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and, Johanan, begat Azariah, - he, it was who ministered as priest, in the house which Solomon built in Jerusalem;

and Zadok the priest, and his brethren the priests, before the habitation of Yahweh, - in the high place that was in Gibeon:

And Shemaiah son of Nethanel the scribe from among the Levites, wrote them down, before the king and the rulers and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech son of Abiathar, and the ancestral chiefs, pertaining to the priests and to the Levites, - one ancestral house, was taken for Eleazar, and, was equally taken, for Ithamar.

The ruler of the third host, for the third month, was Benaiah, son of Jehoiada the priest - a chief, - and, in his course, were twenty-four thousand.

And so they did eat and drink before Yahweh on that day, with great joy, - and they, the second time, made Solomon son of David king, and anointed him unto Yahweh to be chief ruler, and Zadok to be priest.