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From morning to evening are beaten down, Without any regarding, for ever they perish.

Verse ConceptsDeath

His roots are twisted round the stones, forcing their way in between them.

Verse Conceptsculture

There is not an umpire between us, who should lay his hand upon us both.

Verse ConceptsArbitration

“Does the ear not put words to the test,
Just as the palate tastes its food [distinguishing between the desirable and the undesirable]?

Verse ConceptsTongueTesting Other ThingsTests

“But I wish to speak to the Almighty,
And I desire to argue with God.

Verse ConceptsReasoned ArgumentSuing God

They have gaped on me with their mouth; and have scornfully beaten me on the cheek; they gather themselves against me.

Verse ConceptsCheeksRidicule, Objects OfSmitten CheeksSmiting Of The Righteous

I wish that someone might arbitrate
between a man and God
just as a man pleads for his friend.

Verse ConceptsGod In Relation To Man

His gin being hid in the earth, and his snare upon the beaten path.

His strength shall be hunger-bitten, And calamity shall be ready at his side.

Verse ConceptsCynicismWithout Strength

Between their walls they make oil, Wine-presses they have trodden, and thirst.

Verse ConceptsCrushingOilWinepressTreading Grapescrushes

They were among the rebels of light; they knew not his ways, and they dwelt not in his beaten paths.

Verse ConceptsBeing A LightCharacter Of WickedRebellion Against God, Shown InPaths Of The WickedPurgatory

“He has inscribed a circular limit (the horizon) on the face of the waters
At the boundary between light and darkness.

Verse Conceptsdarkness, naturalBoundariesCirclesDivine Power Over NatureCreation Of The SeasLight And DarknessAges Of TimelimitationsFlat Earth

A beaten path the birds knew not, and the vulture's eye scanned it not:

Verse ConceptsVulturesFalconsUnknown ThingsBirds

Between the shrubs they will bray; they will be poured out under the thorn bush.

Verse ConceptsNettles

The sons of the foolish one, also the sons of no name: they were beaten from the land.

They tore up my beaten path, they helped for my fall, no help to them.

Verse ConceptsPaths Of Believers

If now there may be an angel sent to him, one of the thousands which there are to be between him and God, and to make clear to man what is right for him;

Verse ConceptsInsightMediatorAmbassadors, Figurative UseAngels Looking After People

We will choose to us judgment: we shall know between ourselves what is good.

Verse ConceptsChoosing God's Way

He will add rebellion to his sin; he will clap between us, and he will multiply his words to God.

Verse ConceptsClappingApplauseRebellion against Godrebellion

With clouds he covers the light; and commands it not to shine by the cloud that comes between.

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodAccuracyGod's Handclouds

That thou shalt take it to its bound, and that thou shalt understand the beaten paths of its house?

Will guildsmen bargain over it? Will they divide it between tradesmen?

Verse ConceptsBartering

He will cause a beaten path to shine after him: the deep will be reckoned to be hoary.

Verse ConceptsWhiteThe Sea Stirred Up