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it is the Lord, said she, who has thus favour'd me, at the time when he took care to remove the reproach I was under among men.

but the angel said to her, "Mary, be not afraid: for you are the object of divine favour.

the oath which he made to our father Abraham, to grant us this favour,

"glory to God in the heavens, and to men on earth felicity in the divine favour."

When Jesus came out of the synagogue, he went to Simon's house, whose mother-in-law was seized with a violent fever, and they desired him to relieve her.

so approaching near her, he order'd the fever to leave her, and it left her. upon which she immediately arose, and waited upon them at table.

accordingly they came to Jesus and earnestly pressed him, saying, he very well deserves you should do him this favour; for he loves our nation,