28 Bible Verses about Abortion
Most Relevant Verses
"Before I fashioned thee in thy mother's womb, I did know thee: And before thou wast born, I sanctified thee and ordained thee, to be a Prophet unto the people."
"When men strive and smite a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no misfortune followeth: then shall he be amerced, according as the woman's husband will lay to his charge, and he shall pay as the daysmen appoint him. "But and if any misfortune follow, then shall he pay life for life; eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,read more.
burning for burning, wound for wound and stripe for stripe.
For my reins are thine, thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks unto thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well! My bones are not hid from thee, though I be made secretly, and fashioned beneath in the earth.read more.
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book were all my members written, which day by day were fashioned, when as yet there was not one of them.
And God created man after his likeness, after the likeness of God created he him; male and female created he them.
As for Samaria, they shall be made waste. And why? They are disobedient unto their God. They shall perish with the sword, their children shall be slain, and their women great with child shall be ripped up.
Hearken ye isles unto me, and give heed ye people that are afar. The LORD called me out of the womb and made mention of my name, when I was in my mother's bowels.
Then the LORD God shope man, even of the mold of the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life. So man was made a living soul.
And whence happeneth this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe sprang in my belly for joy.
Oh, let her not be as one that came dead out of his mother's womb: for half her flesh is eaten away."
"Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me altogether round about. Wilt thou then destroy me suddenly? O remember, I beseech thee, how that thou madest me of the mould of the earth, and shalt bring me into dust again. Hast thou not turned me, as it were milk: and turned me to cruddes like cheese?read more.
Thou hast covered me with skin and flesh, and joined me together with bones and sinews. Thou hast granted me life, and done me good: and the diligent heed that thou tookest upon me hath preserved my spirit.
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book were all my members written, which day by day were fashioned, when as yet there was not one of them.
He that fashioned me in my mother's womb, made he not him also? Were we not both shapen alike in our mother's bodies?
I take heaven and earth this day to record over you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. But choose life, that thou and thy seed may live;
Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of the children of Ammon, I will not spare them: because they ripped up the women great with child in Gilead, to make the borders of their lands the wider.
But thou art he that took me out of my mother's womb; thou wast my hope, when I hanged yet upon my mother's breasts. I have been left unto thee ever since I was born; thou art my God, even from my mother's womb.
so that he which sheddeth man's blood, shall have his blood shed by man again: for God made man after his own likeness.
O that I utterly had no being, or were as a thing born out of time that is put aside, either as young children, which never saw the light.
Lo, children, and the fruit of the womb are a heritage and gift, that cometh of the LORD.
For thus sayeth the LORD thy redeemer, even he that fashioned thee from thy mother's womb: I am the LORD, which do all things myself alone. I only have spread out the heavens, and I only have laid the foundation of the earth.
For thus sayeth the LORD, that made thee, fashioned thee, and helped thee, even from thy mother's womb: Be not afraid, O Jacob my servant, thou righteous, whom I have chosen.
And as it seemed not good unto them to be a known of God, even so God delivered them up unto a lewd mind, that they should do those things which were not comely, being full of all unrighteous doing: of fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, evil-conditioned whisperers,
And they said to him, "Thus sayeth Hezekiah, 'This day is a day of tribulation, rebuking and railing. Even as when the children are ready to be born, and the mothers have no power to be delivered.
But Naomi said, "Turn again my daughters: for what cause would you go with me? Think you that there be any more children in my bowels to be your husbands?
These six things doth the LORD hate, and the seventh he utterly abhorreth: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
And last of all he was seen of me, as of one that was born out of due time.

From Thematic Bible
Abortion » Of animals » Thunder
The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to bring forth young, and discovereth the thick bushes; in his temple doth every man speak of his honour.
Abortion » As a judgment
O LORD thou shalt give them: what shalt thou give them? Give them an unfruitful womb and dry breasts!