Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

You will cry and grind your teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, while you are thrown out!

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! read more.
Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

He spoke an illustration to them: The land of a rich man produced well. He reasoned to himself, what will I do? I have nowhere to store my fruits? He said: I would pull down my barns and build larger barns. I will store all my grain and goods there. read more.
I will say to my self: 'You have many possessions saved for many years. Take it easy and eat, drink and be merry.' But God said to him: 'You fool this night you will give up your life. Then who will have all these things you accumulated?' He who lays up (earthly) treasure for himself is not rich toward God.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. read more.
There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are.

He spoke an illustration to them: The land of a rich man produced well. He reasoned to himself, what will I do? I have nowhere to store my fruits? He said: I would pull down my barns and build larger barns. I will store all my grain and goods there. read more.
I will say to my self: 'You have many possessions saved for many years. Take it easy and eat, drink and be merry.' But God said to him: 'You fool this night you will give up your life. Then who will have all these things you accumulated?' He who lays up (earthly) treasure for himself is not rich toward God.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

Now I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother [without cause] shall be guilty before the court. Whoever speaks to his brother with words of contempt shall receive condemnation before the Sanhedrin [Supreme Court]. Curse your brother and you will be guilty enough to be destroyed by fire, with the burning trash, at the Valley of Hinnom, outside of Jerusalem (Greek: Gehenna).

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It would be better to enter into life maimed then, having two hands to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the Valley of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna)

The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all who stumble others and commit lawlessness. The angels will cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life with only one foot, rather than having two feet to be cast into the ever-burning fires of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna: symbolic of total destruction)

If your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out. It is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the valley of Hinnom. (For the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Questionable passage.)

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire!

Now I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother [without cause] shall be guilty before the court. Whoever speaks to his brother with words of contempt shall receive condemnation before the Sanhedrin [Supreme Court]. Curse your brother and you will be guilty enough to be destroyed by fire, with the burning trash, at the Valley of Hinnom, outside of Jerusalem (Greek: Gehenna).

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It would be better to enter into life maimed then, having two hands to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the Valley of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna)

The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all who stumble others and commit lawlessness. The angels will cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life with only one foot, rather than having two feet to be cast into the ever-burning fires of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna: symbolic of total destruction)

If your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out. It is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the valley of Hinnom. (For the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Questionable passage.)

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire!

I looked, and there was a pale horse. The name of the one who sat on him was Death. The grave followed him. Power was given to them over a fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with pestilence, and with the beasts of the earth.

Will you, Capernaum, be exalted into heaven? You will go down into the grave. If the mighty works had been done in Sodom, which were done in you, it would have remained until this day.

Will you Capernaum be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to the grave.

Because you will not leave me in the grave, neither will you allow your Holy One to see corruption. (Psalm 16:10)

He seeing this before spoke about the resurrection of Christ. That he would not be left in the grave and his flesh did not see corruption.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

The sea gave up the dead in it. Death and the grave delivered up the dead in them. Every man was judged according to his works. Death and the grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

I looked, and there was a pale horse. The name of the one who sat on him was Death. The grave followed him. Power was given to them over a fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with pestilence, and with the beasts of the earth.

Will you, Capernaum, be exalted into heaven? You will go down into the grave. If the mighty works had been done in Sodom, which were done in you, it would have remained until this day.

Because you will not leave me in the grave, neither will you allow your Holy One to see corruption. (Psalm 16:10)

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

The sea gave up the dead in it. Death and the grave delivered up the dead in them. Every man was judged according to his works.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

Now I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother [without cause] shall be guilty before the court. Whoever speaks to his brother with words of contempt shall receive condemnation before the Sanhedrin [Supreme Court]. Curse your brother and you will be guilty enough to be destroyed by fire, with the burning trash, at the Valley of Hinnom, outside of Jerusalem (Greek: Gehenna).

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It would be better to enter into life maimed then, having two hands to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the Valley of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna)

The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all who stumble others and commit lawlessness. The angels will cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life with only one foot, rather than having two feet to be cast into the ever-burning fires of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna: symbolic of total destruction)

If your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out. It is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the valley of Hinnom. (For the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Questionable passage.)

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire!

If your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away! It is better to lose a part of your body then to have your whole body destroyed in the ever-burning fires of the Valley of Hinnom.

The grave is the destiny of all the wicked, of all those who reject God.

I will show you the one to fear. Fear the one who, after he has killed, has power to destroy you (throw into the ever-burning trash fires of the valley of Hinnom) (Greek: Gehenna). This is one you should fear.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. read more.
There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment.

He spoke an illustration to them: The land of a rich man produced well. He reasoned to himself, what will I do? I have nowhere to store my fruits? He said: I would pull down my barns and build larger barns. I will store all my grain and goods there. read more.
I will say to my self: 'You have many possessions saved for many years. Take it easy and eat, drink and be merry.' But God said to him: 'You fool this night you will give up your life. Then who will have all these things you accumulated?' He who lays up (earthly) treasure for himself is not rich toward God.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

You will cry and grind your teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, while you are thrown out!

He will punish him severely, and send him to be with the hypocrites. There they will cry and grind their teeth.

The wicked will be cast into the furnace of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.

Now I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother [without cause] shall be guilty before the court. Whoever speaks to his brother with words of contempt shall receive condemnation before the Sanhedrin [Supreme Court]. Curse your brother and you will be guilty enough to be destroyed by fire, with the burning trash, at the Valley of Hinnom, outside of Jerusalem (Greek: Gehenna).

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It would be better to enter into life maimed then, having two hands to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the Valley of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna)

The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all who stumble others and commit lawlessness. The angels will cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life with only one foot, rather than having two feet to be cast into the ever-burning fires of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna: symbolic of total destruction)

If your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out. It is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the valley of Hinnom. (For the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Questionable passage.)

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire!

the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation. He will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. The smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever. They who worship the beast and his image and receive the mark of his name have no rest day or night.

He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. read more.
There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment.

He spoke an illustration to them: The land of a rich man produced well. He reasoned to himself, what will I do? I have nowhere to store my fruits? He said: I would pull down my barns and build larger barns. I will store all my grain and goods there. read more.
I will say to my self: 'You have many possessions saved for many years. Take it easy and eat, drink and be merry.' But God said to him: 'You fool this night you will give up your life. Then who will have all these things you accumulated?' He who lays up (earthly) treasure for himself is not rich toward God.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

He spoke an illustration to them: The land of a rich man produced well. He reasoned to himself, what will I do? I have nowhere to store my fruits? He said: I would pull down my barns and build larger barns. I will store all my grain and goods there. read more.
I will say to my self: 'You have many possessions saved for many years. Take it easy and eat, drink and be merry.' But God said to him: 'You fool this night you will give up your life. Then who will have all these things you accumulated?' He who lays up (earthly) treasure for himself is not rich toward God.

A rich man dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, used to be brought to the rich man's door. He hoped he could eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man's table. Then the dogs would come and lick his sores. read more.
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire! Abraham said: Remember, my son, in your lifetime you were given good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. Now he is enjoying himself while you are in torment. There is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so. And no one can cross over to us from where you are. The rich man said: I beg you, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father's house. Have him go warn my five brothers that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said: Your brothers have Moses and the prophets to warn them. They should listen to them. The rich man responded: It is not enough father Abraham! If someone from the dead went to them they would repent. Abraham said: If they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to someone from the dead.

Now I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother [without cause] shall be guilty before the court. Whoever speaks to his brother with words of contempt shall receive condemnation before the Sanhedrin [Supreme Court]. Curse your brother and you will be guilty enough to be destroyed by fire, with the burning trash, at the Valley of Hinnom, outside of Jerusalem (Greek: Gehenna).

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It would be better to enter into life maimed then, having two hands to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the Valley of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna)

The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all who stumble others and commit lawlessness. The angels will cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is good for you to enter into life with only one foot, rather than having two feet to be cast into the ever-burning fires of Hinnom. (Greek: Gehenna: symbolic of total destruction)

If your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out. It is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be destroyed in the ever-burning trash fires in the valley of Hinnom. (For the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Questionable passage.)

The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried. He was in great torment in the grave (hades). He looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. He called out: Father Abraham! Take pity on me! Please send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool off my tongue. I am in torment in this fire!