the sons of Israel, saying, 'This is the land which ye inherit by lot, which Jehovah hath commanded to give to the nine tribes and the half of the tribe;

for the tribe of the sons of Reuben have received, by the house of their fathers; and the tribe of the children of Gad, by the house of their fathers; and the half of the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance;

the two tribes and the half of the tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan, near Jericho, eastward, at the sun -rising.'

These are the names of the men who give to you the inheritance of the land: Eleazar the priest, and Joshua son of Nun,

And these are the names of the men: of the tribe of Judah, Caleb son of Jephunneh;

and of the tribe of the sons of Simeon, Shemuel son of Aminihud;

of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad son of Chislon;

and of the tribe of the sons of Dan, the prince Bukki son of Jogli;

of the sons of Joseph, of the tribe of the sons of Manasseh, the prince Hanniel son of Ephod;

and of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim, the prince Kemuel son of Shiphtan;

and of the tribe of the sons of Zebulun, the prince Elizaphan son of Parnach;

and of the tribe of the sons of Issachar, the prince Paltiel son of Azzan;

and of the tribe of the sons of Asher, the prince Ahihud son of Shelomi;

and of the tribe of the sons of Naphtali, the prince Pedahel son of Ammihud.'

These are those whom Jehovah hath commanded to give the sons of Israel inheritance in the land of Canaan.

And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho, saying,

'Command the sons of Israel, and they have given to the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to inhabit; also a suburb for the cities round about them ye do give to the Levites.

And the suburbs of the cities which ye give to the Levites are, from the wall of the city and without, a thousand cubits round about.

And ye have measured from the outside of the city, the east quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the south quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the west quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the north quarter, two thousand by the cubit; and the city is in the midst; this is to them the suburbs of the cities.

And the cities which ye give to the Levites are the six cities of refuge, which ye give for the fleeing thither of the man-slayer, and besides them ye give forty and two cities;

And the cities which ye give are of the possession of the sons of Israel, from the many ye multiply, and from the few ye diminish; each, according to his inheritance which they inherit, doth give of his cities to the Levites.'

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye are passing over the Jordan to the land of Canaan,

and have prepared to yourselves cities -- cities of refuge they are to you -- then fled thither hath a man-slayer, smiting a person unawares,

As to the cities which ye give -- six are cities of refuge to you;

the three of the cities ye give beyond the Jordan, and the three of the cities ye give in the land of Canaan; cities of refuge they are.

To sons of Israel, and to a sojourner, and to a settler in their midst, are these six cities for a refuge, for the fleeing thither of any one smiting a person unawares.

And if with an instrument of iron he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he is a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

And if with a stone in the hand, wherewith he dieth, he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he is a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

'The redeemer of blood himself doth put the murderer to death; in his coming against him he doth put him to death.

And if in hatred he thrust him through, or hath cast anything at him by lying in wait, and he dieth;

or in enmity he hath smitten him with his hand, and he dieth; the smiter is certainly put to death; he is a murderer; the redeemer of blood doth put the murderer to death in his coming against him.

'And if, in an instant, without enmity, he hath thrust him through, or hath cast at him any instrument, without lying in wait;

then have the company judged between the smiter and the redeemer of blood, by these judgments.

'And the company have delivered the man-slayer out of the hand of the redeemer of blood, and the company have caused him to turn back unto the city of his refuge, whither he hath fled, and he hath dwelt in it till the death of the chief priest, who hath been anointed with the holy oil.

And if the man-slayer at all go out from the border of the city of his refuge whither he fleeth,

and the redeemer of blood hath found him at the outside of the border of the city of his refuge, and the redeemer of blood hath slain the man-slayer, blood is not for him;

for in the city of his refuge he doth dwell till the death of the chief priest; and after the death of the chief priest doth the man-slayer turn back unto the city of his possession.

'And these things have been to you for a statute of judgment to your generations, in all your dwellings:

whoso smiteth a person, by the mouth of witnesses doth one slay the murderer; and one witness doth not testify against a person -- to die.

And ye take no atonement for the life of a murderer who is condemned -- to die, for he is certainly put to death;

and ye take no atonement for him to flee unto the city of his refuge, to turn back to dwell in the land, until the death of the priest.

And ye profane not the land which ye are in, for blood profaneth the land; as to the land, it is not pardoned for blood which is shed in it except by the blood of him who sheddeth it;

and ye defile not the land in which ye are dwelling, in the midst of which I do tabernacle, for I Jehovah do tabernacle in the midst of the sons of Israel.'

And the heads of the fathers of the families of the sons of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, come near, and speak before Moses, and before the princes, heads of the fathers of the sons of Israel,

and say, Jehovah commanded my lord to give the land for inheritance by lot to the sons of Israel, and my lord hath been commanded by Jehovah to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our brother to his daughters.

And -- they have been to one of the sons of the other tribes of the sons of Israel for wives, and their inheritance hath been withdrawn from the inheritance of our fathers, and hath been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs, and from the lot of our inheritance it is withdrawn,

and if it is the jubilee of the sons of Israel, then hath their inheritance been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs, and from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers is their inheritance withdrawn.'

And Moses commandeth the sons of Israel, by the command of Jehovah, saying, 'Rightly are the tribe of the sons of Joseph speaking;

this is the thing which Jehovah hath commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, To those good in their eyes let them be for wives; only, to a family of the tribe of their fathers let them be for wives;

and the inheritance of the sons of Israel doth not turn round from tribe unto tribe; for each to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers, do the sons of Israel cleave.

'And every daughter possessing an inheritance, of the tribes of the sons of Israel, is to one of the family of the tribe of her father for a wife, so that the sons of Israel possess each the inheritance of his fathers,

and the inheritance doth not turn round from one tribe to another tribe; for each to his inheritance do they cleave, the tribes of the sons of Israel.'

As Jehovah hath commanded Moses, so have the daughters of Zelophehad done,

and Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, daughters of Zelophehad, are to the sons of their fathers' brethren for wives;

to men of the families of the sons of Manasseh, son of Joseph, they have been for wives, and their inheritance is with the tribe of the family of their father.

These are the commands and the judgments which Jehovah hath commanded, by the hand of Moses, concerning the sons of Israel, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho.

eleven days' from Horeb, the way of mount Seir, unto Kadesh-Barnea.

And it cometh to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first of the month hath Moses spoken unto the sons of Israel according to all that Jehovah hath commanded him concerning them;

after his smiting Sihon king of the Amorite who is dwelling in Heshbon, and Og king of Bashan who is dwelling in Ashtaroth in Edrei,

beyond the Jordan, in the land of Moab, hath Moses begun to explain this law, saying:

Jehovah our God hath spoken unto us in Horeb, saying, Enough to you -- of dwelling in this mount;

turn ye and journey for you, and enter the mount of the Amorite, and unto all its neighbouring places, in the plain, in the hill-country, and in the low country, and in the south, and in the haven of the sea, the land of the Canaanite, and of Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Phrat;

Jehovah your God hath multiplied you, and lo, ye are to-day as the stars of the heavens for multitude;

'And I take the heads of your tribes, men, wise and known, and I appoint them heads over you, princes of thousands, and princes of hundreds, and princes of fifties, and princes of tens, and authorities, for your tribes.

ye do not discern faces in judgment; as the little so the great ye do hear; ye are not afraid of the face of any, for the judgment is God's, and the thing which is too hard for you, ye bring near unto me, and I have heard it;

And we journey from Horeb, and go through all that great and fearful wilderness which ye have seen -- the way of the hill-country of the Amorite, as Jehovah our God hath commanded us, and we come in unto Kadesh-Barnea.

'And I say unto you, Ye have come in unto the hill-country of the Amorite, which Jehovah our God is giving to us;

see, Jehovah thy God hath set before thee the land; go up, possess, as Jehovah, God of thy fathers, hath spoken to thee; fear not, nor be affrighted.

And ye come near unto me, all of you, and say, Let us send men before us, and they search for us the land, and they bring us back word concerning the way in which we go up into it, and the cities unto which we come in;

and the thing is good in mine eyes, and I take of you twelve men, one man for a tribe.

'And they turn and go up to the hill-country, and come in unto the valley of Eshcol, and spy it,

and they take with their hand of the fruit of the land, and bring down unto us, and bring us back word, and say, Good is the land which Jehovah our God is giving to us.

and murmur in your tents, and say, In Jehovah's hating us He hath brought us out of the land of Egypt, to give us into the hand of the Amorite -- to destroy us;

whither are we going up? our brethren have melted our heart, saying, A people greater and taller than we, cities great and fenced to heaven, and also sons of Anakim -- we have seen there.

'And I say unto you, Be not terrified, nor be afraid of them;

'And Jehovah heareth the voice of your words, and is wroth, and sweareth, saying,

Not one of these men of this evil generation doth see the good land which I have sworn to give to your fathers,