48 Bible Verses about Boasting
Most Relevant Verses
So that-in the words of Scripture-'Let him who boasts make his boast of the Lord!'
What, then, becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what sort of Law? A Law requiring obedience? No, a Law requiring faith.
But, as it is, you are constantly boasting presumptuously! All such boasting is wicked.
If I tell the Good News, I have nothing to boast of, for I can but do so. Woe is me if I do not tell it!
But, for my part, may I never boast of anything except the cross of Jesus Christ, our Master, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Our boasting, therefore, is not unlimited, nor does it extend to the labors of others; but our hope is that, as your faith grows, our influence among you may be very greatly increased-- though still confined to our sphere--
I must boast! It is unprofitable; but I will pass to visions and revelations given by the Lord.
We, however, will not give way to unlimited boasting, but will confine ourselves to the limits of the sphere to which God limited us, when he permitted us to come as far as Corinth.
For who makes any one of you superior to others? And what have you that was not given you? But if you received it as a gift, why do you boast as if you had not?
Boasting, as you do, of your Law, do you dishonor God by breaking the Law?
But his reply has been-- 'My help is enough for you; for my strength attains its perfection in the midst of weakness.' Most gladly, then, will I boast all the more of my weaknesses, so that the strength of the Christ may overshadow me.
It is, then, through my union with Christ Jesus that I have a proud confidence in my work for God.
When I speak thus, I am not speaking as the Master would, but as a fool might, in boasting so confidently.
Show them, therefore--so that the Churches may see it-- the proof of your affection, and the ground for our boasting to them about you.
I say again--Let no one think me a fool! Yet, if you do, at least welcome me as you would a fool, that I, too may indulge in a little boasting.
If he was pronounced righteous as the result of obedience, then he has something to boast of. Yes, but not before God.
Offering to men the Message of Life; and then I shall be able at the Day of Christ to boast that I did not run my course for nothing, or toil for nothing.
I, however, have not availed myself of any of these rights. I am not saying this to secure such an arrangement for myself; indeed, I would far rather die-Nobody shall make my boast a vain one!
Yet do not exult over the other branches. But, if you do exult over them, remember that you do not support the root, but that the root supports you.
But, perhaps, you bear the name of 'Jew,' and are relying upon Law, and boast of belonging to God, and understand his will,
Indeed, our main ground for satisfaction is this--Our conscience tells us that our conduct in the world, and still more in our relations with you, was marked by a purity of motive and a sincerity that were inspired by God, and was based, not on worldly policy, but on the help of God.
for all that the world can offer--the gratification of the earthly nature, the gratification of the eye, the pretentious life--belongs, not to the Father, but to the world.
Although I have been boasting a little to him about you, you did not put me to shame; but, just as every thing we had said to you was true, so our boasting to Titus about you has also proved to be the truth.
Let every one test his own work, and then his cause for satisfaction will be in himself and not in a comparison of himself with his neighbor;
Even if I boast extravagantly about our authority--which the Lord gave us for building up your faith and not for overthrowing it--still I have no reason to be ashamed.
So that we shall be able to tell the Good News in the districts beyond you, without trespassing on the sphere assigned to others, or boasting of what has been already done.
You ought, rather, to say 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.'
Your boasting is unseemly. Do not you know that even a little leaven leavens all the dough?
As surely as I know anything of the Truth of Christ, this boast, as far as I am concerned, shall not be stopped in any part of Greece.
So that, when you once more have me among you, you, in your union with Christ Jesus, may find in me fresh cause for exultation.
Even these men who are circumcised do not themselves keep the Law; yet they want you to be circumcised, so that they may boast of your observance of the rite.
Love is long-suffering, and kind; Love is never envious, never boastful, never conceited, never behaves unbecomingly;
About such a man I will boast, but about myself I will not boast except as regards my weaknesses.
Listen to me, you who say 'To-day or to-morrow we will go to such and such a town, spend a year there, and trade, and make money,'
From Thematic Bible
Boasting » Boasting, the folly of
Boasting » Boasting in God
But, perhaps, you bear the name of 'Jew,' and are relying upon Law, and boast of belonging to God, and understand his will,
Boasting » Spiritual
Some, however, of the branches were broken off, and you, who were only a wild olive, were grafted in among them, and came to share with them the root which is the source of the richness of the cultivated olive. Yet do not exult over the other branches. But, if you do exult over them, remember that you do not support the root, but that the root supports you. But branches, you will say, were broken off, so that I might be grafted in. read more.
True; it was because of their want of faith that they were broken off, and it is because of your faith that you are standing. Do not think too highly of yourself, but beware. For, if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.
My mission from Christ was not to baptize, but to tell the Good News; not, however, in the language of philosophy, lest the cross of the Christ should be robbed of its meaning. The Message of the Cross is indeed mere folly to those who are in the path to Ruin, but to us who are in the path of Salvation it is the very power of God. For Scripture says-'I will bring the philosophy of the philosophers to nought, and the shrewdness of the shrewd I will make of no account.' read more.
Where is the Philosopher? where the Teacher of the Law? where the Disputant of to-day? Has not God shown the world's philosophy to be folly? For since the world, in God's wisdom, did not by its philosophy learn to know God, God saw fit, by the 'folly' of our proclamation, to save those who believe in Christ! While Jews ask for miraculous signs, and Greeks study philosophy, We are proclaiming Christ crucified!-to the Jews an obstacle, to the Gentiles mere folly, But to those who have received the Call, whether Jews or Greeks, Christ, the Power of God and the Wisdom of God! For God's 'folly' is wiser than men, and God's 'weakness' is stronger than men. Look at the facts of your Call, Brothers. There are not many among you who are wise, as men reckon wisdom, not many who are influential, not many who are high-born; But God chose what the world counts foolish to put its wise men to shame, and God chose what the world counts weak to put its strong things to shame, And God chose what the world counts poor and insignificant-- things that to it are unreal-to bring its 'realities' to nothing, So that in his presence no human being should boast. But you, by your union with Christ Jesus, belong to God; and Christ, by God's will, became not only our Wisdom, but also our Righteousness, Holiness, and Deliverance, So that-in the words of Scripture-'Let him who boasts make his boast of the Lord!'
Boasting » What not to boast of
Listen to me, you who say 'To-day or to-morrow we will go to such and such a town, spend a year there, and trade, and make money,' And yet you do not know what your life will be like to-morrow! For you are but a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing. You ought, rather, to say 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.' read more.
But, as it is, you are constantly boasting presumptuously! All such boasting is wicked.
Boasting » Instances of » The disciples
When the seventy-two returned, they exclaimed joyfully: "Master, even the demons submit to us when we use your name."
Yet do not rejoice in the fact that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names have been enrolled in Heaven."
Boasting » Instances of » Sennacherib
Boasting » Those that boast of a false gift
Boasting » Who boasts of their heart’s desire
Boasting » Instances of » benhadad
Boasting » Of evil
Boasting » Instances of » Goliath
Topics on Boasting
Boasting Excluded
Romans 3:27What, then, becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what sort of Law? A Law requiring obedience? No, a Law requiring faith.
Boasting In God
1 Corinthians 1:31So that-in the words of Scripture-'Let him who boasts make his boast of the Lord!'
Boasting, Condemned
1 John 2:16for all that the world can offer--the gratification of the earthly nature, the gratification of the eye, the pretentious life--belongs, not to the Father, but to the world.
Boasting, Foolish
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4Do not let any one deceive you, whatever he may do. For it will not come until after the Great Apostasy, and the appearing of that Incarnation of Wickedness, that the Lost soul,
Boasting, Legitimate
1 Corinthians 1:31So that-in the words of Scripture-'Let him who boasts make his boast of the Lord!'
Justification Excluding Boasting
Romans 3:27-28What, then, becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what sort of Law? A Law requiring obedience? No, a Law requiring faith.
Paul's Boasting
1 Corinthians 15:31Daily I face death-I swear it, Brothers, by the pride in you that I feel through my union with Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Salvation, Boasting Impossible
Ephesians 2:8-9For it is by God's loving-kindness that you have been saved, through your faith. It is not due to yourselves; the gift is God's.
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