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The third time, the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain, and, showing him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, said to him:

Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, and the brothers James and John, and led them up a high mountain alone.

As they were going down the mountain side, Jesus gave them this warning-- "Do not speak of this vision to any one, until the Son of Man has risen from the dead."

The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus told them to meet him;

Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain alone by themselves. There his appearance was transformed before their eyes,

As they were going down the mountain-side, Jesus cautioned them not to relate what they had seen to any one, till after the Son of Man should have risen again from the dead.

Next came some Sadducees--the men who maintain that there is no resurrection. Their question was this--

Every chasm shall be filled, Every mountain and hill shall be leveled, The winding ways shall be straightened, The rough roads made smooth,

About eight days after speaking these words, Jesus went up the mountain to pray, taking with him Peter, John, and James.

The next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a great crowd met Jesus.

Presently there came up some Sadducees, who maintain that there is no resurrection. Their question was this--

"It was on this mountain that our ancestors worshiped; and yet you Jews say that the proper place for worship is in Jerusalem."

"Believe me," replied Jesus, "a time is coming when it will be neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem that you will worship the Father.

(These priests, it is true, are engaged in a service which is only a copy and shadow of the heavenly realities, as is shown by the directions given to Moses when he was about to construct the Tabernacle. 'Look to it,' are the words, 'that thou make every part in accordance with the pattern shown thee on the mountain.')

for they could not bear to think of the command-- 'If even an animal touches the mountain, it is to be stoned to death;'

These were the words that we heard, borne to our ears from Heaven, when we were with him on that Sacred Mountain.

As for you, let what you were told at the first be always in your thoughts. If, then, what you were told at the first is always in your thoughts, you yourselves will maintain your union both with the Son and with the Father.

But you--you still retain in your hears that consecration which you received from the Christ, and are not in need of any one to teach you; but, since his consecration of you teaches you about everything, and since it is a real consecration, and no lie, then, as it has taught you, maintain your union with him.

Yes, my Children, maintain your union with Christ, so that, whenever he appears, our confidence may not fail us, and we may not be ashamed to meet him at his coming.

The heavens disappeared like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

Then the second angel blew; and what appeared to be a great mountain, burning, was hurled into the sea. A third of the sea became blood,

He carried me away in a trance to a great high mountain, and showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City, descending out of Heaven from God, filled with the glory of God.