59 Bible Verses about speaking

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 14:9

In the same way, unless you speak an intelligible message with your language, how will anyone know what is being said? You'll be talking into the air!

1 Corinthians 14:2

For the person who speaks in a foreign language is not actually speaking to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands him, because he is talking about secrets by the Spirit.

Psalm 85:8

Let me listen to what God, the LORD, says; for the LORD will promise peace to his people, to his holy ones; may they not return to foolishness.

Job 33:14

"God speaks time and time again but nobody notices

1 Corinthians 14:27

If anyone speaks in a foreign language, only two or three at the most should do so, one at a time, and somebody must interpret.

Proverbs 31:8

Speak for those who cannot speak; seek justice for all those on the verge of destruction.

1 Corinthians 14:19

But in church I would rather speak five words with my mind to instruct others than 10,000 words in a foreign language.

John 2:21

But the sanctuary he was speaking about was his own body.

2 Corinthians 4:13

Now since we have the same spirit of faith in keeping with this Scripture: "I believed, and so I spoke," we also believe and therefore speak.

Ecclesiastes 3:7

a time to tear, and a time to mend; a time to be silent, and a time to speak;

Psalm 31:18

Let the lying lips be made still, especially those who speak arrogantly against the righteous with pride and contempt.

Ephesians 5:12

For it is shameful even to mention what is done by these disobedient people in secret.

John 4:26

"I am he," Jesus replied, "the one who is speaking to you."

Ecclesiastes 7:21

Don't listen to everything that is spoken you may hear your servant cursing you,

1 Corinthians 14:28

If an interpreter is not present, the speaker should remain silent in the church and speak to himself and God.

Isaiah 52:6

Therefore my people will know my name; in that day they'll know that it is I who speaks, "Here I am!'

Acts 2:8

So how is it that each one of us hears them speaking in his own native language:

Job 34:35

Job has been speaking from his own ignorance, and what he has to say lacks insight!

Jeremiah 1:7

Then the LORD told me, "Don't say, "I'm only a young man,' for you will go everywhere I send you, and you will speak everything I command you.

Job 32:4

Elihu waited to have a word with Job, since the others were older than he,

Proverbs 23:9

Don't speak when a fool is listening, because he'll despise your wise words.

1 Corinthians 14:34

As in all the churches of the saints, the women must keep silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak out, but must place themselves in submission, as the oral law also says.

John 16:25

"I have said these things to you in figurative language. The time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but will tell you plainly about the Father.

Luke 1:20

But because you did not believe my announcement, which will be fulfilled at its proper time, you will become silent and unable to speak until the day this happens."

Isaiah 28:11

Very well, then, through the mouths of foreigners and foreign languages the LORD will speak to this people

Jeremiah 5:14

Therefore, this is what the LORD God of the Heavenly Armies says: "Because you people have said this, my words in your mouth will become a fire and these people the wood. The fire will destroy them.

From Thematic Bible

Symbols of the Holy Spirit » A voice » Speaking

Evil » Speaking » Warnings against

James 3:6

The tongue is a fire, a world of evil. Placed among the parts of our bodies, the tongue contaminates the whole body and sets on fire the course of life, and is itself set on fire by hell.

James 4:11

Do not criticize each other, brothers. Whoever makes it his habit to criticize his brother or to judge his brother is judging the Law and condemning the Law. But if you condemn the Law, you are not a practicer of the Law but its judge.

More verses: Titus 3:1-2

Speaking » Folly in

Matthew 12:36-37

I tell you, on Judgment Day people will give an account for every thoughtless word they have uttered, because by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

Proverbs 18:6-7

A fool's words bring strife, and his mouth invites fighting. A fool's mouth is his unraveling, and his lips entrap himself.

Ecclesiastes 5:7

In spite of many daydreams, pointless actions, and empty words, it is more important to fear God.

Proverbs 26:9

A thorn in the hand of a drunkard that's what a proverb quoted by a fool is.

Symbols and similitudes » Of the holy spirit » Speaking

Topics on Speaking

Christ Speaking

John 18:20

Jesus answered him, "I have spoken publicly to the world. I have always taught in the synagogue or in the Temple, where all Jews meet together, and I have said nothing in secret.

Christ Speaking To Disciples

Matthew 12:49

Then pointing with his hand at his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers,

Speaking As From God

Jeremiah 15:19

Therefore, this is what the LORD says: "If you repent, I'll take you back and you will stand before me. If you speak what is worthwhile, instead of what is worthless, then you will be my spokesman. People will turn to you, but you aren't to turn to them.

Speaking In Christ's Name

Matthew 7:22

Many will say to me on that day, "Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name, drove out demons in your name, and performed many miracles in your name, didn't we?'

Speaking In Tongues

Acts 19:1-7

It was while Apollos was in Corinth that Paul passed through the inland districts and came to Ephesus. He found a few disciples there

Speaking With The Mouth

Ezekiel 3:27

But when I speak with you, I'll open your mouth so you can say to them, "This is what the Lord GOD says: "As for those who will listen, "Let them listen,' but as for those who refuse, "Let them refuse,' since they're a rebellious group."'"

The Dumb Speaking

Luke 1:64

Suddenly, Zechariah could open his mouth, his tongue was set free, and he began to speak and to praise God.

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