63 Bible Verses about Relationships

Most Relevant Verses

Revelation 21:3

and I heard a great voice out of the heaven, saying, 'Lo, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they shall be His peoples, and God Himself shall be with them -- their God,

Isaiah 43:6-7

I am saying to the north, 'Give up,' And to the south, 'Restrain not.' Bring in My sons from afar, And My daughters from the end of the earth. Every one who is called by My name, Even for My honour I have created him, I have formed him, yea, I have made him.

John 1:12-13

but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God -- to those believing in his name, who -- not of blood nor of a will of flesh, nor of a will of man but -- of God were begotten.

Exodus 6:7

and have taken you to Me for a people, and I have been to you for God, and ye have known that I am Jehovah your God, who is bringing you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians;

2 Samuel 7:14-15

I am to him for a father, and he is to Me for a son; whom in his dealings perversely I have even reproved with a rod of men, and with strokes of the sons of Adam, and My kindness doth not turn aside from him, as I turned it aside from Saul, whom I turned aside from before thee,

1 Chronicles 17:13-14

I am to him for a father, and he is to Me for a son, and My kindness I turn not aside from him as I turned it aside from him who was before thee, and I have established him in My house, and in My kingdom unto the age, and his throne is established unto the age.'

Luke 22:20

In like manner, also, the cup after the supping, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, that for you is being poured forth.

2 Corinthians 6:16

and what agreement to the sanctuary of God with idols? for ye are a sanctuary of the living God, according as God said -- 'I will dwell in them, and will walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people,

Hebrews 10:15-18

and testify to us also doth the Holy Spirit, for after that He hath said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, giving My laws on their hearts, and upon their minds I will write them,' and 'their sins and their lawlessness I will remember no more;'read more.
and where forgiveness of these is, there is no more offering for sin.

Jeremiah 31:33-34

For this is the covenant that I make, With the house of Israel, after those days, An affirmation of Jehovah, I have given My law in their inward part, And on their heart I do write it, And I have been to them for God, And they are to me for a people. And they do not teach any more Each his neighbour, and each his brother, Saying, Know ye Jehovah, For they all know Me, from their least unto their greatest, An affirmation of Jehovah; For I pardon their iniquity, And of their sin I make mention no more.

Ephesians 2:14-16

for he is our peace, who did make both one, and the middle wall of the enclosure did break down, the enmity in his flesh, the law of the commands in ordinances having done away, that the two he might create in himself into one new man, making peace, and might reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, having slain the enmity in it,

Matthew 5:23-24

'If, therefore, thou mayest bring thy gift to the altar, and there mayest remember that thy brother hath anything against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go -- first be reconciled to thy brother, and then having come bring thy gift.

1 Timothy 3:2-5

it behoveth, therefore, the overseer to be blameless, of one wife a husband, vigilant, sober, decent, a friend of strangers, apt to teach, not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre, but gentle, not contentious, not a lover of money, his own house leading well, having children in subjection with all gravity,read more.
(and if any one his own house how to lead hath not known, how an assembly of God shall he take care of?)

John 15:13-15

greater love than this hath no one, that any one his life may lay down for his friends; ye are my friends, if ye may do whatever I command you; no more do I call you servants, because the servant hath not known what his lord doth, and you I have called friends, because all things that I heard from my Father, I did make known to you.

Matthew 25:40

And the king answering, shall say to them, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did it to one of these my brethren -- the least -- to me ye did it.

Topics on Relationships

Covenant Relationships

2 Samuel 5:3

And all the elders of Israel come unto the king, to Hebron, and king David maketh with them a covenant in Hebron before Jehovah, and they anoint David for king over Israel.

Forbidden Sexual Relationships

Leviticus 18:6-18

None of you unto any relation of his flesh doth draw near to uncover nakedness; I am Jehovah.

Grace, In Human Relationships

Ruth 2:10

And she falleth on her face, and boweth herself to the earth, and saith unto him, 'Wherefore have I found grace in thine eyes, to discern me, and I a stranger?'

Love, In Relationships

Colossians 3:18-19

The wives! be subject to your own husbands, as is fit in the Lord;

Relationships To This Day

Genesis 19:37

and the first-born beareth a son, and calleth his name Moab; he is father of Moab unto this day;

Sexual Relationships

Genesis 1:27-28

And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.

Unchanging Relationships

Daniel 6:8

Now, O king, thou dost establish the interdict, and sign the writing, that it is not to be changed, as a law of Media and Persia, that doth not pass away.'

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