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And a certain scribe, coming near, said unto him, - Teacher; I will follow thee, whithersoever Thou goest.

Verse ConceptsExaggerationsZeal, Without KnowledgeVolunteeringcats

And, the Pharisees, observing it, began to say unto his disciples, - Wherefore, with tax-collectors and sinners, doth your Teacher eat?

Verse ConceptsFaultsComplaintsStatusTax CollectorsPharisees Concerned About ChristFinding Fault With Jesustaxespharisees

Sufficient for the disciple, that he become, as his teacher, and, the servant, as, his lord. If, the master of the house, Beelzebul, they called, how much more, the men of his house!

Verse ConceptsFalse Accusations, Examples OfChristlikenessBeelzebubGrowth Of EvilSlavesBecoming Like PeopleRelatives Also InvolvedAccused Of Being Demonised

And, when they came into Capernaum, they who, the half shekel, were receiving, came near unto Peter, and said, Your teacher, doth he not pay the half shekel?

Verse ConceptsCollectionsMoney, Uses OfTaxDouble MoneyTax To Be Paidtaxesefficiency

And lo! one coming near unto him, said, Teacher! what good thing shall I do, that I may have life age-abiding?

Verse ConceptseagernessDrawing Near To ChristSeeking LifeDoing God's WorksDoing GoodEternal lifeeternityman

And they sent forth to him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and, the way of God, in truth, dost teach, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, - for thou lookest not unto the face of men:

Verse ConceptsFlatteryKnowing God's WaysHonestyWay, TheJewish SectsChrist Telling The TruthChrist TeachingTeaching The Way Of GodGod's Word Is True

Teacher! which commandment, is greatest in the law?

Verse ConceptsGreat Things

But, ye, - do not be called Rabbi, - for, one, is your Teacher, and, all ye, are brethren;

Verse ConceptsTeachersNames And Titles For The ChristianBrotherhood

And, he, said - Go your way into the city, unto such-a-one, and say to him, The teacher, saith, My season, is, near, with thee, will I keep the passover, with my disciples.

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeGod, Purpose OfGuestsEntering CitiesNear The Time PersonallyOther References To The DisciplesTimes Of The ChristGuest Rooms

While yet he is speaking, they come from the synagogue-ruler's, saying - Thy daughter, is dead! Why, further, annoy the teacher?

Verse ConceptsWhile Still SpeakingDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsTroubling Individualsharassment

And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit;

Verse ConceptsExorcismsDumbnessdisabilitiesdemons, Kinds ofCrowdsDumbThose Demonised

John said unto him - Teacher! we saw someone, in thy name, casting out demons, - and we forbade him, because he was not following with us.

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Nature OfPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristPeople Following PeopleDemonsDiscipleshipComplainingCasting Out Demonsgroups

And, as he was going forth into a road, one, running, and kneeling before him, was questioning him - Good Teacher! what shall I do that, life age - abiding, I may inherit?

Verse ConceptseagernessBowingKneelingChrist, Names ForParticular JourneysIndividuals RunningSetting OutSeeking LifeGood PeopleActivity BegunDoing God's Works

And, he, said unto him - Teacher! all these things, have I kept, from my youth.

Verse ConceptsBeing Devoted From YouthI Keep The Commandmentscommandments

And there come near unto him, James and John, the twosons of Zebedee, - saying unto him - Teacher! we desire, that, whatsoever we shall ask thee, thou wilt do for us.

Verse ConceptsSelfishness

And, coming, they say unto him - Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, - for thou lookest not unto the face of men; but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach: - Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not? Should we give, or should we not give?

Verse ConceptsFlatteryKnowing God's WaysHonestyTributesWay, TheCaesarPerforming The TruthChrist TeachingTeaching The Way Of GodGod's Word Is TrueTelling The Truthattentiontaxes

Teacher! Moses, wrote for us, that - If one's brother die, and leave behind a wife, and leave no child, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

Verse ConceptsOffspringWidowsConceptionLack Of Sons

The Scribe said unto him - Well, Teacher! in truth, hast thou said - He is, One, and there is none other, than he;

Verse ConceptsNo Other Is GodGod Is One

And, as he was going forth out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him - Teacher! see what manner of stones, and what manner of buildings!

Verse ConceptsLeisure, And PastimesProphecies Said By JesusThe Disciples ActionsStatus Of The Temple

and, wheresoever he shall enter, say ye unto the householder - The teacher, saith, Where is my lodging, where, the passover, with my disciples, I may eat?

Verse ConceptsGuestsOther References To The DisciplesPrivate RoomsGuest Rooms

And there came, even tax-collectors, to be immersed; and they said unto him - Teacher! what, shall we, do?

Verse ConceptsSinnersTeachablenessBaptised By JohnOne's Deeds

A disciple is not above the teacher; but, when trained, every one shall be as his teacher.

Verse ConceptsChristlikenessdiscipleship, nature ofTeachersInferiorityBecoming Like Peopletraining

And, making answer, Jesus said unto him - Simon! I have, unto thee, something to say. He, then - Teacher, speak! - saith he.

Verse ConceptsAddressing Someone

While yet he is speaking, there cometh one from the synagogue ruler's, saying - Thy daughter, is dead: No further, be troubling the teacher.

Verse ConceptsWhile Still SpeakingDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsTroubling Individuals

And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is.

Verse ConceptsSatan, Character OfThe Only ChildOnly Child Of People

And lo! a certain lawyer, arose, putting him to the test, saying - Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit, life age-abiding?

Verse ConceptsLawyersInheritance, SpiritualSeeking LifeTesting ChristDoing God's WorksTests

And, making answer, one of the Lawyers saith unto him, Teacher! these things, saying, us also, dost thou insult!

Verse ConceptsInsultsLegalismInsulting Other People

And one from amongst the multitude said unto him - Teacher! bid my brother divide with me the inheritance.

Verse ConceptsCovetousnessInheritanceSiblingsFamily ProblemsResolving Conflict

And a certain, ruler, questioned him, saying - Good Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit life age-abiding?

Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofeagernessRulersTeachersTeachablenessSeeking LifeGood PeopleDoing God's Works

And they questioned him, saying - Teacher! we know that, rightly, thou speakest and teachest, and respectest no person, but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach:

Verse ConceptsFlatteryKnowing God's WaysPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristWay, TheMinisters, Way They Should TeachKnowingChrist TeachingTeaching The Way Of GodGod's Word Is True

saying - Teacher! Moses, wrote for us, If one's brother die, having a wife, and, he, be, childless, that his brother shall take the wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

Verse ConceptsOffspringWidowsConceptionQuestioning ChristLack Of Sons

And certain of the Scribes, answering, said - Teacher! Well, hast thou spoken.

Verse ConceptsTeachers Of The Law

And they questioned him, saying - Teacher! when, therefore, will these things be? And, what the sign, when these things shall be about to come to pass?

Verse ConceptsSigns Of Christ's ReturnWhen?Signs Of The End Times

And ye shall say unto the master of the house - The teacher saith unto thee, where is the lodging, where, the passover, with my disciples, I may eat?

Verse ConceptsGuestsOther References To The DisciplesWhere Are Things?Private RoomsGuest Rooms

But Jesus, turning, and looking at them following, saith unto them - What seek ye? And, they, said unto him - Rabbi! which meaneth, when translated, Teacher, Where abidest thou?

Verse ConceptsMoses, Significance OfRabbiTurning RoundChrist SeeingStaying TemporarilyDiscipleshipseekingfollowing

The same, came unto him, by night, and said unto him - Rabbi! we know that, from God, thou hast come, a teacher; for, no one, can be doing, these signs, which, thou, art doing, except, God, be with him.

Verse ConceptsKnowing God, Nature OfPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristRabbiSignsSigns Of The TimesJesus As Our TeacherGod With ChristSigns Performed By ChristDuring One NightOther People Of GodSpecial Revelation

Jesus answered, and said unto him - Art, thou, the teacher of Israel, and, these things, knowest not?

Verse ConceptsInsightTeachers Of The LawIgnorance Towards God, Examples OfExperimental KnowledgeBeing Without Understanding

And this saying, she went away, and called Mary her sister, secretly, saying - The teacher, is present, and calleth thee.

Verse ConceptsChrist SummoningOthers SummoningBringing Men To Jesus

If then, I, have washed your feet, - I The Lord, and, The Teacher, ye also, ought to wash, one another's, feet;

Verse ConceptsFoot washingExamples, Purpose OfClean FeetFeet In ActionCare Of FeetChrist Is LordDutyhealthcare

Jesus saith unto her - Mary! She, turning saith unto him, in Hebrew - Rabboni! which meaneth, Teacher.

Verse ConceptsLanguagesRabbi

But a certain man, rising up in the high-council, by name Gamaliel, a law-teacher honoured by all the people, gave orders to put the men, outside, for a little, -

Verse ConceptsIntelligenceStatusTeachers Of The LawJewish SectsScholarsSchools