Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

But if any man says to you: This is offered in sacrifice to idols, do not eat for the sake of the one who said it and for conscience sake. Conscience, I say, not your own, but of the other: Yet why is my freedom judged by another man's conscience? For if I by grace am a partaker, why is evil spoken about me concerning that for which I give thanks? read more.
Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God. Do not stumble or offend (do not lead into sin), neither to the Jews, nor to the nations, nor to the congregation of God. Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own good, but the good of many, that they may be saved.

Not all people know this. Some eat food offered to idols and their conscience being weak is defiled. But food will not recommend us to God. If we do not eat we are not worse. If we eat we are not better. Be careful that this freedom does not become a stumbling block to those who are weak. read more.
If any man with knowledge sees you having a meal from an idol's temple, will the conscience of the weak one be emboldened (encouraged) to eat food offered to idols? And because of your knowledge the weak brother will perish. Christ died for him! When you sin against your brothers and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. If food makes my brother stumble I will eat no food at all so I do not make my brother stumble.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, and mind your own business, and work with your hands, as we command you. That way you may walk honestly in the eyes of those on the outside and lack nothing.

Do not stumble or offend (do not lead into sin), neither to the Jews, nor to the nations, nor to the congregation of God.

Conscience, I say, not your own, but of the other: Yet why is my freedom judged by another man's conscience?

I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean in itself. If someone thinks something is unclean it is unclean to him. If because of your food your brother is grieved, you do not walk in love. Do not allow what you eat to destroy the one for whom Christ died. Do not let the good you do be spoken of as evil. read more.
For the kingdom of God is not food and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he that serves Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of by men. Let us follow after the things that make for peace, and things that are encouraging to one another. Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eats with offense. It is good neither to eat food, nor to drink wine, nor any thing that causes your brother to stumble or be offended and weakened. Do you have faith? Have it for yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in that thing that he allows. He that doubts is damned if he eats, because he eats not by faith. Whatever is not by faith is sin!

Concerning things offered to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any man thinks he knows any thing, he really knows nothing, according to what he ought to know. But if any man loves God, God knows him. read more.
Concerning the eating of food offered in sacrifice to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one. There are those called gods in heaven or on earth. There are many gods and many lords. But to us there is but one God, the Father. All things come from him and we live for him. And there is one Lord Jesus Christ. All things were made through him and we were made through him. Not all people know this. Some eat food offered to idols and their conscience being weak is defiled. But food will not recommend us to God. If we do not eat we are not worse. If we eat we are not better. Be careful that this freedom does not become a stumbling block to those who are weak. If any man with knowledge sees you having a meal from an idol's temple, will the conscience of the weak one be emboldened (encouraged) to eat food offered to idols? And because of your knowledge the weak brother will perish. Christ died for him! When you sin against your brothers and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. If food makes my brother stumble I will eat no food at all so I do not make my brother stumble.

My dearly beloved, flee (run away) from idolatry. I speak as to wise men. You judge what I say. The cup of blessing we bless, is it not the sharing of the blood of Christ? The bread we break, is it not the sharing of the body of Christ? read more.
For we being many are one-bread and one-body. We are all partakers of that one bread. Is physical Israel the ones who eat the sacrifices, the partakers of the altar? What do I mean? That the idol is anything, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything? But I say, that the things that the nations sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God. I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons. You cannot be partakers of the Jehovah's Table and of the table of demons. (Malachi 1:12) Do we provoke Jehovah to rivalry (indignation) (anger)? Are we stronger than he? All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient (profitable). All things are lawful for me, but all things do not build up (confirm) (strengthen). Let no one seek his own advantage, but that of the other [person]. Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without asking questions for the sake of conscience. For the earth and that which fills it is Jehovah's. (Psalm 24:1) If a nonbeliever invites you to a feast and you feel you must go eat whatever is set before you, asking no question for conscience sake. But if any man says to you: This is offered in sacrifice to idols, do not eat for the sake of the one who said it and for conscience sake. Conscience, I say, not your own, but of the other: Yet why is my freedom judged by another man's conscience? For if I by grace am a partaker, why is evil spoken about me concerning that for which I give thanks? Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God. Do not stumble or offend (do not lead into sin), neither to the Jews, nor to the nations, nor to the congregation of God. Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own good, but the good of many, that they may be saved.

If I say, I will speak thus; then, I would offend the generation of your children.

I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean in itself. If someone thinks something is unclean it is unclean to him. If because of your food your brother is grieved, you do not walk in love. Do not allow what you eat to destroy the one for whom Christ died. Do not let the good you do be spoken of as evil. read more.
For the kingdom of God is not food and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he that serves Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of by men. Let us follow after the things that make for peace, and things that are encouraging to one another. Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eats with offense. It is good neither to eat food, nor to drink wine, nor any thing that causes your brother to stumble or be offended and weakened. Do you have faith? Have it for yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in that thing that he allows. He that doubts is damned if he eats, because he eats not by faith. Whatever is not by faith is sin!

Concerning things offered to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any man thinks he knows any thing, he really knows nothing, according to what he ought to know. But if any man loves God, God knows him. read more.
Concerning the eating of food offered in sacrifice to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one. There are those called gods in heaven or on earth. There are many gods and many lords. But to us there is but one God, the Father. All things come from him and we live for him. And there is one Lord Jesus Christ. All things were made through him and we were made through him. Not all people know this. Some eat food offered to idols and their conscience being weak is defiled. But food will not recommend us to God. If we do not eat we are not worse. If we eat we are not better. Be careful that this freedom does not become a stumbling block to those who are weak. If any man with knowledge sees you having a meal from an idol's temple, will the conscience of the weak one be emboldened (encouraged) to eat food offered to idols? And because of your knowledge the weak brother will perish. Christ died for him! When you sin against your brothers and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. If food makes my brother stumble I will eat no food at all so I do not make my brother stumble.

My dearly beloved, flee (run away) from idolatry. I speak as to wise men. You judge what I say. The cup of blessing we bless, is it not the sharing of the blood of Christ? The bread we break, is it not the sharing of the body of Christ? read more.
For we being many are one-bread and one-body. We are all partakers of that one bread. Is physical Israel the ones who eat the sacrifices, the partakers of the altar? What do I mean? That the idol is anything, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything? But I say, that the things that the nations sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God. I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons. You cannot be partakers of the Jehovah's Table and of the table of demons. (Malachi 1:12) Do we provoke Jehovah to rivalry (indignation) (anger)? Are we stronger than he? All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient (profitable). All things are lawful for me, but all things do not build up (confirm) (strengthen). Let no one seek his own advantage, but that of the other [person]. Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without asking questions for the sake of conscience. For the earth and that which fills it is Jehovah's. (Psalm 24:1) If a nonbeliever invites you to a feast and you feel you must go eat whatever is set before you, asking no question for conscience sake. But if any man says to you: This is offered in sacrifice to idols, do not eat for the sake of the one who said it and for conscience sake. Conscience, I say, not your own, but of the other: Yet why is my freedom judged by another man's conscience? For if I by grace am a partaker, why is evil spoken about me concerning that for which I give thanks? Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God. Do not stumble or offend (do not lead into sin), neither to the Jews, nor to the nations, nor to the congregation of God. Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own good, but the good of many, that they may be saved.

I have a few things against you: you have people there who hold to the teachings of Balaam, who taught Balak to present a snare to the sons of Israel, to eat of idol sacrifices and commit fornication.

They will throw their gold and silver away in the streets like garbage (like an abhorrent thing), because neither silver nor gold can save them when Jehovah pours out his fury. They cannot use it to satisfy their desires or fill their stomachs. Gold and silver led them into sin.

Suppose an Israelite or a foreigner who lives in Israel deserts me by devoting himself to idols and by allowing himself to sin. If he goes to a prophet to ask for my help, I, Jehovah, will give him an answer.

Son of man, these people are devoted to their idols. They allow themselves to sin. Should they be allowed to ask me for anything? Speak to them. Tell them, 'This is what Jehovah says: Suppose an Israelite is devoted to idols and allows himself to sin. Suppose he goes to a prophet to ask for my help. I, Jehovah, will give that Israelite an answer, the answer that his many idolaters deserve.

Woe to you lawyers, for you took away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and you hindered those entering.

One will say: 'Heap it up! Heap it up! Prepare the way; Take the stumbling block out of the way of my people.'

Therefore, Jehovah says: I am laying stumbling blocks before this people. They will stumble against them, Fathers and sons together; Neighbors and friends will perish.

If righteous people turn from living the right way and do wrong, I will make them stumble and they will die. If you do not warn them, they will die because of their sin. The right things they did will not be remembered. I will hold you responsible for their deaths.

I will terminate both man and beast. I will put an end to the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea. I will eliminate the sins that make people fall, together with the sinners. I will remove people from the face of the earth, declared Jehovah.

David says, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumbling block, and recompense to them.

Be careful that this freedom does not become a stumbling block to those who are weak. If any man with knowledge sees you having a meal from an idol's temple, will the conscience of the weak one be emboldened (encouraged) to eat food offered to idols? And because of your knowledge the weak brother will perish. Christ died for him! read more.
When you sin against your brothers and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. If food makes my brother stumble I will eat no food at all so I do not make my brother stumble.

Concerning things offered to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any man thinks he knows any thing, he really knows nothing, according to what he ought to know. But if any man loves God, God knows him. read more.
Concerning the eating of food offered in sacrifice to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one. There are those called gods in heaven or on earth. There are many gods and many lords. But to us there is but one God, the Father. All things come from him and we live for him. And there is one Lord Jesus Christ. All things were made through him and we were made through him. Not all people know this. Some eat food offered to idols and their conscience being weak is defiled. But food will not recommend us to God. If we do not eat we are not worse. If we eat we are not better. Be careful that this freedom does not become a stumbling block to those who are weak. If any man with knowledge sees you having a meal from an idol's temple, will the conscience of the weak one be emboldened (encouraged) to eat food offered to idols? And because of your knowledge the weak brother will perish. Christ died for him! When you sin against your brothers and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. If food makes my brother stumble I will eat no food at all so I do not make my brother stumble.

Why do you judge your brother? Why do you look down on your brother with contempt? We will all stand before the judgment seat of God (Theos). It is written: As I live, says Jehovah, every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will acknowledge (confess to) Jehovah. (Isaiah 45:23) So then every one of us will give account of himself to God. read more.
Let us not judge one another any more. Let no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean in itself. If someone thinks something is unclean it is unclean to him. If because of your food your brother is grieved, you do not walk in love. Do not allow what you eat to destroy the one for whom Christ died. Do not let the good you do be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not food and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he that serves Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of by men. Let us follow after the things that make for peace, and things that are encouraging to one another. Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eats with offense. It is good neither to eat food, nor to drink wine, nor any thing that causes your brother to stumble or be offended and weakened. Do you have faith? Have it for yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in that thing that he allows. He that doubts is damned if he eats, because he eats not by faith. Whatever is not by faith is sin!

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient (profitable). All things are lawful for me, but all things do not build up (confirm) (strengthen). Let no one seek his own advantage, but that of the other [person]. Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without asking questions for the sake of conscience. read more.
For the earth and that which fills it is Jehovah's. (Psalm 24:1) If a nonbeliever invites you to a feast and you feel you must go eat whatever is set before you, asking no question for conscience sake. But if any man says to you: This is offered in sacrifice to idols, do not eat for the sake of the one who said it and for conscience sake. Conscience, I say, not your own, but of the other: Yet why is my freedom judged by another man's conscience? For if I by grace am a partaker, why is evil spoken about me concerning that for which I give thanks? Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God. Do not stumble or offend (do not lead into sin), neither to the Jews, nor to the nations, nor to the congregation of God. Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own good, but the good of many, that they may be saved.