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And His disciples came to Him, and awoke Him, saying, Lord save us, for we are perishing: and He saith unto them,

Verse ConceptsWorryNearness Of DeathChrist Waking UpDeath Looms NearSave Us!Eclipseawakening

And Peter went down from the ship and walked upon the waters to go to Jesus: but seeing the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink cried out, Lord, save me.

Verse ConceptsSinkingSave Us!

for he that would save his life shall lose it; but he that would lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Verse ConceptsLove, Abuse OfLossRestitutionDonationsFinding ThingsSaving OneselfLosing One's Life

and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it again in three days, save thyself: if thou art the Son of God, come down from the cross.

Verse ConceptsThe If's Of SatanAccusation, Satan's RoleThe Perfect TempleDestruction Of The TempleChrist Going DownWho Is Jesus?Saving OneselfRebuilding The TempleSatan Opposing God's Word

said, He saved others, himself He cannot save: if He be the king of Israel, let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe Him:

Verse ConceptsNames And Titles For ChristHeartlessnessChrist Going DownReasons For Faith In ChristChrist Is King Of IsraelSaving OneselfThose Not Saved

the rest said, Stay, let us see whether Elias will come and save Him.

Verse ConceptsIndividual ProphetsLeave Them Alone

So they went and made the sepulchre safe, sealing the stone, and setting a guard to watch it.

Verse ConceptsInfallible ProofsSealing Things

And as they were going to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them and said, God save you. And they drew near and embraced his feet, and worshipped Him.

Verse ConceptsAdoration, Of ChristFeetGreetingsResurrection Of Christ, AppearancesSalutationsMeeting GodWorshipping ChristSpoken Greetings

and buildest it in three days, save thyself and come down from the cross.

Verse ConceptsChrist Going DownSaving OneselfThe CrossSatanic Hatred

And the chief priests likewise scoffing at Him among themselves, with the scribes, said, He saved others, Himself He cannot save: let Christ,

Verse ConceptsCruelty, examples ofChief priestsImpotence Of ChristMocking ChristOpposition To Christ From ScribesSaving OneselfThose Not Saved

Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing, Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to let it be lost?

Verse ConceptsLaw, Jesus Christ's Attitude ToKept Alive By MenChrist EnquiringDo Good!Do Not MurderDoing GoodPeople Actually Doing EvilThe Sabbath And Christ

for the Son of man came not to destroy mens lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.

Verse ConceptsSpirit Of Christmums

And he said to him, Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and well: but he was angry, and would not go in.

Verse ConceptsFat AnimalsKilling Domesticated AnimalsEating Cattle

Remember Lot's wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life, shall lose it;

Verse ConceptsHesitationWifeluck

And the people stood looking on, and even the rulers also with them derided Him, saying, He saved others, let Him save Himself, if He be the Christ the chosen of God.

Verse ConceptsMockeryNosesMessiahChrist, Names ForDerisionWatching ChristSaid To Be The ChristSaying RepeatedlyMocking ChristSaving Oneselfassertiveness

And one of the malefactors that were executed with Him reviled Him, saying, If thou be the Messiah, save thyself and us.

Verse ConceptsThe If's Of SatanJesus Christ, Temptation OfSaid To Be The ChristSaving OneselfSave Us!Abuseassertiveness

And if any one hear my words and believe not, I do not condemn him: for I am not now come to condemn the world, but to save the world.

Verse ConceptsChrist JudgingNot JudgingIf You Do Not Keep Commands

Now there were seven sons of one Sceva a Jewish priest, who did this.

Verse ConceptsSeven ChildrenRiverspriests

And provide beasts, that they may set Paul on and bring him safe to Felix the governor.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsRankSafetyRiding Horses

But the centurion, desirous to save Paul, hindered them from their purpose, and ordered those that could swim to throw themselves out first, and get off to land:

Verse ConceptsRankSwimmingPeople JumpingRestraints From Killing

and the rest, some on planks, and others on some other things out of the ship. And so it came to pass that they all got safe to land.

Verse ConceptsSafetyBoards

And when they were safe on shore, they understood, that the island was called Melita.

I extol my office, that if possible I may excite to emulation my brethren according to the flesh, and may save some of them:

Verse ConceptsGoalsevangelism, motivation forHope, Nature OfSoul WinnersSaving PeopleMaking Israel JealousMinistering To The Unsaved

To the weak I became as the weak, that I might gain the weak: I became all things to all men, that I might by every means save some.

Verse ConceptsWeakness, SpiritualWeakness, PhysicalSoul WinnersSaving PeopleCircumstancesThings Like PeopleWinningWeaknessorderflexibility

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is not irksome to me, and for you it is safe.

Verse ConceptsJoy, And Human ExperienceRejoicingLast WordsSaying RepeatedlyNo Troubletiredjoyful

For indeed He taketh not hold of angels to save them, but of the seed of Abraham.

Verse ConceptsChrist, The Seed OfHumility Of ChristAngelsfitnesshelping

Who in the days of his flesh, offered prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears, to Him that was able to save Him from death, and was heard in what He feared;

Verse ConceptsCryingPraying LoudlyPainPrayerfulnessAbility, God's PowerHumility Of ChristReverence To GodTearsAbility, Of God To SaveOvercoming DeathJesus PrayingGod Answered Prayersupplicationpietyreverencepetition

What is the advantage, my brethren, if any one say that he has faith, and he hath not works, can faith alone save him?

Verse ConceptsFaith, As Basis Of SalvationClaimsProfitsWork, And RedemptionFaith That WorksUseless ReligionThings Which Cannot SaveWorks Of Faith