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The legs of iron, the feet part of iron, and part of burnt clay.

Thou wert seeing even till a stone was cut out not with hands, and striking against the image upon the feet of iron and burnt clay, and breaking them in pieces.

At that time were beaten small at once, the iron, the burnt clay, the brass, the silver and the gold, and they were as the chaff of the threshing-floor of summer; and the wind lifted them up and all place was not found for them: and the stone striking against the image was for a great rock, and filled all the earth.

And that thou sawest the feet and toes, part of burnt clay of the potter, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; and from the firmness of iron to be in it, for which cause that thou sawest iron mingled with earthen-ware.

And the toes of the feet, part of iron, and part of burnt clay, from the end of the kingdom shall be strong, and part shall be cut asunder.

That thou sawest the iron mingled with the earthen-ware, mingling for themselves with the seed of men: and not cleaving to them this with this, so as iron not mingling with burnt clay.

Because that thou sawest that the stone being cut from the rock not with hands, and it beat small the iron, the brass, the burnt clay, the silver and the gold: the great God made known to the king what to be after this: and the dream certain, and its interpretation faithful.