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And when the wind passed by before my presence it made the hairs of my flesh stand up.

I have offended; what shall I do unto thee, O thou preserver of men? Why hast thou made me to stand in thy way, and am so heavy a burden unto myself?

He leaneth him upon his house, but he shall not stand; he holdeth him fast by it, yet shall he not endure.

For if thou wilt turn to the Almighty, thou shalt stand fast, and all unrighteousness shall be far from thy dwelling:

Behold, ye stand in your own conceit, as though ye knew all things. Wherefore then do ye go about with such vain words,

When I cry unto thee, thou doest not hear me: and though I stand before thee, yet thou regardest me not.

If thou canst, then give me answer: prepare thyself to stand before me face to face.

Seeing then that everybody feareth him, why should not all wise men also stand in fear of him?"

Where upon stand the pillars of it? Or, who laid the corner stone?

And why? There dare none be so bold as to raise him up. Who is able to stand before me?