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"And the {Israelites} journeyed from [the] wells of Bene-Yaqan [to] Moserah; there Aaron died and was buried, and Eleazar, his son, served as a priest in place of him.

And the man who treats with contempt [so as] not to listen to the priest [who] [is] standing to minister on behalf of Yahweh your God or to the judge, that man shall die; so you shall purge the evil from Israel.

Now this shall be the share of the priest from the people, from {those who sacrifice the sacrifice}, [whether it is] an ox, sheep, or goat, and they shall give the priest the shoulder and the jawbones and the stomach.

{And then} when you approach the battle, then the priest shall come near and speak to the troops.

And you shall go to the priest who is [in office] in those days, and you shall say, 'I declare {today} to Yahweh your God that I have come into the land that Yahweh swore to our ancestors to give to us.'

Then the priest takes the basket from your hand and places it {before} the altar of Yahweh your God.